1.  All applications are subjected to acceptance by the School.

2.  Besides the areas of service listed below, applicants must be prepared to take on ad hoc voluntary work determined from time to time by the School.

3.  Upon successful completion of the 40 hours of voluntary service, your child will be eligible for Primary 1 registration at Phase 2B. Please note that completion of the 40 hours does not guarantee your child a place in the School as placement is subjected to the availability in this Phase.

4.  A copy of the Letter of Understanding will be given to the PV after it is signed.

5.  A meeting will be scheduled between April and May to meet all PVs.

Child’s Information

Name of child
(Name in BC) / Year of Admission to
Primary 1
Nationality of child / Date of Birth of child
Home address / Home number
Father’s Information
Name / Occupation
Nationality / Employer
Contact Number
Contact Number
(Hand phone) / Contact Number
Email Address
Strength/ Expertise
Mother’s Information
Name / Occupation
Nationality / Employer
Contact Number
Contact Number
(Hand phone) / Contact Number
Email Address
Strength/ Expertise

Key Areas that I would like to contribute

Areas / Please tick and specify
EXCO Member of PSG
Events / International Friendship Day
Total Defence Day
Racial Harmony Day
National Day
Children’s Day
Teachers’ Day
Performances (Make up etc)
Mid- Autumn Festival
Chinese New Year
Hari Raya Puasa
Home coming
Support for Safety and security (Traffic Warden in the morning and during dismissal)
ICT Support (Website design, Photography, Recording)
Support for pupils (Reading, Environmental Awareness, Little Planters)
Others (Please specify)

I would like to serve in the PSG (EXCO) / PSG (Member) after the 40-hours (Yes/ No)


Signature of applicant Date




1. The School welcomes your offer of service as a Parent Volunteer. However, there are a few points we wish to bring to your attention with regard to the service.

2. The service you will be rendering is solely on a voluntary basis. You will be eligible to register your child one phase before Phase 2C after successful completion of the voluntary service.

3. This however, does not guarantee your child a place in Phase 2B. In the event that the number of applicants exceeds the vacancies available in Phase 2B, the school will follow MOE’s procedure and conduct balloting for all eligible applicants which may include parents who are members endorsed by a Synod-registered Presbyterian church and eligible Grassroots Leaders. Priority will be given to Singapore Citizens and also in the following order:

(a)  Children living within 1 kilometre of the school of choice

(b)  Children living within 2 kilometres of the school of choice

(c)  Children living outside 2 kilometres of the school of choice

4. As the school views parents as stakeholders and partners in education, we would like you to continue your involvement in PSG throughout your child’s stay in Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School. The School will comply with the P1 Registration Exercise policy as stated at the time of registration. If you wish to be enlisted as a Parent Volunteer whereby you agree to provide at least 40 hours of service to the school according to the conditions stipulated in this letter, you are invited to acknowledge your acceptance below. Thank you.

Name of Parent
Child’s Name as in BC
Child’s BC No / Date of Birth

I have noted the contents of this Letter of Understanding and agree to abide by them.

Parent Volunteer’s Signature:______Date: ______

*A copy of the Letter of Understanding to be given to the PV.