2. Finnish-Hungarian-Estonian Ethnological Symposium

Departure and Arrival:Migratory Processes and Local Responses from Ethnographic and Anthropological Perspective

In 2017, the Finnish-Hungarian-Estonian symposium will be hosted by the Hungarian Ethnographic Society.Invited to apply are primarily ethnographers, ethnologists, and anthropologists working in Finland, Hungary and Estonia, in accordance with tradition and in the spirit of cooperation between the three countries for more than 30 years (started as Finnish-Hungarian symposium). The conference is with the collaboration of the Kriza János Ethnographic Society. The theme isDeparture and Arrival:Migratory Processes and Local Responses from Ethnographic and Anthropological Perspective.

Migratory processes – broadly defined to include such topics as emigration, immigration, resettling, special kind of tourism, and work undertaken abroad – and the individuals and communities of varying sizes that participate in them may be studied in various contexts and time frames from both the ethnographic and anthropological perspectives.The past 150 years have seen numerous political, social, and economic events, along with changes to the lifepaths of populations and individuals, that have prompted people to leave their homelands, whether temporarily, for an extended period, or even permanently.Affecting millions, human migration is a phenomenon that continues to the present day.From a geographic standpoint, a distinction must be made between internal migration, and migration that involves the crossing of national borders.An understanding of what people experience during departure, travel, and arrival, with consideration given to the distinction between voluntary and forced migration, can help us grasp phenomena such as the transferral and preservation of values, comprehend which processes and practices work to integrate or isolate, and grant a perspective on both source, and destination groups and the responses to the situations encountered in new locations.To understand this multi-faceted phenomenon requires a multidisciplinary approach, for which ethnographic and anthropological research findings may offer assistance.

Conferenceoffer presentations that can provide interpretive responses to the issues surrounding migration, historical or contemporary, and/or use case studies to elucidate its various stages, participants, and effects.The issues in question include the following:What factors prompt groups and individuals to take to the road?What challenges do they face both while on the road, and upon arrival?What traditions and objects do migrants take with them from their homelands, and what new meaning is imparted to such things in the process?

Of particular importance to this conference is the portrayal both of communities joined, and communities left behind.How do phenomena associated with globalisation affect the future lives of migrants and the communities from which they originated?How do both local minorities with a historic past, and more recent settlers shape the day-to-day lives and traditions of the communities they join?What factors might compel migrant groups and individuals to return home?How do various forms of keeping in touch with those who remained, or with others who have taken to the road (mail, Internet, personal visits), and ways of maintaining communal memory (family, local) function?What forms can cooperation between destination and migrant communities take?In what ways can individual and group identity be maintained within a new community?How are local landscapes, traditions, and knowledge shaped by migratory processes?At the local level, is it the demonstrable differences or rather the similarities that have the greatest effect in these processes?

Conference information:

Date: 9 May (departure from Budapest) – 13 May (arrive to Budapest) 2017

Location: Kolozsvár (Cluj Napoca, Romania)

Length of individual presentations: 20 minutes

Conference language: English

Organised by: Hungarian Ethnographic Society (Budapest)

Museum of Ethnography (Budapest)

Kriza János Ethnographic Society (Kolozsvár)


Departure from Budapest to Kolozsvár

Arrive to Kolozsvár at the evening with those ones who joined to organized bus from Budapest

10th May

Kriza János Ethnographic Society’s building - 400162 Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca), Mikes (Croitorilor) u. 15.

8.30 – 9.00 Registration


9.00-9.10Lajos Kemecsi (Hungarian Ethnographic Society, Museum of Ethnography)

9.10-9.20Albert Zsolt Jakab (János Kriza EthnographicSociety)

Keynote speech of the day

9.20 – 10.15Helena Ruotsala

Mobility over the Border. Different departures and arrivals in Tornio River Valley between 1945 and 2017

10.15 -10.30 Discussion

10.30 – 10.45 Coffee break

Historical perspectives and examples

10.45-11.05Emese-GyöngyvérVeres: Memories and changes in the life of the Csangós near Brasov after immigrations and refugees in the 19-20th Century

11.05 -11.25AttilaDimény: Migration and social Mobility in Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc) at the turn of the 19-20th centuries

11. 45. 12.05Krisztina Csibi: Bokuvina Székely Years in Bácska Reflected in Period Sources

12.05 – 12.25Ákos Nagy: The Romanian Collectivization and the Rural Migration Process

12.25– 12.45 Discussion

12.45 – 14.45 Lunch time

Through the ages

14.45 – 15.05Art Leete: Alcohol Trade in the Western Siberia

15.05 – 15.25MadisRennu: Movement of the Estonian Artisans and Their Products

15.25 – 15.45Erika Vass: Migration processes in County Hunyad

15.45 – 16.00 Discussion

16.05 – 16.25 Coffee break

Contemporary migrations - departures

16.25 – 16.45AndrásVajda: The impact of migration on communication in rural spaces

16.45 – 17.05Árpád TöhötömSzabó:Work, property relations and patterns of Romani migration. A case from Transylvania

17.05 – 17.25LillaSzabó:Community, memory, returning

17.25 – 17.45Discussion

Walk in the city

11th May

Kriza János Ethnographic Society’s building - 400162 Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca), Mikes (Croitorilor) u. 15.

Keynote speech of the day

9.00 – 9.45BalázsBalogh: Departure and Arrival: Immigration Waves from Hungary to the USA

9.45 – 10.00 Discussion

Migration and identity

10.00– 10.25Albert ZsoltJakab –Lehel Peti: Migration and ethnicity at the Romanian Czechs

10.25 – 10.45LehelPeti:The changing contexts of language use at the Moldavian Csángós: migration, italification tendencies and the reshaped

10.45 – 11.00Discussion

11.00 – 11.35 Coffee break

Contemporary immigration - arrivals

11.35 – 11.55AetAnnist: Relocating the meaning of life: socialand ethnic dispossession of post-socialist Estonians

12.05 – 12.25KeiuTelve:Cross-Border Commuting Trough Networks: Case Study of Estonian Male Commuters in Finland

12.25 – 12. 40Discussion

12.40 – 14.45Lunch time

Special approaches: biology, pedagogy and museum

14.45 – 15.05PekkaLeimu: Modified History and Genetics for Visitors. Turku and Russian tourists

15.05 – 15.25MaijaMäki: Pedagogical aspects of the local cultural heritage practices among immigrants in Turku, Finland

15.25 – 15.45Edina Földessy: Migrants’ life with and through their objects

15.45 – 16.00 Coffee break

Special views: mobility – following the work and taking animals

16.00 – 16.20Marja-LiisaRäisänen:Communities, moving, breaking down community in a closing down work place

16.25 – 16.45JussiLehtonen:Animals, migration and wellbeing. Some viewpoints of the future

16.45- 17.15 Discussion and closing of the official programme of the symposium

17.25 – 18.00Talking about the future (organizers and represent of the countries)

Dinner time

12th May

Trip to Torda

13th May

Back to Budapest