Chapter 1

Asking Questions and Solving Problems

- ______- the knowledge obtained by observing natural

events and conditions in order to discover facts

and formulate laws or principles that can be

verified or tested

Branches of Science

1) ______

- Botany

- Zoology

- Ecology

- many others

2) ______

- Physics (forces and energy)

- Chemistry (matter and its changes)

3) ______

- Geology

- Meteorology

- many others

- pure science- continuing search for scientific knowledge

- engineers look for ways to use this

knowledge for practical purposes

- - application of science for practical purposes

Scientific Laws and Theories

-______- a summary of many experimental results

and observations

- describes what happens, not why

- allows for predictions to be made

- Scientific theory( )- explanation of why things work

- based on lots of experiments,

observations, and occurrences

- must be repeatable

- also predict the results of future


*- often misused

- must explain everything in the

past and future

- replace or change

- always being tested

- laws and theories may be expressed as

1) ______- mathematical equation

2) ______- words/description

Model of Matter

- - used in science to represent an object or event

that can be studied to understand the real object

or event

- may be too large or too small to see; or too


- purpose- provide a description of something

unfamiliar using as familiar objects as


3 Features of Scientific Models

1) simple to ______and ______

2) ______and _____ together different phenomena

3) can ______natural occurrences and the results of future


***must be able to change to explain ______


- helps to find and evaluate possible answers

1) define the ______

2) state the ______

3) perform ______

4) draw ______

-record and analyze ______

5) ______results

Spontaneous Generation

- theory in which something came from nothing

- recipe for rats (grain and cloth in corner later rats appear)

- defining the problem

-ask questions, solving problems can’t begin until a

problem is identified

- suggesting an answer

- hypothesis- ______

- ______experiments

1)  observation of nature (______)

2)  ______experiments

- variable- any part of an experiment that can


* only change ______variable at a time

- ______- info. collected during an


-recorded observations measurement

*** no experiment is a failure ***

- all help to revise ______

- draw conclusion

- - judgment based on the analysis of data

- will prove or disprove the hypothesis

- critical thinking- the ability and willingness to access

claims ______and to make judgments

on the basis of ______and ______



- - a unit upon which everyone agrees

- SI- International system of units

- everyone can communicate ______easier

** prefixes are multiples of 10**

deci d tenth 10-1

centi c hundredth 10-2

milli m thousandth 10-3

micro mu millionth 10-6

nano n billionth 10-9

kilo k thousand 103

mega M million 106

giga G billion 109

- ______- meter stick, ruler, tape measurer

- standard unit—______

- ______- space that an object takes up

- standard unit—______

- liquids—use a graduated cylinder

- read at eye- level and at the meniscus

- ______- bottom of the curve of the liquid

- usually use mL (milliliter)

- Solids

- use the cm3; 1cm3 = 1mL

- regular solid

-measure 1 x w x h= volume

- irregular solid

- ______

- read level of water

- add solid

- reread the level

-______- the amount of matter in an object

- use a balance

- standard unit; ______

- usually use – gram

- 1 gram = 1 paperclip

- mass vs. weight

- mass is constant

- weight depends on ______

- temperature- thermometer

- standard unit – ______

-use Celsius more often

0C + 273 = Kelvin

0 Kelvin – ______(-273 oC)


Area and Density

- quantities that cannot be measured directly

- they require a formula of some sort

- area- how much space an object takes up

Ex. square l x w

4 cm x 4 cm


- density- ratio of mass to volume

d = m units: g or g

v cm3 mL

(solid) (liquid)


3 common types

1) ______

- best for displaying data that change

- - chosen by researcher (x-axis)

- - value depends on what happens in

the experiment (y-axis)

2) ______

- best when you want to ______similar data for several

individual items or events

- clearly shows how large or small the ______in

individual values are

3) ______

- good for displaying data that are parts of a whole

Scientific Notation

- used to express very large or very small numbers

- Ex.- speed of light is 300,000,000 m/s

3 x 10 8 m/s

- reduces the number of ______

- basically it is a number times a power of ______

104 = 10,000

103 = 1,000

101 = 10

10-1 = .1

10-3 = .001

- when using scientific notation in a calculation follow

these rules


“___” or “___” keys are the same as x10

- EX.- 5 x 103 in calc. is 5 “EE” or “EXP” 3


1) when ______two values

- add the powers of 10

2) when ______two values

- subtract the powers of 10

Significant Figures

- a prescribed decimal place that determines the amount of

______to be done on the precision of the


Accuracy vs. Precision

- - how close the measured value is to the real


- - exactness of a measurement

-limited by the smallest division on the scale of

the measuring device

- accuracy- how good you did measuring

- precision- how accurate the tool is

- an answer can only be as precise as the ______precise


- least precise measurement is the one with the fewest


Significant figures rules:

1) ______in a number are not always significant

- Ex.: .00005 or 5000 compared to .0053020 or 5002

2) addition and subtraction rule is that the answer should

have the same number of ______to the _____ of the


- Ex.: 3.84 + 27.1

- add with a calculator

- answer reads 30.94 (incorrect)

- should be 30.9

3) multiplication and division rule is the final answer has

the same number of significant figures as the

measurements having the ______number of significant


- Ex. 5.871 m x 8.14 m

- multiply with a calculator

- answer reads 47.78994 m2 (incorrect)

- should be 47.8 m2