Spring Bank Primary School Newsletter 7

23rd January 2017

Move a Mile

As part of our drive to improve children’s health and increase engagement with sport we are running our “Move a Mile” sessions at lunchtime this term. Each Tuesday a different class runs around the school at lunchtime – ten laps makes a mile. Thanks to Mr Wrankmore for co-ordinating and supervising this activity and all staff for their help with this very popular and healthy activity. The children will tell you that five laps is half a mile and ten laps is a mile!

Mrs Mills

Mrs Mills will be leaving our school at Easter to take up a new SEN position at an academy chain. We wish her well in her new role and thank her for her many years of excellent work at Spring Bank. I will take over her SEN role in school in the summer term whilst a new teacher will be appointed to start in September 2017. Miss Houldsworth will continue to teach Y5 in the summer term with a new teacher taking on Mrs Mills’ teaching role.


Thanks to all families who have maintained good punctuality and attendance this year which is such a strong support to outcomes for our children. At the end of last term all parents/carers whose children’s attendance was below 90% (persistent absence threshold) received a letter from the school. This week we will be sending letters out to the parents/carers of children whose punctuality is a concern.

If your child has ten or more late marks since September you will receive a letter highlighting this fact and the impact this has on both your own child and on other children in school. The school understands that on occasions lateness may occur but a number of families are persistently late causing the children themselves to begin the day in a negative way that affects both their happiness and learning. As our lessons begin straight after 9.00am register, late children arrive in class with learning already underway so are at an immediate disadvantage. Their late arrival also impacts upon the learning of the class as staff have to attempt to integrate latecomers into a lesson that has started. The punctuality of persistently late children will be tracked this term and a meeting will be arranged with parents/carers where the problems persists to discuss ways to address this important issue.

Parent Mail

Over 75% of our parents and carers now receive this newsletter and other communications from school via Parent Mail. If you have not yet signed up and you have a smart phone onto which an app may be installed or regular access to the internet and you’d like to sign up for Parent Mail please come into school and we’ll show you how to get connected. If you have signed up, don’t forget to check your account for new messages!

Parents’ / Carers’ Consultation Evenings and Training Days

Our Parents’ evenings are on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th of March from 4.00-6.00pm. You will be able to book your time via Parent Mail.

The two remaining training days this year are on Monday 19th June and Wednesday 26th July. Our last day of term in July before the summer break is Tuesday 25th July.

Spring Road Traffic

The new road system on Spring Road appears to have helped ease the congestion outside our school. One of our governors, Councillor Al Garthwaite, has contacted highways to request that the road is gritted. Nicky, our superintendent, has noted that some cars are stopping on the yellow zig zags lines to drop off or collect children whilst others are still parking in front of residents’ drives. Could parents/carers please not do this as it is illegal. Thank you.

Michael Brawley

Spring Bank Primary is committed to safeguarding all children and expects our staff and volunteers to share this commitment.