Award of a grant in the Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Strand 1,

European Community Mobility Programme

204398-1-2011-1-FI-ERA MUNDUS-EMA21

The Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Strand 1, Lot 5 Programme fosters cooperation in the field of higher education between the European Union and Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus through a mobility scheme addressing student and academic individual exchanges. The Consortium of universities, with the Coordinator the University of Turku situated inTurku, Finland, supports stays for studies and research abroad at one of the partner universities of the Consortium called Mobilities for Innovation and Development (MID).

The University of (Host University)duly represented for the purposes of the award of the grant by the University of Turku, Finland,hereby confirms the award of the following grant to the Grantee (bolded fields are obligatory):

Forename(s): / Application Number:
MID2012 / Passport No.:
Permanent Address:
Phone: / E-mail:
Home University:
Area of Study (Erasmus code):
Type of grant:
Undergraduate Master Doctoral
Post-doctorate Staff / Duration of mobilityand grant amount:
dd / mm / 20yy - d / mm / 20yy

Visa valid:
dd / mm / 20yy - dd / mm / 20yy / Originalenclosures (to be filled in by the Host University):
Validity of the original applicationenclosures has been checked

The grant is subject to the acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

1.The grant is implemented jointly by the Coordinator, the University of Turku that isin charge of the joint selection of candidates and the overall financial management of the project and the award of the grant,and by the Host University mentioned abovethat is in charge of the academic matters related to the grant, including the acceptance of Grantees for study and research stays.Additionally, for undergraduates, master students, staff exchange and other caseswhere applicable, the Home Universityis involved in the Learning or other Agreements concerning the work programmeof the Grantee.

2.The Grantee shall agree with his/herHost and (if applicable) Home University a working programme for the period of his/her grantat the Host University. During the work at the Host University the Grantee shall be bound by the rules applicable at this institution. In particular, s/he must participate fully in all course/study components during the entire period of the grant, including the participation in exams,necessary re-sits and evaluations. All activities shall be duly documented as appropriate.

3.The grant will financially support the period of studiesand/or research, teaching or other relevant programmeat the Host University only.Grantees are obliged to respect the agreed period of studies/research at the Host University and seek the permission for leavefrom boththe Host University coordinator and the MIDCoordinator. The permission must be soughtin all cases of leave during the grant period, except for trips not exceeding 30 daysto destinations within the target region duringthe periods of regular holidays of the Host Country.Scholarship payments are interrupted until the Grantee is physically present at the Host University and can actively participate in the academic activities. All periods ofabsence

must be specified in the reporting by the Grantee.

4.Grantees shall report on their activities as agreed upon individually with the Home and Host Universities. AFinal Report has to be submitted no later than 4 weeks after the completion of the grant period. Grantees whose grant period exceeds1 academic year shall submit additional Annual Report(s)within 2 weeks after the end of the academic year.

TheFinal Reportshall include the following documents and surveys:

  • Letter of Confirmation: sealed and signed by the Host University indicating the actual arrival and departure date
  • Copy of Learning Agreement duly signed by the Home and Host Universitieswithin the first month after arrival(undergraduate and master level exchange students only)
  • Copy of Transcript of Records(undergraduate and master level grantees only)
  • Original Boarding passes of both arrival and departure dates to be handed over or sent by registered mail to the University of Turku
  • Online Final Report

The detailed guidelines for reportingarepublished at the Consortium’s web pages:

5.The Grantee shall promptly notify the coordinator of the Host University on any circumstances which may materially affect the grant. Any changes or interruptions of the agreed programme, changes of the study programmes and institutions where the work is carried out, changes of the academic supervisors, as well as changes in the envisaged travel schedules shall be agreed with the Host Institution in writing.

6.The Consortium shall have the right to withdraw from the grant if its start has been delayed by the Grantee with respect to the enrolment and commencement dates communicated by the Host University. The Grantee shall immediately inform the Host University if s/he envisages problems in meeting such dates for visa problems, due to illness, etc. After consulting with the Coordinator the HostUniversity will decide if the reasons stated can be accepted and, if appropriate, decide on new deadlines.

7.The Consortium may terminate the grant and stop any further payments if the report on the progress of work and/or international collaboration with the Host University does not give evidence of the sound executionof the program of work/studies including any breaks for personal reasons. It may also be terminated at any time in case of non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the grant, wrong or false information in the application, disrespect of the rules of law, principles of international cooperation or any action which may seriously affect the reputation of the European Community or the Host Universities. After terminationthe obligation to provide theFinal Report shall continue to apply.

8.Granteesshall not accept any other mobility grant during the period of the current EMA2 grant without the written confirmation by the Consortium/represented by the Host University. If any such grant is offered, s/he must immediately inform the Coordinator seeking permission before acceptance. Failing to do so renders the present EMA2 grant void and it must be fully reimbursed.

9.All grant payments by the Coordinator are subject to the receipt of the respective funds from the European Commission by the Consortium and the Consortium`s contractual authorization to pay them to the Grantee. If funds are not received by the Consortium or the permission to pay ceases for any legal reasons, the Consortium reserves the right to withdraw the grant offer or, if payments have been commenced already, to terminate the grant.Grant payments shall be treated as advances until the acceptance of the Final Report. The grant must be reimbursed fully, or, as to be decided by the Consortium, partially, if:

  • the grant has not been used for carrying out the programme at the agreed places of work
  • its use for the agreed purpose cannot be substantiated, in particular if no evidence of the due participation in courses, exams, etc. can be shown
  • the agreed duration of work at the Host University is not respected.

10.The monthly subsistence allowances are paid in accordance with the table described in Annex I of the Grant Award Agreement.

11.The application documents submitted to the Consortium, the call announcement outlining further terms and conditions to the mobility scheme, and in particular the approved work programme shall form an integral part of this Agreement and Annex II. The conditions of this grantshall only be changed in writing by agreement of the parties concerned.

12.The Grantee shall make known the EMA2 support wherever applicable, including any published diploma or thesis works as well as any other publications related to results of the scientific work during the grant.

13.Grantees are entitled to receive the following documents and support from the Host University:

  • At the end of the exchange period students must be given a transcript of records according to or translated into the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)of the studies completed,and Host University’s graduating students shall be issued diploma supplements.
  • Assistance in finding appropriate accommodation, getting admission, visa, and registration, appropriate study and working facilities (access to libraries, laboratories etc.), mentoring programs and tutorials and, according to the local conditions, additional services like welcoming events, language courses, etc.

14.The Law of Finland (country of the Coordinator) governs this Agreementand it is subject to the jurisdiction of Finland. However, the Coordinator shall have the right to decide on the application of the Law of the country of the Host University, Grantee’s home country or the country of her/his permanent residence and its respective jurisdiction at the time the legal dispute commences.

I hereby declare that I have read, understood, accepted and will fulfil the contractual obligations as outlined herein.Georgian, Azerbaijani, Armenian, Ukrainian, Moldovian and Belarusian nationals studying in European Partner University (excluding staff and Target Group 3 grantees with confirmed refugee status): I additionally assert that by the time ofthe grant application submission, I have not resided or carried out studies, research, or worked in one or more of the EU member states for more than a total of 12 months over the last 5 years.

Done in duplicate, one to each party

The Grantee

Forename, surname, signature, date

The Universityof (Host University):

Forename, surname, signature, date



Annex I: Grant payment table

A copy of the signed Grant Agreement is to be sent to the University of Turku, International Office as pdf-file by email to .

Grant Award Agreement EMA2, Lot 57.4.20151

Grant payment table -MID

Monthly subsistence allowances are paid in accordance with the following tables, please refer to Article 10:

Mobility Level / Amount of Subsistence Allowance
Undergraduate / 1 000 EUR / month
Master / 1 000 EUR / month
Doctorate / 1 500 EUR / month
Post-doctorate / 1 800 EUR / month
Staff / 2 500 EUR / month

Grant Award Agreement EMA2, Lot 57.4.20151