University senate minutes
University Senate Minutes-November 14, 2011
The meeting was called to order.
Brittany Aballo, John Abbruzzese, Abdalla Aldras, Mary Beth Allen, Nurun Begum, Kelly Boyd, Christine Brett, Joyce Burgener, Elzar Camper, Jr., Luke Catanzaro, Robert D’Aversa, Esther Daganzo-Cantens, Dianne Devlin, Scott Dietrich, Robert Dillman, Susan Dillmuth-Miller, Patty Hannon, Kathleen Duguay, Johan Eliasson, Cass Emanuelli, Darlene Farris-LaBar, Dian Fitzpatrick, Otis French, Tom Gioglio, Beverlyn Grace-Odeleye, Michael Gray, Barrel Gueye, Sheila Handy, Sean Harrison, Peter Hawkes, Rich Hennessy, Christine Hofmeister, Shawn Hu, Yi-hui Huang, Jonathan Keiter, Mark Kilker, Pamela Kramer-Ertel, Norma Krasne-Levine, Rebecca Landucci, Joe Miele, Bob Moses, Barbara Haug, Patty Hannon, Kelsey Paciotti, Lanae Patton, Mary Frances Postupak, Van Reidhead, Elaine Rogers, Vicky Sanders, Jerry Sheska, Matthew Simmons, Michael Southwell, Richard Staneski, Michelle Star, Mark Stewart, Yoshi Tankura, Doreen Tobin, Nancy Van Arsdale, Marilyn Wells, Alla Wilson, Chad Witmer, Wenjie Yan, Regan Zimmerman, and Rebecca Zirkelbach
Alfredo Ahumada, Patrick Ashcroft, Carlos Cesena, Richard Connell,Scott Dietrich, Robert Dillman, Dianne Gasiewski, Michael Gray, Kelly Harrison, Sean Harrison, John Hauth, Shawn Hu, Pamela Kramer-Ertel, Norma Krasne-Levine, Ellen Miller, Shawn Munford, Patricia Newhard, Patty Hannon, Lanae Patton, Mary Frances Postupak, Van Reidhead, Elaine Rogers, Matthew Simmons, Nick Tetro, Daria Wielebinkski, Jeff Wilson, Wenjie Yan, Jennifer Young
Approval of the minutes of October 17, 2011; a motion to approve was made by Johan Eliasson and seconded by Bob Moses. Motion passed.
President Robert Dillman reported his decision to maintain the status of the requirements for student participation in the May 2012 graduation ceremony. Student who have completed all coursework but still have a summer internship may participate in the May ceremony and complete the internship in the summer following.
New requirements for graduation ceremony participation will be printed in the 2012-2013 catalog.
The President reported that the search for a permanent Vice President for Enrollment Services is continuing and that a selection will be made soon after the holidays.
Safety training for ESU students will continue throughout the year. The Pennsylvania Senate committee hearing held at Millersville University featured outstanding testimony from PASSHE students about the importance of quality higher education in Pennsylvania. ESU has shown strong participation the SECA (United Way) program.
Motion was made by Bob D’Aversa and seconded by Bob Moses to approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Technology Committee:Bob D’Aversa reported that the Technology Fee funded project proposal forms will be distributed to faculty and to the student government on November 21,201. Returned proposals are due back to Tami Moffett before February 1, 2012.
Nancy Van Arsdale stated that faculty and coaches are working without a contract. She noted a Pocono Record article on the sexual harassment changes against a former ESU vice president. She expressed concern about the partnership with Shippensburg University and noted that ESU does not receive revenue from this arrangement. She also expressed concern for student volunteers who need to carry faculty evaluation packets across Prospect Street to deposit in the Institutional Research office.
Rich Hennessey reported that students have been leading many charity fund raising programs including the Teddy Bear drive. He reported on the student Safety Walk and reported that student concerns about campus safety continue. Student Senate is conducting a survey to gauge the success of the Banner enrollment system. The Student Senate and the Career services are partnering to provide services to graduating seniors.
Report on the Taking of Minutes
Senate Secretary Mike Southwell reported that the Task Force on Minutes meet and offered suggestions for making formal motions and recording such motions. A motion was made by John Abbruzzese to discuss the issue; seconded by Rich Staneski and the motion passed. After discussion a motion was made by Joe Miele; seconded by Nancy Van Arsdale to send the matter back to the Task Force for further refinement. Motion passed.
Future Dates-Senate Meetings
Senate President Jonathan Keiter presented dates for the Senate meetings in 2012-2013. Motion to approve the dates was made by Scott Dietrich; seconded by Doreen Tobin. Motion passed.
Approved Senate MeetingDates for 2012-2013.
September 24, 2012
October 22, 2012
November 19, 2012
February 11, 2013
March 11, 2013
April 8, 2013
May 6, 2013
Summer Internships- Recommended Statement
Senate President Jonathan Keiter presented the proposed statement that would govern which students can participate in the May commencement. A motion was made by John Abbruzzese and seconded by Bob Moses to recommend the following statement:
Some academic programs offer students the opportunity to participate in an internship that occurs over the summer months. Many internships serve as the capstone experience of the student’s program. Some internships are easier to arrange during the summer than during a semester, but a student will have additional costs for credits granted over the summer. Students are encouraged to speak with their advisor to discuss the details of a summer internship and its impact on the student’s progress towards graduation.
To participate in the Spring Undergraduate Commencement a student needs to have completed every requirement to graduate with only one exception. A student may participate in the Spring Commencement if the only remaining requirement is an internship that is being completed in the summer of that year. November 1 will be the deadline to apply at Enrollment Services for participation in Spring Commencement.
A student enrolled in a summer internship may participate in that year’s spring commencement provided they have met the following conditions:
- The student has satisfied all other requirements to participate in commencement.
- All GE course work is completed.
- Only the credits for the internship are needed to graduate.
Students who complete their program in the summer will have their diploma conferred in August.
Nancy Van Arsdale suggested that the language be forwarded to the University Curriculum Committee as an information item and the Senate president agreed to do that.
Motion passed.
Foundation Report
Frank Falso reported on the status of the ESU Foundation. He outlined the fund raising efforts and the overall strategy of the Foundation as it seeks to support the university. He noted that the annual Fund was the first priority in fund raising for the Foundation.
Assessment Committee Report
Joanne Stryker reported that the committee is restructured in to the following three work groups: Program, Institution, and Professional Development.Each group is very active and faculty and students are invited to contact any group with ideas.
The meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Southwell
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