Exam Analysis Worksheet

DIRECTIONS: Mark the number of the test questions you missed in the vertical, left hand column. Using the “Assessment Needed” column in the Exam Analysis Suggestions pages that follow this one, decide why you missed each item and place an X in the column under the reason.

/ Lack of Knowledge / English Skills / Exam Panic / Exam Skills / Other Comments
Missed Test Question Number / Poor Retention / Inadequate Notes / Comprehension of material / Application of Knowledge / Other / Reading Comprehension / Vocabulary / Reading speed / Other / Decreased Concentration / Mental block / Forgot Exam Techniques / Other / C Question comprehension
Comprehension of question / L Failed to Consider Options / Changed Answer / T Inadequate Answer / Carelessness/Clerical Error

Exam Analysis Suggestions


  1. Lack of Knowledge of subject area
/ Retention:
Poor retention of information. / Did you spend adequate time in study and review? / -Do you plan adequate study time?
-Did you set up a pre-exam study schedule?
-Did you use summary sheets, maps, flash cards, etc. for drilling on important information?
Inadequate lecture notes. / Was the information needed to answer the questions given in lecture or text? If it was in the lecture, check to see if the information is adequately recorded in your notes. / -Set up note-sharing with a peer tutor.
-Share notes with others in a study group.
-Get help improving notes.
-Tape record lectures and complete notes from the tape.


Failure to understand concepts well enough to apply concept. / Pinpoint what you did not understand. / -Study with goal of understanding.
-Map the notes.
-Use other sources to clarify concepts.
-Seek help from instructor/tutors.
-Practice applications.
  1. English Skills
/ Reading Comprehension:
Failure to understand the meaning of the question(s) and/or answer(s). / Did you restate or explain the question or answer before answering? / -Seek clarification from instructor to be sure the question or option is understood correctly.
-Seek help with reading comprehension.

Inadequate vocabulary

/ Check to see if you can explain the meaning of the word(s) causing problems.
Determine whether the difficulty is with technical or general vocabulary. / -Look up ALL unfamiliar words in a dictionary or glossary when studying.
-Make a list of all new vocabulary.
-Make flash cards of all new vocabulary words with their meanings and drill with the flash cards. Use the words in sentences.
-Study word bases and affixes.
Reading speed:
Lack of time to complete all items or unwise use of time. / Did you answer all the items?
Were items left undone or unfinished due of lack of time? / -Did you budget test time?
-Did you spend too much time on some of the questions?
-Ask instructor for extra time.
-Get help improving reading rate.
  1. Exam Panic
/ Decreased concentration on either questions or answers
‘Easy’ questions missed / Were you able to answer the questions immediately after exam or now during the exam analysis? / -Establish a routine for answering every exam question.
  1. Concentrate on what the questions is asking:
-underline key words
-answer the question in your head before looking at option
  1. Consider each option
-underline key words
-mark each option with True or False or ?
  1. Choose answer using information you have learned in the course.

Mental Blocks:
Good exam techniques not used on all items. / -Use good techniques on every test item – not just hard ones.
Mental Blocks:
Material not learned thoroughly enough.
Lack of confidence in ability to do well. / -Use relaxation techniques before and immerse yourself in the exam
-Answer easy questions first.
-Over learn.
-Drill with flash cards on important concepts and related materials to build confidence.
-Practice relaxation techniques between exams so you can use them effectively during testing.
  1. Poor Exam Skills
/ Question comprehension:
Questions read carelessly or too quickly; Key words not noted. / Reread missed question and then, without looking at former or correct answer, answer again. Is 2nd answer different? Why? / -Read each question carefully.
-Underline key words.
-Compare ‘pool’ of answer with answer options on the exam.
-Mark each option True, False or ?
-Choose True over ?
-Use knowledge; do not choose based on ‘sounds good.’
Considering each option:
Made snap decision on an answer choice without thinking through options.
Attractively worded distracter chosen because correct option seemed too easy.
Changed Answer:
Read too much into the question. / How many correct answers did you change to wrong answers? / -Never change an answer unless you can explain why you changed it.
“Except” items / Did you have difficulty with ‘except’ questions? / -Disregard the word ‘except’, mark each option T, F, or ? and choose the odd answer.
Time Use:
Not enough time to complete test. / Were all questions answered? Did you know correct answers to questions not answered on the test? / -Answer easy questions first.
-Answer moderately difficult questions next.
-Leave hardest questions until last.
-Give most time to questions with highest points.
Inadequate answers:
Not reading question completely; not checking completed answer against question / Did you know more information than you included in the answer? / -Outline key points before you write the answer.
-Include key vocabulary and concepts from course in answer
Clerical errors:
Carelessness; lack of concentration. / -Don’t be in a hurry to leave.
-Ignore those who finish early.
-Check paper to assure that all questions are completed.
Carelessness; lack of concentration. / Check paper for clerical errors.
Reread each item with the answer you have chosen to make sure that the chosen answer makes sense.

Exam Analysis Summary Questions

Directions: Use the questions below to analyze the result of your Exam Analysis.

1)After completing the exam analysis, what did you learn about your test-taking and test preparation skills and habits?

2)Looking at your exam analysis results, which area caused you the most problems: test-taking or test preparation?

3)Given the exam analysis results, what will you do in your next test? How will you prepare differently? What will you do differently during the test?