President Goldman called the May meeting of the Borough Council to order in Council Chambers of Borough Hall at 7:30 P.M. this 4th day of May 2009.


Mayor Wall led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.


Mr. Clark, Mr. Davis, Mr. Durkin, Ms. Durkin, Mr. Golden, Mr. Hildenbrand, Mr. Madden, Ms. Marlowe, Dr. Montanaro, Ms. Pancoe , Vice President Dobbs & President Goldman. (12)


Mayor Wall, Solicitor Clarke, Police Chief DiValentino Manager English and Assistant Manager Centola.


President Goldman reported that on April 25th and on May 4th at 6:30 p.m. (prior to tonight’s meeting) the council had met for executive sessions to discuss a personnel matter.

President Goldman also noted that State Senator LeAnna Washington came earlier in the evening, prior to the executive session, to present the Borough with a check from the state’s RACP fund for $500,000.


Motion to approve the minutes of the April 6, 2009 Borough Council Meeting. Councilman Durkin moved, seconded by Councilman Davis.

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”


Vice President Dobbs reported the fund expense total for the various funds for the month of April 2009, as listed in the agenda packet.

GENERAL FUND (2 PAYROLLS) ______$106,478.26

FUND 01 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT______$74,316.04


FUND 03 FIRE TAX ACCOUNT ______$9,018.95

FUND 07 ESCROW FUNDS______$2,697.50

FUND 08 SEWER TAX______$10,413.00

FUND 09 SOLID WASTE FUND______$4,892.86

FUND 18 STREET TAX FUND______$1,332.65

FUND 30 CAPITAL PROJECTS______$2,005.15

FUND 35 HIWAY/LIQUID FUELS______$6,079.27

FUND 60 POLICE PENSION FUND______$16,817.72


FUND 95 POLICE DONATION______$902.71


Vice President Dobbs moved, seconded by Councilman Davis to approve the payrolls and invoices for the month of March 2009, as listed in the agenda packet.

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”.


Bill Adair of Pioneer Fire Co. Here to hand out copies of the people who responded to the Pioneer mailing. In their results there are 48 people against the Borough taking the Pioneer property and 2 people for it.

Mary Muldear of Mather Rd.: Here in support of the roundabout on Greenwood Ave. I have much experience with roundabouts and they are effective. People say they don’t see cyclists on the bridge and that area. We should ask why not? It’s something that should and can be done safely while taking into consideration the safety of pedestrians and traffic. Has signalized solution been given as much thought as the roundabout? A roundabout would be a substantial step in the right direction for Jenkintown.

Carol Esterletz of Beaver Hill: I have given much thought to the matter and I would feel insecure as a pedestrian and a driver with a roundabout. I feel I would go out of my way to avoid the area. I am impressed by the workds of the fire chief in regards to his concerns and I would vote against the roundabout.

Alfreda Hill of Beaver Hill: I do not drive. I welcome bikes , but I stand and wait for a bus in that area. In emergency where will the cars go to avoid emergency vehicles and where will I go?

Alexandra Len of Beaver Hill: I understand roundabouts can be helpful but am concerned that area does not support them.

Will Klimen of Beaver Hill: Every time we went on a roundabout we took our life in our hands. Area too small to support the roundabout.

Harriet Segal of Beaver Hill: Roundabout is dangerous for pedestrians and people walking to the train.

Paula from Beaver Hill: I think a roundabout is a terrible idea, Traffic will be heavy and dangerous.

Bill Broskey of Beaver Hill: Safety is paramount for pedestrians, drivers and emergency vehicles. A roundabout will back up traffic.

Nessa Barret of Beaver Hill: I noticed that with the signal that is there now, the light automatically changes for emergency vehicles and they can get through. A roundabout will slow them down. For them and pedestrians you need to have a light.

Lawrence Blake of 102 Summit: Speed is an issue. My car has been hit twice by people speeding up Summit to get to the traffic light. Plus the bridge will be down for 2 years.

Joy Costro of Beaver Hill: I checked with the fire chief and there have been no reportable accidents at that intersection. The traffic light was put there for a reason and has worked.

Bill Ince 306 Wyncote: Heather Coburn put a quick poll on Facebook today. Several people responded and were all in favor of a roundabout.

One person, Ed Foley, supported traffic signals for safety reasons.

Steve Spindler of Wyncote Rd.: The other day I met with Maxine (Marlowe) and it was great to be able to sit down and chat with her and I appreciate her time. Also, I would like to Borough Council to consider using a public forum for topics much like DVRPC does.

Angela Kisela: The EAC does support the roundabout for environmental and communcal reasons.

Kate Pettit 210 Hillside: Would like to talk about EDU’s and the ECOFlushers system. Also can the use of rain barrels in anyway cut down EDU usage?

Aveena Jaffe of Beaver Hill: What are the pro’s for the roundabout?

Tammy Whiteson of Beaver Hill: We have expressed a lot of reasons for roundabout. The main one is safety. When you vote please consider the number of people we have her in support of defeating a roundabout.

Gail Post: Since half the roundabout would be in Cheltenham how can Jenkintown make this decision? Also, I am concerned about the SEPTA garage and how can we put pressure on Cheltenham?

Dennis Durkin of 205 Runnymede: I was in favor of the roundabout, but didn’t consider the Beaver Hill residents.

Steve Cushner of Beaver Hill: I am deeply troubled by the information received that the Fire co cannot navigate a roundabout easily. I think that is a recipe for disaster. When people talk about the ease of a pedestrian, no one will obey the yield signs.

Edith Shwartz of Beaver Hill: I am all aout enhancing the beauty of the area, but against the roundabout.

Jim Rose: The planning commission supports a traffic light and not a roundabout

Councilman Hildenbrand announced that one of his constituents, Patricia Bishop, asked he pass along her support of roundabouts.


Administration & Finance Committee:

The minutes are at the council desks and there are items for the Order of Business.

Public Works Committee:

The minutes are included in the Council packet. Councilman Clark thanks the Public Works department for cleaning up the Town Square.

Public Safety Committee:

The minutes are included in the Council packet. There is one item for the order of business.

Building, Zoning, & Revitalization Committee:

The minutes are at the council desks and the next Code Review meeting will be 5/5/09.

Jenkintown School District:

The Red and Blue Fair is May 16th from 11a.m. to 3 p.m. Jenkintown School District is now on twitter. Vice President Dobbs reported on the proposed school consolidation and has met with State Rep Curry and Dr. Wade in smaller groups to speak about the issue with community members.

Jenkintown Community Alliance:

Minutes are in the packet.

Update from President Goldman

President Goldman gave an update on the status of Jenkintown getting more EDU’s. She said that Cheltenham is under a moratorium which prevents them from issuing EDU’s. (Jenkintown uses Cheltenham’s wastewater system which is why Jenkintown has to get them from Cheltenham). She said that Jenkintown has worked with Congresswoman Schwartz and State Representative Curry to get the process moving.

As of two days ago Cheltenham Township hadn’t requested more EDU’s from the DEP for Jenkintown. During executive session we will discuss litigation as potentially being the next steps.

Multi-Municipal Group:

The 611/263 project is coming to a head. On May 6th there will be a public meeting for people to learn more about what the group is and the initiatives they are undertaking at the Upper Moreland Library from 5-7 p.m.

Solicitor’s Report:

Solicitor Clark requested an executive session prior to agenda number eight.

Mayor’s Report:

Mayor Wall had no report at this time.

Police Chief’s Report:

No report at this time.

Manager Report:

Manager English the SEPTA focus meeting will be held on May 7 at Jenkintown High School. Anythingt he public would like addressed should be brought to the attention of Manager English.

The Borough has to present their grant requests to Montgomery County on Tuesday May 26.

Kristen Ames is in the process of becoming a notary and the Borough will be able to offer notary services.

Manager English is in the process of preparing the H20 grant.


1.  Greenwood Ave. and Township Line Intersection

Motion: Borough Council does not support a roundabout, but supportsa state of the art traffic signal be installed at the intersection.

Councilman Davis moved, seconded by Councilwoman Marlowe

“AYE” Councilman Clark, Councilman Davis, Councilman Durkin, Councilwoman Durkin, Councilman Golden, Councilman Madden, Councilwoman Marlowe, Councilman Montanaro, Vice President Dobbs, President Goldman.

“NAY” Councilwoman Pancoe

MOTION CARRIED, with 11 “AYE’s” and one “NAY”

2.  Award Workers Compensation for 2009/2010

Motion: To authorize the Administration to accept the proposal from Brokerage Professionals—Gallagher Risk Management Services to provide Worker’s Compensation, Employer’s Liability and Act 477 Heart and Lung Coverages.

Vice President Dobbs moved, seconded by Councilman Hildenbrand

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

3. Award Banking Services Contract

Motion: To authorize the administration to accept the proposal from TD Bank to provide banking

services to the Borough.

Vice President Dobbs moved, seconded by Councilman Davis

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

4.  Parking Permit Guidelines

Motion: To adopt the proposed Parking Permit Guidelines to determine parking permit eligibility.


5. Appointment of Two Part-time Police Officers

Motion: To appoint part-time police officers, Jennifer Lynn Wittenberger and Samuel James Bell to replace part-time officers who are no longer available to work for the Borough.

Councilman Montanaro moved, seconded by Councilman Madden

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

6. Town Square Use

Motion: To approve the request for Edge Dance Company to use a portion of Town Square for

approximately 2 hours on Sunday June 14, 2009 for a dance class exhibition with the acceptance of

insurance liability.

Councilwoman Pancoe moved, seconded by Vice President

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

7. Discussion for Draft of Town Square Use Guidelines


8. Adjourn to executive session at 9:10 P.M.

9. Reconvene from executive session at 10:01 p.m. President Goldman reported Council spoke about

litigation involving the Pioneer property and a personnel issue.

8. Personnel Matter

Officer Mark Welsh was suspended on April 24, 2009 by Mayor Wall. On April 28, 2009 Mayor

Wall notified Officer Welsh he had a hearing prior to the council meeting on May 4, 2009. The letter

laid out 4 violations from the Police code of conduct and 2 violations from the Borough’s Code of


Officer Welsh came to the hearing with his attorney Blake Dunbar. Councilman Hildenbrand and

Councilman Montanaro excused themselves from the hearing and will excuse themselves from the

vote and did not participate in any conversation relating to the matter.

Motion: To terminate Officer Mark Welsh.

Councilman Madden moved, seconded by Councilwoman Pancoe

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE” Vote was 10-0 (2 Councilmen Hildenbrand and

Montanaro excused from vote)

9. New Business

10. Motion to adjourn. Vice President Dobbs moved, seconded by Councilman Clark. All present voting “AYE”





President Goldman called the special meeting of the Borough Council to order in Council Chambers of Borough Hall at 9:30 A.M. this 9th day of May 2009.


Mayor Wall led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.


Mr. Davis, Mr. Durkin, Ms. Durkin, Mr. Golden, Mr. Hildenbrand, Ms. Marlowe, Dr. Montanaro, Ms. Pancoe , Vice President Dobbs & President Goldman. (10) Mr. Clarke and Mr. Madden were excused.


Mayor Wall, Solicitor Clarke, Police Chief DiValentino Manager English and Assistant Manager Centola




1.  Settlement with Pioneer Fire Company

Motion: To Approve General Release and Settlement Agreement between The Borough of Jenkintown and Pioneer Fire Company No. 1 Jenkintown regarding the matter currently filed in the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleascaptioned as CONDEMNATION OF LAND IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, NOW OR LATE OF PIONEER FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 JENKINTOWN, docketed at 2008-32627.

Vice President Dobbs moved, seconded by Councilwoman Marlowe

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

2.  Executive session

Motion: To adjourn to executive session at 9:40 a.m.

Councilman Durkin moved, seconded by Councilman Davis

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

3.  Reconvene regular meeting at 10:15. President Goldman announced litigation was discussed during executive session and also that Coucilwoman Marlowe was excused at 9:58 a.m.

4.  Bids for Parking Lot Construction

Motion: To authorize the advertisement of bids for the construction of a parking lot CD MM

Councilman Durkin moved, seconded by Councilman Montanaro

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

5.  Appointment of Labor Counsel

Motion: To appoint David Truelove as Labor Counsel for Jenkintown Borough at a flat rate of $175/hour for negotiation and $200/hour for arbitration, not to include travel.

Councilwoman Pancoe moved, seconded by Councilman Montanaro

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

6.  ADJOURNMENT at 10:52 a.m.