MYP parent/guardian consent 2018-19
Young person’s name:
Local Authority (or NI/Scottish Constituency):
Parent/guardian declaration
This declaration must be completed by the parent/guardian of MYPs under 18, and by the MYP if 18
The information on the online form is correct to the best of my knowledge.
I consent to the young person named attending BYC events, including the UK Youth Parliament Annual Sitting and House of Commons, British Youth Council Conventions and other subsequent events, publications and media interviews between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019.
I agree to members of the BYC staff giving my child’s emergency contact details to the emergency services in order to gain permission for any treatment or medication considered necessary to be administered. I agree to inform the British Youth Council in the event of any changes relating to the information on this form during the young person’s time as a youth representative.
I have ensured that the young person named on this form understands, as far as reasonably possible, that it is important for their safety and the safety of the group as a whole that any rules and instructions given by staff in charge are obeyed.
I understand that while the British Youth Council staff are in charge they will take all reasonable care of the young people and unless they are negligent they cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury suffered by any child arising during BYC events.
Parent / Guardian signaturethis must be signed by hand rather than typed:Parent / Guardian printed name and relationship to young person:
If you have any questions please contact: / 020 7250 8380
Privacy Statement:
The British Youth Council collect this data to ensure you can be informed of activities and opportunities as part of your role. As well as making sure relevant consent (e.g. parental, medical and imagine) is obtained and so we’re able to best support the young person during the programme. The information will be stored on secure UK based servers for the duration of your involvement in the programme. With the exception of your full name which will be retained for 5 years so we are able to verify your involvement in the programme. Your information will be shared with British Youth Council employees/ contractors and our regional delivery partners Youth Focus North West and Youth Work Unit who have a Duty of Care towards young people’s involvement in the youth voice programme. In the event that your information needs be shared with a 3rd party not listed we will seek prior permission.
Once completed please take a clear photo of this form and upload it along with the online registration form
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