Staff Senate Meeting
D. P. Culp, Forum Room
January 9, 2012
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January 9, 2012
Note to Senators: Please share the senate agenda, minutes, and any other enclosures with your colleagues prior to the scheduled meeting. Senate meetings are open to all staff. Agendas, minutes, and attendance rosters are available on the Staff Senate website at
PRESENT: James Batchelder, Lisa Belcher, Lisa Bell, Brian Bennett, Gary Bishop, Carolyn Bond, Lisa Booher, Christy Buckles, Cindy Canter, Kathy Carder, Barbara Chamberlain, David Collins, Phyllis Cooper, Linda Greenwell, Carshonda Harris, Thomas Hill, Karen Holden, Ned Irwin, Janet Keener, Paul Lavoie, Leigh Lewis, Candy Massey, Diana McClay, Donna Miller, Stephanie Nave, Margaret Pate, Chuck Patton, Betty Ann Proffitt, David Robinson, Sue Russell, Kathy Smith, Andre Stevens, Karen Sullivan, Carla Warner, Ray Webb and Josh Whitlock.
EXCUSED: Peggy DeLong, Joe Miller, Crystal Nelson and Debbie Starnes
I. Call to Order
President James Batchelder called the meeting to order at 1:05 pm.
II. Welcome Special Guest
Mr. Dalton Collins, President of the Student Government Association (SGA), came to introduce himself and tell a little bit about what the student government does. The SGA operates in the same capacity as the Staff Senate except that they are advocates for the students rather than staff. One of the new things that they are doing this semester that they would like to have staff participation in is Civility Week. This will occur during the week of March 26 – 30 and the purpose of this week will be to improve the campus climate (prevent physical violence and improve respect). The staff can encourage people to attend or sponsor an event, like a guest speaker. There will also be a spring semester concert on April 22. The acts will be Lifehouse and Switchfoot. The best results are produced when we work together as a whole and the SGA would like to work closely with the Staff Senate on issues that affect both groups, like a food bank. Overall, when the staff is happy, the students are happy and when the students are happy, they tend to be nicer. So, thank you to all the staff for what you do every day. You probably don’t here that enough form students, but what you do each day helps ensure that the University operates smoothly. Mr. Collins was asked several questions. SGA meeting are open and Staff Senators are invited to attend. Upon entering his presidency, Mr. Collins was tasked with developing a safe shuttle for students and a resolution will be coming soon on this. Another issue is to try to get students to remain on campus on weekends. If the staff has any ideas on how to accomplish this, please let him know.
III. Approval of Minutes
The minutes from December 12, 2011 were approved as distributed and will be posted on the Staff Senate website.
IV. President’s Report – President James Batchelder
President Nolan has requested input from staff on issues and opportunities for the University. Please email President Batchelder with your responses to this request by the beginning of next week. Responses will need to be sent to the President’s Office by next Friday.
V. Treasurer’s Report
Senator Buckles reported for Senator Nelson on the treasurer’s report. A balance of $4,646.84 remains in the Staff Senate account since no expenditures have taken place since the last report. The Community Benevolence Committee account has balance of $4,182.53.
VI. Report on Standing Committees
A. Committee on Committees: Three positions on the Non-Faculty Sick Leave Bank are up for reappointment. The three people who previously served as staff representatives, Michelle Banner, Senator Stephanie Nave, and Larry Tipton, would like to continue serving through the next two-year term. A motion to reappoint the previous members was seconded and approved in a unanimous vote.
B. Committee of Elections: Item will be brought before the Staff Senate at the next meeting.
C. Communications and Website Committee: No report.
D. Community Benevolence Committee (CBC): A meeting to establish guidelines for the CBC account will take place on Wednesday at 2:30pm in the Quillen Conference Room. Requests for help are already being received. A thank you letter was received for Little Bucs for the participation in the angel tree program. The Staff Senate had two Little Bucs from the tree.
E. Liaison Committee: A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow in which they will discuss staff surveys. The surveys will be brought to the executive committee before bringing to the Staff Senate.
F. Staff Awards Committee: No report.
G. Staff Concerns Committee: As clarification, any staff grievances should be brought to Diana McClay in Human Resources. The purpose of the Staff Concerns Committee is to addresses concerns that affect the majority of the staff population. Also, the issues with the gender neutral restrooms are in the process of being resolved, especially those having to do with Roger-Stout Hall.
H. Staff Development and Evaluation Committee: The committee is still working with Rich Ashley on scheduling a meeting.
I. Visibility Committee: The committee is attending the CBC meeting on Wednesday. Cookbooks from before the holiday break are sold out and the next wave of production is beginning.
VII. Report on Project Committees
A. Blood Drive Committee: No report.
B. Staff Picnic Committee: Sign-up sheets are being passed around for the picnic. Please sign up to contact at least two vendors for door prizes and either sign up to help set-up or break-down the picnic.
VIII. Old Business
There was no old business.
IX. New Business
A. Staff Senate Relay for Life Team: Senator Buckles would like to lead a Relay for Life team for the Staff Senate. Please email her if you are interested in participating.
B. Parking Committee: Please bring Parking Committee issues to Senator Keener.
C. Library Leadership: The Library will be posting a search for a new Dean.
X. Open Floor for New Agenda Items/Concerns
There were no new agenda items or concerns.
XI. Announcements
Dr. Brian Nolan, President of ETSU, is scheduled to speak at February’s meeting.
XII. Adjournment
There being no other business to discuss, the business meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:35pm.
Submitted by Staff Senate Secretary: Senator Leigh Lewis