Gerrards Cross
Parish Council
South Lodge, East Common, Gerrards Cross SL9 7AD
Clerk to the Council - Mrs. Diana Hepburn-Park
Minutes of the FullCouncil Meeting held on Monday
8th December 2014 7.30pm at the Memorial Centre
Present: / Mr C Brown(Chairman), Mr I Gordon, Mrs S Aga, Mrs H OrmeMr J Chhokar,Mrs M May Mr M Lawson,Mrs J Woolveridge
and Mrs D C Hepburn-Park( Clerk) .
Associate Cllr N Holmes.
Cllr D Holloway, Cllr S Chhokar, Cllr Pope Cllr P Hardy
Mrs R Duncombe
Would Councillors please give any declarations of interest at the beginning of the item.
105/14 / Apologies for absence – Mr P Grimes and Mr M Shiman106/14 / To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 17th November 2014.
CB proposed the minutes and these were agreed by the Council and signed.
107/14 / Public speaking from residents regarding matters relevant to the meeting’s agenda with time allowed 5 minutes per person.
RD Thank you for all the work you do.
108/14 / To confirm the minutes of the following meetings:-
- Commons Committee held on the1st December 2014
The committee is still waiting for the second quote for work required on the Play Pack.
Work has been carried out around Latchmoor Pond clearing vegetation.
GXCVdoes not meet during December
- Highways Committee held on the1st December 2014
Members agreed to the installation of 2 new lamp post in Orchehill Rise to improve the lighting. Posts to be installed at the start of Dukes Wood Drive to stop the parking on the verge
HO Work that has been done by Amersham TC on the A40 cutting back from The Bull towards Beaconsfield is a great improvement.
- Planning Committee held on 24th November & 1st December2014.
JW reported on the meeting of the 1st December2014 no objections.
109/14 / To agree payments in accordance with the budget.
MMwent through the payments and recommended their approval, the Council agreed.
F & G P Committee –following the recent staff review members agreed a salary increase for the Clerk, outside the meeting, that was ratified by Full Council.
Fineland Forestry / 588.00
Leigh / 6807.00
Amersham TC / 938.30
SSE / 447.47
Petty Cash / 124.09
Memorial Centre / 38.00
Pear Technology / 150.00
SLCC / 187.00
WEL Medical Ltd / 1695.00
Software for Laptop / 111.95
Salaries / 3569.63
110/14 / Report from District Councillors.
DH She was pleased to report that the Planning Committee refused the application for Moray House.
The new SBDC golf club house is available for hire.
JW feedback from the peer review was good. Close working with CDC is working well.
Shared services are nearly complete. SBDC house Service is based at CDC and a housing officer comes over to SBDC weekly for opponents by the public.
Attended a Healthy Eating event which covered restaurants, environmental health and reduction in food waste.
SC The Chairman’sCommunity awards will be coming up at the start of 2015.
SC asked us nominate worthy residents. SBDC are also considering adding the ability to nominate clubs.
SC visited American Wives Club Christmas fair.
RP the new recycling system for flats has been going on for some weeks, with close supervision by officers.
PH Attended the BCC budget meeting for next year .Additional funds for children services were needed after an inadequate rating was given by Ofsted. Due to shortage of social works
BCC are using agency staff who areexpensive.The capitalsum of £25 million is being brought forward to 2015/16 to work on the roads.
There is a pressure on school places with an increasing population and £30 million has been set aside. A new school in Aylesbury is planned with funds from sec 106 agreements towards building costs.
111/14 / Report on Meetings – members update on where they have represented the Parish Council since the last meeting.
JW A quote for the ForestryCommissionwork on East Common £10,350. 10 day programme.
The Council approved
HO/CB/MLattended a meeting with Sustrans on proposed cycle routes. There are new cycle racks at the station.
JW/HO Attended CDC Planning Committee. When the proposed McCarthy and Stone home in Oval Way was debated and refused.
IB Attended Denham Airport Committee meeting, there were 7 complaints none of which came from Gerrards Cross.
GX Festival was last Wednesday, an enjoyable event with a goodattendance.
CB 19th November Best Kept Village committee agreed timetable from January 2015.
DCHP/CB 4th Dec Devolved Budget – lack of interest for most other parishes with negative vibes butBCC areproceeding. Out of 150 about a third have shown an interest. An agreement in draft is expected before end of December.
Notes from Newsletter meeting. Reports coming from ML Highways. DCHP Commons Committee, JW to cover Forestry Commission work, IB SPWP, DCHP Chiltern railways to Oxford , DCHP- defibulator DCHP Grants –? Voice It
112/14 / To note general information received in the correspondence at the Parish Office.
Report from Memorial Centre stating they are not putting up their room rents.
113/14 / To confirm that the next meeting of Gerrards Cross Parish Council will be held on Monday 19th January 2015 at 7.30 pm at the Memorial Centre
The meeting opened at 7.30pm and closed at 8.30pm