How to complete this form

This form is intended to help your team develop its action plan through 2016. Along with the Charter Proposal Form, this planning matrix will create the foundation for your Charter. The Charter is the agreement that will define:

·  Your community partnership’s objectives and activities occurring in collaboration with Lumina Foundation

·  How your community partnership will utilize the financial resources provided by Lumina

·  How your partnership will measure success and accomplishment of attainment activities

·  How your partnership will deliver postsecondary attainment outcomes, including improved preparation, enrollment, persistence and completion

·  How Lumina Foundation and national partner organizations will support your community’s work through technical assistance, peer network support and learning opportunities

The columns below are each vital to our shared understanding of what your community hopes to accomplish, how Lumina can help, and how we will both understand when activities have been accomplished. To that end, we ask that you be as comprehensive as possible in defining your activities, and as concrete as possible in defining your success measures and expected higher education outcomes. We understand that not every activity will result in direct educational results, and this is entirely appropriate. However, this work is about moving toward outcomes, so we will expect to see resulting increases in postsecondary enrollment, persistence and completion.

We are asking your community partnership to undertake this planning for the duration of the partnership, through 2016. That said, we understand how things can change over time. This document will serve as the basis for your annual reports to Lumina on progress made toward your objectives. However, we will also have many opportunities to update and adapt the Charters, to ensure that your collaborative relationship with Lumina aligns with your pace and maximizes your circumstances.

An example is attached to the end of this document.

YEAR: Please indicate in which year the activity will take place.

OBJECTIVE: This field should articulate your key deliverables, such as implementing an intervention, conducting a study, or launching a media campaign. The point of this field is to target your broad vision to increase postsecondary attainment into manageable and discrete activities, with the purpose of not only organizing your work, but enabling clear measurement of outputs and results.

ACTIVITY: This field includes all key action steps your community will undertake to meet the objective, including convening, research, website development, train the trainer sessions and other required steps needed to achieve the objective. This field will help you track progress toward your objectives and goals, and allow us to better understand your technical assistance needs.

ACTORS: This field should include the individuals and/or key leadership positions that will drive the overall effort and the individual action steps. This should help your community keep track of the players and how you are utilizing them. This will also provide Lumina and national partners information that will help to connect your community with resources to advance your work. (Example: National efforts for chambers of commerce, United Way leadership, community foundations, etc.)

TIMEFRAME: Please use this field to identify the start and finish dates (estimates) you expect for each activity. This should help you execute your plan, and will be the basis for the allocation of dollars over the next three years.

TA NEEDED: Over the course of the partnership, Lumina and our national partners will work with you to identify technical assistance needs and ensure your community has the learning opportunities it desires to maximize impact. To the best of your ability, indicate your TA needs by activity, or if more appropriate, by objective. Be as specific as possible, noting where you believe you will require one-on-one coaching with consultants, or where you think you could use a peer mentor, and anything in between. This will help Lumina determine what TA is needed, and how best to schedule TA providers.

BUDGET: Cohort One will receive a total of $200,000 over approximately 36 months. $25,000 of that will be released as a planning grant in November 2013. The remainder will be allocated approximately annually: $75,000 in March 2014; $75,000 in March 2015; and $25,000 in March 2016. To the best of your ability, estimate the costs for each activity, and note where matching or leveraged funds from other sources will be used. Annual allocations will be released based on the accomplishment of Success Measurements, noted below.

SUCCESS MEASUREMENT: For each activity, please articulate how your partnership will know that the goal is accomplished. This can be as simple as completing a contract or holding a convening. However, for more complex activities, please think critically about the conditions and results you hope to achieve, and put those into measurable outcomes that you can use to pace your work. Lumina will use these measures to release allocations. Lumina expects that each community will create a challenging but achievable plan of action that will create momentum to achieve long-term postsecondary attainment results. So, Lumina and our national partners will work with each community to arrive at mutually agreeable challenging/but achievable activities and success measures.

EXPECTED POSTSECONDARY RESULTS: This field should include, by activity or by objective (if that is more appropriate), the expected postsecondary results you anticipate will occur. Not all activities or objectives will result in immediate postsecondary results. But, to the extent possible all efforts should be focused on postsecondary attainment results. Specifically, results that can be traced to improved postsecondary enrollment, persistence (year-to-year enrollment) and degree completion, as well as measures that demonstrate growth in the overall community commitment to postsecondary attainment.

1)  Define your community partnership’s priority population(s) or priority issue(s) (returning adults, K-12/postsecondary pipeline, Latino students, African American males, etc.): Click here to enter text.

2)  How will focusing on this population or issue contribute to your community’s postsecondary attainment goal: Click here to enter text.

3)  By 2016, roughly what quantifiable improvement do you expect to achieve: Click here to enter text.

a.  Postsecondary Enrollment: Click here to enter text.

b.  Postsecondary retention/persistence: Click here to enter text.

c.  Postsecondary completions (credentials/degrees granted): Click here to enter text.

d.  Overall community attainment: Click here to enter text.

4)  Please identify your site’s capacity to lead or participate in the following activities: Click here to enter text.

a.  Writing/blogging about your community’s progress Click here to enter text.

b.  Hosting a learning lab Click here to enter text.

c.  Hosting a webinar Click here to enter text.

d.  Being featured at national conferences Click here to enter text.

e.  Participating in other Lumina pilot activities that complement your CPA work Click here to enter text.

f.  Sharing tolls/templates created around your partnership work Click here to enter text.

g.  Serving in your stated area of expertise as a peer/expert/mentor/coach to other sites. Click here to enter text.

Charter Planning Form: [YOUR COMMUNITY]
Year / Objective / Activity / Actors / Timeframe (start/finish) / TA Needed / Budget / Success Measurement / Expected Postsecondary Results
Charter Planning Form: EXAMPLE
Year / Objective / Activity / Actors / Timeframe (start/finish) / TA Needed / Budget / Success Measurement / Expected Postsecondary Results
2014 / Targeted initiative to increase enrollments in specific postsecondary programs that support STEM Seamless Pathways leading to jobs in each of the 10 counties in the EcO15 region. Will engage employers to implement supporting work study and internships / Identify most engaged employers to partner with in each county of the EcO15 region, and gain commitment for targeted work study and internship programs / EcO15 Regional Coordinators
Key Regional employers, including: Cummins, Columbus Regional Hospital, Honda, Schneck Medical Center / January-March, 2014 / NA / Meeting budget: $2500
($250/county) / Minimum of 2 key employers engaged in each county / X number of students per county hired into work study or internships from targeted postsecondary programs.
Identify a targeted number of postsecondary certifications or degree programs which directly support employer needs / EcO15 Regional Coordinators
Ivy Tech (each region), IUPUC, Purdue College of Tech, Columbus;
Hanover College / January-April, 2014 / LCAN / NCAN / Meeting budget: $2500
($250/county) / Minimum of 2 postsecondary certifications or degree programs identified to target / NA
Work with high schools to leverage existing Dream it Do it Champions and Student Ambassadors to develop and implement specialized marketing and recruitment plan. / EcO15 Regional Coordinators
All 27 public school districts in the EcO15 region / February – May, 2014 / LCAN / NCAN / Stipend for High School Dream it Do it Champions: $27,000
($1000 / school)
Event supplies: $10,000
($1000 / county) / Marketing and recruiting plan in place for each program.
Marketing and recruiting events implemented as planned for each county / X number of joint employer / postsecondary communication events held in fall 2014
Collect baseline data on program enrollments across EcO15 region. Track new enrollments, retention, persistence in specified programs / National Student Clearinghouse / Data analytics consulting fees: $20,000 / Baseline data collected by county for each program.
Scorecard developed and populated with baseline data for each county / Program specific targets for each county:
Enrollments increase from X students to Y students by fall 2015