A&S Staff Board
McMicken Hall, room 130
December 8, 2015 11:00-12:00pm
Convened by Chair (Hulett) 11:00 A.M.
Present:(all members)Barbara Bucey; Ashley Chrisman; Geri Hinkle-Wessling; Keith Hoffman; Cammie Hulett; Heather Kilgore; Jeanette Krause; Wendy Lane; Mike Sonntag; Sarah Strouse; Anita Swillinger; Carol Tonge Mack; Cindy Treacy;
Welcome and Introductions
- Members introduced themselves to the committee and said a few words about themselves.
- The Board hasgood representation from all areas of the college, from a variety of staff titles, and awide range of UC experience.
Looking back
- Composition of previous staff board included a variety of staff positions from across the college.
- Initiatives that should be considered for reinstatement
- Staff awards and recognition party (has been implemented and will continue)
- Staff bonus plan (has been implemented and will continue)
- Career ladders
- Final draft document was approved by Dean Jackson and will be uploaded into BOX – multi-layer plan on how to develop a career path
- Committee will review at next meeting for edits or revisions
Looking forward
- Clarify our mission
- What is our purpose?
- Copies of other staff board mission statements will be posted in BOX for review
- Committee will begin to create our mission statement at next meeting
- Who is our audience?
- Some initiatives will have different audiences and will require different tactics for communication and implementation
- Clarification of staff job descriptions and titles since staff fall into several categories (HR, business, administrative, research, grants)
- Identify 1st year initiatives
- Develop communication plan to disseminate Staff Board news and accomplishments
- website
- representation at a variety of A&S meetings to report outcomes from our Board
(Heads Council; Business Managers meetings; Grant meetings; Department meetings, etc.)
Cammie: Heads Council (monthly)
- Newsletter – possibly quarterly
- Anita Swillinger volunteered to do editorial work for a newsletter
- Include training, events, awards, transfers
- Administrative processes
- Develop best practices
- Professional development
- Mentoring and morale boosting low-cost activities
- Find alternative ways to recognize achievements
- Schedule intentional and strategic staff development initiatives
- Create a Staff Engagement Calendar (added to BOX)
- Career path
- Identify needs of the university and college and what structure needs to be in place to support these needs
- College-wide survey of all staff members
- Identify wants and needs of staff
- Clarify what is needed for better work life
- What would lead to higher level of job satisfaction
Nomination and election of board positions
After a brief discussion is was decided that our Board member willhold elected positions
ChairCammie Hulett Nominated by the Dean
Vice-ChairMike Sonntag Nominated and approved by the Board
SecretaryCindy TreacyNominated and approved by the Board
TreasurerAshley ChrismanNominated and approved by the Board
Sarah - Catalyst: why has training been informal and how will new hires receive training?
Carol - Include cultural competence and sensitivity training into our schedule
Adjourned - 12:15 P.M.
Next meeting:January 12, 2016