July 1, 2007


25 East Walnut Street

Oxford, Ohio45056


Fax: 513/523-8068


*Welcoming all seekers and believers.*

Join us for refreshments after the service.

The Rev. Karen Burnard, Rector

William Bausano, Choir Director

Frank Jordan, Organist

Susan Kay, Senior Warden Karl Schilling, Junior Warden

Jackie Engelhard, Secretary

John Pheanis, Sexton


10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist


Prelude:We Shall Overcome (2 settings) - Adolphus Hailstork

Hymn in Procession 525 (stand)The Church’s one foundation Aurelia

CelebrantBlessed be God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit..

PeopleAnd blessed be God’s kingdom, now and for ever. Amen.

Collect for PurityBook of Common Prayer, p. 355

Gloria S277

Collect of the Day Insert

The Readings(beseated)1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21

Psalm 16:5-11 Insert

Galatians 5:1, 13-25

Sequence Hymn 550Jesus call us; o’er the tumult Restoration

The GospelLuke 9:51-62

Homily (be seated) The Rev. Karen Burnard

The Nicene Creed(stand) Book of Common Prayer, p. 358

Prayers of the PeopleForm IV, p. 388

The response to each prayer is Hear our prayer.

Confession and Absolution Book of Common Prayer, p. 360

The Peace



OffertoryHymn655O, Jesus, I have promised to serve thee to the end Nyland

The Great Thanksgiving Prayer C, p. 369

Sanctus and Benedictus S124

The Lord’s Prayer (contemporary)

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your Name

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those

who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial,

and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours,

now and for ever. Amen.

The Fraction AnthemS154

Communion Hymn 663The Lord my God my shepherd is Crimond

Prayer after Communion(stand )Book of Common Prayer, p. 365

The Blessing(stand)

Recessional Hymn718 God of our fathers, whose almighty hand National Hymn

The Dismissal

People: Thanks be to God. Alleluia. Alleluia.

Postlude: Nocturne, Opus 27, #2 - Chopin

Thanks to Eleanore Vail for providing postlude music today.

10:30 a.m. – Assisting

LECTORS: Diana Uhlman, Eleanore Vail, Rosalyn Benson, Cleve Callison



OBLATIONISTS: Stephanie Nowak, Yero Peterson

GREETERS: Cleve Callison, Ted and Harriet Schmitt

USHERS: Bill Miller, Peter Dahoda, and Jack Heitsman


ALTAR FLOWERS TODAY are given by Ted and Harriet Schmitt, in thanksgiving for our men and women of the armed forces who have served and are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

PRAYER CIRCLE THIS WEEK: Diana Uhlman; Stan and Kitty Unger; Eleanore Vail; Peter and Ruth Ann Williams; Jim and Carolyn Wilson; Chris Witt; Matt and Pat Younce, Chris, Ben, Molly, Rachel, Erik; Anita Atkinson, Alexander; Luis Batista; Bill and Carol Baker; Margaret Barrier; Jeanne Bassett; Bill and Mary Bausano, Caitlin, Jacob; Rich and Mickey Bement


We welcome you here today. We welcome you without reservations, regardless of your circumstances of faith or life. We welcome those who seek, those who doubt, those who wish to deepen an existing faith. Further information for visitors at the end of the announcements.

We welcome all incoming freshmen and transfer students at Miami during this orientation time. Please fill out the student form in this bulletin and put it in the offering plate or give it to an usher if you would like to receive ongoing information about our Campus Ministry. To your families – WELCOME to Miami and Oxford!


Nursery, 9:45 a.m., in the Undercroft.

Kroger Cards are now available from Judy Shaw and Linda Church. $5:00 each.

Sunday parking is FREE at the City Parking Garage. Parking is also available in the Hillel lot.


Tuesday, 11:00 a.m., Prayer Group, in the Old Rectory.


ECW will meet on Tuesday, July 10, at noon. Location to be announced next week.

Coffee hour volunteer needed for Sunday, July 15.

Holy Trinity Pantry– We will continue to need your generous help to stock the pantry during the summer months. In particular, for June we need diapers and baby products, trash bags, feminine hygiene supplies, and razors. We always need toilet paper, laundry soap, cleaning supplies such as Lysol or Pinesol, dish detergent, paper towels. We could also use bleach and toilet bowl cleaner. As always, thank you so much for your help. Geoff and Judith.



Cheryl Heckler is traveling to the Dominican Republic in July and has responded positively to Drs. Michael and Anita Dohn’s request for a 50-lb. suitcase filled with new and gently used clothes for orphans. The children are infants to about 14 years old. Please make a donation of this kind if possible; drop off your children’s clothes in the narthex by Sunday, July 8th. Remember, these clothes will be worn in a tropical climate – no snowsuits please. Thank you.


THE KENYON CONFERENCE: Under the theme “ONE Heart, ONE World, We are ONE: Looking at the Millennium Development Goals,” the 2007 Kenyon Summer Conference scheduled from July 22 through July 27, promises a bountiful week of worship; workshops, and social opportunities on the Kenyon College campus in Gambier. Sponsored jointly for the past 26 years by the Diocese of Ohio and the Diocese of Southern Ohio, the Kenyon Summer Conferences are open to people of all faiths and all ages, and draw conferees from all walks of life into the Kenyon experience.

Bishops Thomas Breidenthal (Diocese of Southern Ohio) and Hollingsworth (Diocese of Ohio) will be the keynote speakers this year, along with Nashville storyteller and musician Kate Campbell. The Rev. Mike Kinman, executive director of Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation, will be in Gambier on July 22 and 23 to jump start the conference. The Kenyon Conference brochure can be downloaded at

Children/Youth Families – Summer Camp. Have you ever been to church camp? If you’d like to try it, our own diocesan camp at Procter Camp and ConferenceCenter may be the perfect chance. Holy Trinity has scholarships for interested children and youth. Information is in the narthex, in the church office, and on the bulletin board in the undercroft. Try it – you’ll like it! You may also find info via the web: On the home page click on “Programs/Ministries” on the main menu, then click on “Summer Camp.” Voila! or call 1-877-582-1712.



Name ______

Campus Address ______

Home Address ______

E-Mail ______

Phone ______

Recurring Announcements

To receive communion when you come forward, hold out your hands for the bread; help guide the chalice to your mouth by grasping the base. If you do not wish to receive communion but would like a blessing, cross your arms across your chest; the same gesture for not receiving the chalice when it comes to you.

THE LAYING ON OF HANDS AND ANOINTING FOR HEALING: we offer this sacramental act to ask for God to bring healing to body, mind and spirit--and to relationships--each Sunday during communion. The station is where the lay persons are standing at the front left of the congregation, just beside the lectern.

Many people in the parish remain seated at the end of the service to listen to the Postlude or for last prayers.

If you wish to do this, please move forward to the front pews..


For information on becoming a member of HolyTrinityChurch, please complete the form below and hand it to a Greeter or an Usher as you leave.

Mailing List Only: ______I wish to become a Member: ______

Name: ______(Married/Single/Widowed/Partnered)

Address: ______City:______State: ______Zip: ______

Telephone: ______Email: ______

New Resident: ___ Student: ___ Arriving soon: ___ Visitor: ____

Family ______

Religious Affiliation: ______

Comments (special interests, needs, etc.): ______

Date: ______