Unit 16: Social Change (1950s-1970s)

The Great Society

•______campaign to make country better

–Focus on:

–Money eventually taken away to help fund the ______

Civil Rights Movement


–Civil Rights Act of 1875-



•Separate but equal is ______

–States pass Jim Crow laws-

•Facilities for blacks were…

Overcoming Segregation

•______created jobs for African Americans

–Served in the ______

–End of government ______(for a while)



–______campaign to end discrimination

–Focus on…



•Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)


–Court unanimously…

–Within 1 year, 500 school ______

–Some protest and actively resist

•Court says…

Little Rock

•Don’t want to ______schools

•____ African American students try to go to school

•Governor of Arkansas turns them away with the ______

•Students are…

•1957 Civil Rights Act-

Bus Boycott

•NAACP officer Rosa Parks…

•______becomes leader of the movement

•Montgomery Improvement Association ______bus boycott

•They file…

•Boycott buses

•Puts an ______drain on the city

•People ______, use ______

•Community is…


Soul Force

•MLK Jr. calls his brand of ______“Soul Force”

Grass Roots vs. National Campaign

•Southern Christian Leadership Conference (______)


•Student Nonviolence Coordination Committee (______)

–Says change…

Pushing for Equality

•Congress of Racial Equality (______)

–Starts sit-in movement-

–First one in ______is shown on TV

–By late 1960, lunch counters are ______in 48 cites and 11 states

•CORE Freedom Rides-

–Riders are…

–One bus is ______

–Robert Kennedy…

–JFK sends ______to protect riders

–Interstate Commerce Commission Act-

•Ole Miss

–______tries to enroll at ______

•______at registrar

•JFK has U.S. Marshals to…

•Thousands of whites ______

•Meredith and his family need______

•Desegregate Birmingham

–Police attack…

–News shows these videos…

–King writes “______”

March to Washington


•MLK Jr. gives…

More Violence

•______is murdered

•______bombed in Birmingham and…

•LBJ signs Civil Rights Act of 1964-

Voting Rights

•Freedom Summer-

–Volunteers are…

–Businesses, homes, and churches are ______


•______march stopped violently by police

•Voting Rights Act-

–Increases African American voter ______

Northern Segregation

•De facto segregation-

•De jure segregation-

•Clashes in the cities

–African Americans want…

–______in big cities

Black Power

•Some want ______from whites

–______, ______

•Malcom X-

–______with Black Muslims

–Killed in…

•Stokely Carmichael-

•Black Panthers-

King Dies

•MLK Jr. is…

–Death leads to worst urban ______

Latino Movement

•Latinos come from:

–______and live in Southwest

–______and settle in New York

–______flee communism

–______flee civil war and poverty

•All face ______and ______

Farm Workers

•Cesar Chavez-

–Set up ______

–Negotiate ______

Cultural Pride

•1968 Bilingual Education Act-

•Brown Berets-

Political Power

•Organize ______to nominate Latino candidates

•League of United Latin American Citizens-

•La Raza Unida-

•Reies Tijerina-

Native American Movement

•Want autonomy-

•Have poorest group…

•LBJ establishes…

•American Indian Movement (_____)

•Leads march to ______

•Want ______of land

•Violent confrontation with FBI over ______


•Courts recognize ______and give financial compensation

Women’s Rights Movement

•JFK’s Presidential Commission on the Status of Women

–Women are…

–Women seldom…

•Consciousness-raising groups-

•The Feminine Mystique-


•Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)-

•National Organization for Women (NOW)-

•Gloria Steinem-

•More radical women stage ______

•Question taking husband’s ______

•Higher Education Act-

Roe vs. Wade

•Feminist support of…

•Case decides that…

–Claims women have the right to ______

•Very ______, even today



–Conservative movement thinks…

–Phyllis Schafly-

–______in 1982

•Women face “______”


•“Tune in, Turn on, Drop out”


–Called ______

–Feel society and its materialism, technology, and war is ______

–Leave school, work, home

•Want to create…

Hippie Culture

•______, ______, ______, and ______

•Art uses commercial, impersonal, images from…


–______most influential rock band

–Woodstock festival-

•Over ______attend

New Right

•______build pro-family movement

–Focus on ______, ______, ______problems


–Debate ______issues with feminists

•Don’t like hippies

–Think counterculture values are a sign of ______in the country
