Our Lady of Peace Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC)

Our Lady of Peace –Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC)
October 19, 2016– 6:30 pm
2015/2016 CSPC Member Attendees: / AnnabellaBarreto, Jennifer Celio Karina Di Bartolomeo, Guy Etherington, Richard Fournier, Fran Gallardo, Sonia Hingley, Lena McKendry, Danielle Meuleman, Marita Pasco-Font, Christopher Poulo, Dawn Pratt, Angela Sordi, Patricia Vanni, Sylvia Venditti, Andy Wright, Patrick Zirnhelt, Samira Raouda,
Sandra Figliomeni (principal), David Whicher (Vice Principal)
Regrets: / Irene Foga, Sara Franca, LiliannaMurga, Suzanne Reis


1.Welcome and Opening Prayer

  • Attendance and Approval of Agenda – approved

2.Principal’s Update

  • Staffing updates: ELP teachers to start on Monday
  • Instrumental teacher is still ongoing
  • Olp came in first place for cross country (88 students participated- 63 moving on to regionals)
  • Primary reading club to start evey Tuesday and Thursday run by M. Alphons and Mme. Wysokinski
  • Leadership training to start with nominated grade 6 and 8 students (20-25 in total) PALS training am session.
  • Montreal overnight trip meeting October 17th 40 parents showed up. Trip dates are May 3rd-5th 2017. Parent student meeting to go over itinerary on April 18th 2017.
  • Completed 2 fire drills exiting building was excellent but concern was too much noise.
  • Lock down drills have changed in numbers from 2 to 4. Dates TBA. Letter will be sent home before the drill happens for parents to talk to children about it.
  • Safety talks will start in November to May with officer Rich
  • Dairy farmers presentation during english and frenchphys-ed classes on October 13th and 19th.
  • Halloween Dance October 31st. Letter to go home next week to discuss costumes and snacks.
  • ME to WE had a successful food drive. All proceeds from popcorn sales will go to ME to WE . 10 leaders attended ME to WE day at the ACC.
  • Staggered lunch committee is still running (areas of concern dispersed classes eating on floor). Extra lunch supervisor is waiting to be approved by the board.
  • Communication: school connects no longer being used and new pilot project start CASL, Sandra to attend a meeting to give us more information. Going back to print distribution of school calendar until all sorted out.
  • Sandra is open to having OLP on twitter and will try launching it at the end of November

3.Welcome Back BBQ Summary

  • Welcome back BBQ lower than anticipated turn out. Sold only half of the food as anticipated. Because we had to guarantee 375 burgers we took a loss of $1300. Typically we try to break even not make money at the BBQ, previous years we’ve made a little money. Last year we made $800 so we are trying to look at it positively in that we are at a $500 loss from last year. We have to re-think whether or not we want to continue with a welcome back BBQ or maybe doing an end of school year BBQ or a teacher appreciation event to work on the relationships between parents and teachers.

4.Sub-Committee Updates

Curriculum Enhancement Fee

  • Curriculum enhancement fee letters went home today. 18 in already as of 6:20pm ($1300). Jennifer Celio to display a thermometer for show progress and do a draw. Sandra to kiss a fish if we hit our goal of $15000. Announcement to be made about it. Have an early bird draw of movie tickets (November 15th).

Playground Revitalization

  • Committee wants to do a large initiative pre-christmas or post. Engaged local businesses, Anne Andrachuck, local MP.

Potential ideas: QSP, parent night out in February and dance a thon for Valentinesday. Vote was taken and most council members tossed out the idea of QSP.

  • Hard push for curriculum enhancement to meet goal of $15,000 by end of November so as not to interfere with School Yard Fundraising.
  • Meeting October 26th 2:30-4:00 with same people as last year to lock down architects so we can get a timeline for around end of year/January.
  • February 2017 to have a contract selection, so construction can start summer of 2017.

Hot Lunches

  • Pizza and Subway lunch: great response, most people doing payment online. 84% uptake for pizza (90% is paypal -$19 472. $3102 for cheque and $1550 cash.
  • On actual pizza day things went smoothly.
  • Subway lunch first order mid October (went fairly smoothly just a few small glitches with distribution and Sonia to look for volunteer to help out.) Never meant as a fund raiser initiative just another option. Net $78 for the first month.

5.Treasurers Report

  • The school was not able to provide full or partial reconciliation because they need information from the board on the accounts and are still awaiting a response.
  • Estimated $11 thousand profit from Pizza
  • Estimated $15 000 available for allocation.

6.Allocation Request

  • Teachers were wondering if “teacher allocations” were going to continue and how much. Council Approved $150 per full time teacher and $75 for halftime teachers.
  • A couple of teachers had inquired about projectors and laptops. Sandra suggested we do it by division. Admin to give us information about projectors and laptops for next meeting.
  • french/english dictionaries requested, quantities and pricing to be provided from Admin at next meeting.

7.Other Business

  • Parking Enforcement: looking into a 3rd party company that will help patrol and they have ability to ticket people who are illegally parked, as PSP has not been very effective. Dawn Pratt brought forward the idea from York region where grade 5 or 6 students coupled up with community officer and they made tickets to give to the parents who were not following traffic rules. Jennifer Celio to talk to Erin Bavcevic(parent heading up PSP) to see if anyone on the PSP team would be willing to head up a committee to get more parking on the streets around the school.
  • Possibility of moving next CSPC meeting due to Book fair being in the library. Ms. Figliomeni suggested we move to a classroom. Everyone is in agreement.
  • CFP Chair, Nancy Benedet, came to discuss a partnership with the school but unfortunately had to leave early. Nancy will attend the November meeting to discuss.

Meeting Adjourned

The preceding is considered a true and accurate report of the topics discussed. If there are any discrepancies or omissions, kindly contact the writer immediately. Minutes are sent to Council by email. If no notification is received within 72 hours of the date of issue, these minutes will be deemed to be accurate and approved by all.

The next OLPCSPCMEETING is scheduled for Wednesday November 16th ,2016 @ 6:30 PM in Classroom TBA.


OLP – CSPC 2016-2017 – Official Minutes