Argumentative Unit Introduction - Text Set (Groups of 3)

Name and hour: ______

Article title, date, and author: ______

DIRECTIONS: Each member will receive a different article. You will become an expert on your article. Read and annotate your article using Post Its. Your post its will be placed next to number 1. Answer 2, 3, 4, and 5 below. Include the question in the answer. We will share out as a class.

  1. Post-it annotations go here: (at least 4)
  1. Write 3 important pieces of textual evidence from the article.




  1. A Golden Line is the BEST and MOST IMPORTANT line in the article. The Golden Line may be a startling fact, a fascinating expert opinion, asummation of the author’s claim or some other appealing line. Write the Golden Line for your article.
  1. Why did you choose the Golden Line above? List three supporting reasons why this is the most important line. Be specific and include depth in your insight.




  1. Finally, create one ARGUMENTATIVE CLAIM and its counter-argument based on the article. Your claim can be in support or refutation of the article. The claim must include a strong opinion. You must take a stand.
  1. Claim:
  1. Counter-argument (How would opponents respond?):

Article Share

Now that you are an expert on your article, it is time to share valuable information. In your group of three, take turns sharing your most important piece of evidence while your colleagues write the piece of evidence as well as the title and author of the article.

  1. Beginning with article #1:

- The expert will briefly explain the gist of his/her article.

-Tell the group the most important piece of evidence, giving them time to write it down

-Show and tell the title and author, giving colleagues time to write them down

2. Continue the process with article #2 and then article #3

Consider this: When you write the argumentative essay you’ll have evidence from THREE articles to draw upon.

First Article – Evidence: ______


Title, author: ______

Second Article – Evidence: ______


Title, author: ______