ChemistryCourse SyllabusMr. Lockard


Course Description

Chemistry is the study of the composition of substances and the changes that take place in their composition. Students will learn the scientific methods of problem-solving and learn to apply them in laboratory work and everyday situations. Students will use laboratory equipmentsafely and correctly and learn to record and use data from experiments. The course will teach students how to calculate problems involving chemical units and laws of chemistry. Students will learn the relationships between matter and energy and the roles each plays in both physical and chemical changes.

What You Will Need (everyday):

-notebook or binder for notes


-calculator (THIS IS REQUIRED, cell phones do NOT count)


1)We will arrive, put away all electronic devices, and begin working on the bell work before the bell rings for the start of the block.

2)We will be prepared for class every day, physically and mentally (See above for materials needed).

3)We will respect everyone in the classroom, including each other and ourselves, especially when someone is talking.

4)We will work hard in class every day.

5)It is your responsibility to hand in work when it is due. You may receive 50% credit or less on any work that is late.

6)We will be prepared for and behave appropriately during labs.

Grading System:

All of the grades in this class will be in the Summative category (100% summative).In addition, there will be three lab practicals and Final Exam. Your final grade is determined by 40% for each marking period, 10% for all 3 core assessments, and 10% for your final exam.

Tests:Students will be given advanced notice. Should you be absent the day before a test, you will be expected to take the test on the test day. The day before a test will most likely be a review. There will be no new material presented, thus you are expected to be ready for the assessment when you return to class. Re-takes are given on a case-by-case basis, but will rarely be given out.

Labs: Most of the time, in order to optimize classroom time, you will need to come to class with a pre-lab completed in your lab notebook. This will require you to read the lab and copy down any procedures and questions you may need for the lab.
Also, if you are absent the day of a lab, you are required to complete the lab report in your lab notebook getting the data from your lab partner.

Absences (expanded)

It is vital for you to attend and participate in class every day. All students are required to make up any work they missed and hand in any assignments that may have been checked. It is your responsibility to show me the work you have completed.Any worksheets or activities will be uploaded to my website.

Additional help: Help will be available before or after school on almost everyday. Please give advance notice if you wish to come (talk to me or send me an email). Feel free to bring any questions or concerns to me either in school or through email. If you are struggling it is vital for you to get assistances from me as soon as possible.

I look forward to a great and safe semester in chemistry!

-Mr. Lockard

AGREEMENT (Due the second day of class)

I(my son or daughter) have read and understood the syllabus for Mr. Lockard’s honors chemistry class. I(my son or daughter) understand the expectations that need to be met and will do everything I(my son or daughter) can to meet those expectations.
Student (print)______

Student (Sign)______Date:______

Parent/Guardian (print)______

Parent/Guardian (sign) ______Date:______

Central Bucks East High School

Laboratory Safety

1.)Students must wear goggles for surrounding-eye-protection against impact and slashes in the laboratory at all times.

2.)Students with long hair must hold it back while working in the laboratory (it is recommended to keep hair-ties in your backpack otherwise I can give you a rubber band).

3.)Students must wear closed toe shoes at all times while working.

4.)Lab aprons must be worn when instructed to.

5.)No food or beverage in the laboratory. Students will not taste anything in the laboratory.

6.)Students will behave in the laboratory in such a way as to allow the class to function efficiently. Any student barred from the lab will receive a zero for each lab missed.

7.)An instructor must supervise labs at all times.

8.)In the case of an emergency, notify the instructor immediately so that the necessary steps can be taken. Make sure to locate the fire blanket, shower and eye washer.

9.)Report any broken glass or equipment to the instructor immediately.

10.)Read all of the directions for a laboratory procedure before proceeding with the first part. Follow instructions carefully.

If I violate any of these rules, I do acknowledge that I can lose credit for that lab, point value is determined by teacher discretion.

Student Signature: ______