W.W. Evans


Parent/Student Handbook


Christopher Groody


The staff of W.W. Evans Elementary welcomes you to the 2013-2014 school year. We are committed to do our best to help you meet the challenges of this year's school program as we help you prepare for the ever-changing demands of society around us.

There is also the expectation that you, the student, will share in this commitment by being dedicated to your education, developing good work habits and cultivating a wholesome attitude about yourself and your school.

One of the major goals of education is to help students learn self-discipline, to know how to act and how not to act in various situations, and to accept responsibilities. Meeting the expectations of the school is part of the educational process. The purpose of this code is to make known the responsibilities of each student, so that all students may realize their full potential, and so we may be able to provide the best possible learning climate.

However, these guidelines are not intended to be all inclusive as they do not always cover every situation and every condition. Therefore, if in the judgment of the elementary administration, a student's behavior is not defined in the code of student conduct, the administration will take appropriate action in the best interest of the student and the school.



·  Purpose

·  General School Information

·  Staff Roster


·  Arrival/Dismissal

·  Parent Request for Dismissal

·  Permission to Ride the Bus

·  School Delays/Closings

·  Cell Phones

·  Communication with Parents/Conferences

·  Report Cards

·  Educational Trips

·  Health Room

·  Medications

·  Head Lice

·  Lunch/Breakfast Programs

·  Food Service Charging Procedure

·  Recess

·  Trading Cards/Figures

·  Lost and Found

·  Visitors

·  Volunteers

·  Legal Custody

·  Transfers

·  Birthdays/Other parties

·  Conflict resolution


·  District Calendar

·  Lunch/Recess Schedule


·  Attendance

·  Parents’ Rights to Child’s Educational Records

·  Highly Qualified Teacher

·  Internet Guidelines

·  Electronic Mail


·  Building Code

·  Student Behavior

·  Behavior in the Cafeteria

·  Bus Conduct

·  Electronics Guidelines

·  Telephone Guidelines

·  Panther PAWS

·  Dress/Grooming

·  Discipline Code

·  Parent Signature Page




The purpose of this Student Handbook is to summarize the rules, regulations, procedures and guidelines which will be applied within our schools and applicable to our students. These procedures and guidelines are our effort to summarize Board policy and should not be interpreted as “policy.” This Student Handbook is intended to provide a practical guide for our students and students’ parents in a summary, informational format. If there is any perceived conflict between this Student Handbook and actual Board policy, then the Board policy will prevail.

Board Approval – 5/20/2013

The mission of the Bloomsburg Area School District is to prepare its students to become contributing, responsible citizens and life-long learners with the ability to adapt and to succeed in a competitive world.

W.W. Evans Elementary School is located in Sunken Heights. It is situated on part of the farm, which once belonged to former long-time superintendent William Evans for whom the school is named.

The school serves all of Hemlock and Montour Townships including Buckhorn, Rupert, and part of Catawissa. It was constructed in 1955 in order to consolidate five one-room schoolhouses located in the two townships. A total renovation of the building was completed in the spring of 2004.

W.W. Evans Elementary School provides support for students with all needs in an inclusionary setting. The support needed for each individual child will be brought to them and provided within the school.

There is an active parent co-op that works together to enhance the educational process of all students at W.W. Evans. Many items for the students and teachers have been purchased with the profit made from the fundraising programs that they sponsor. They publicize efforts for these fundraisers so that they can be supported and be successful.

Staff Roster 2013-2014

W.W. Evans Elementary School

Principal Mr. Christopher Groody

Kindergarten Mrs. Renee Beck Rm. 164

Ms. Lindsay Maturo Rm. 156

Grade 1 Mrs. Taylor Adams Rm. 162

Mrs. Kelley Dravenstott Rm. 157

Grade 2 Mrs. Jennifer Coombe Rm. 158

Mrs. Meghan Moyer Rm. 161

Grade 3 Mrs. Elizabeth Barnett Rm. 129

Mr. Michael Scherer Rm. 115

Grade 4 Miss Jennifer Asbury Rm. 116

Mrs. Kimberly Honabach Rm. 128

Grade 5 Mrs. Jaclyn Krankoskie Rm. 125

Miss Nicole Walberg Rm. 126

Mr. Robert Cromley Rm. 127

Learning Support Mrs. Julie Adams Rm. 122

Mrs. Nancy Lorady Rm. 159

Speech/Language Ms. Heidi Mintzer Rm. 123

Gifted Education Ms. Brandee Faust Rm. 159

Reading Specialist Mrs. Jennifer Casella Rm. 165

Miss Ashley Gregory Rm. 127

Counselor Miss Kelli Alexander Rm. 107

Expressive Arts

Music Mr. Tim Latsha Rm. 136

Art Ms. Steffanie Bowes Rm. 131

Instrumental Mr. Keith Kostiuk Rm. 236

Library Ms. Jean Crane Rm. 145

Physical Education Mr. Bill Perkins Rm. 139

Nurse Mrs. Myra Golomb Rm. 113

Health Aide Mrs. Elizabeth Williams Rm. 113

Cafeteria Mrs. Tina Lunger

Mrs. Nicole Rupert

Mrs. Kelly Johns

Paraeducators Mrs. Lori Carl

Ms. Madison Foulke

Mrs. Sharon Heydenreich

Mrs. Stacey Thomas

Mrs. Diane Crist

Mrs. Darlene Zumerling

Building Service Mr. Stanley Haney

Mrs. Dee VanBlargen

Mr. Gerald Konen

Administrative Mrs. Amy Weaver




Arrival and Dismissal



8:30 a.m. Student Arrival

·  Students report directly to homeroom.

8:45 a.m. Student Day Begins. Students who arrive after 8:45 a.m. are to report directly to the main office with a parent to sign in.

8:55 a.m. Breakfast ends

9:00 a.m. Morning Announcements

9:00 a.m. Instruction Begins


3:15 p.m. Student walkers and all pick-ups are dismissed (visitor parking lot)

3:20 p.m. All remaining students are sent to the office

Parent Request for Dismissal

On the occasion when a child needs to be picked up at school prior to dismissal, the following precautionary procedures will be followed to ensure that each child is released only to the parent or designated adult.

1.  Parents need to report to the main office to sign-out the child.

2.  All children will be dismissed from the main office only. The office staff will call students to the main office and verify release.

3.  A written release/excuse is required prior to dismissal. Please list date, student name, homeroom teacher, dismissal time and reason. The student will be called to the office upon parent arrival.

4.  Dismissal changes (made by phone, email, or written note) must be received no later than 9:30 am on the day of dismissal.

5.  Dismissals from the office after 2:45 are not permitted.

6.  Prior written permission or a phone contact must be provided to the office staff if anyone other than the legal guardian is to pick up a child. Teachers should be aware of any custody concern and inform the office staff of any changes in a student’s family situation. All custody issues must be addressed legally in a court of law and a copy of any custody restrictions must be provided to the school.

Permission to Ride the Bus

Students must have written permission requesting a bus stop change for a particular day. Also, a student who does not normally ride the bus but is going with a student who rides the bus must have a permission slip from his/her parent to ride the bus for that particular day.

School Delays and Closings

In the event of inclement weather or other emergencies it may be necessary to change the school day schedule. A phone call will be placed to parents using the “One Call” system. In addition to this, parents are encouraged to check local listings (TV and radio) on a regular basis for school delays and closings.

Delayed Opening

A delayed opening means that schools open either one hour or two hours later than scheduled. In the event of a one-hour delay, school doors will open at 9:30 a.m. The buses will come to your child’s stop one hour later than normal. In the event of a two-hour delay, school doors will open at 10:30 a.m. The buses will come to your child’s stop two hours later than normal. Staff will not be available to supervise children before the times listed above. Breakfast will not be provided when the school is operating on a delayed opening.

Early Dismissal

A normal early dismissal means that schools will close 2 hours earlier than scheduled. Elementary schools would dismiss at 1:15 p.m. All buses operate on that same early schedule and, therefore, drop-off times are 2 hours earlier than normal. When elementary schools close early due to the weather, all after school programs and evening events are cancelled.

Cell Phones

Although cell phones are a convenient way for parents to keep in constant communication with children, they also have the potential to cause disruptions during the school day.

In order to minimize interruptions during the school day, students who bring a cell phone to school must keep the cell phone in their book bag the entire school day. The cell phone is to remain off until school is dismissed and students leave the school building. If a student uses a cell phone during the school day the phone will be taken and kept in the main office until a parent can be contacted by the administrator. A phone is available in the office for student use in the event of an emergency. In addition to minimizing interruptions, these procedures also lessen the chance of a cell phone from being lost and/or stolen.

Communication with Parents/Conferences

Communication between home and school is an essential part of student success. As a means of keeping the line of communication open between home and school, your child will receive a weekly folder. Included in the weekly folder will be notices from the office, information from the teacher, and a monthly newsletter from the principal. Be sure to review the newsletter for important messages.

There will be scheduled parent conferences in November. Your child’s teacher will provide information to you at that time. Parents and/or teachers may request a conference at any time throughout the school year. We encourage all parents to contact teachers any time you have questions regarding your child’s education.

Report Cards

Report Cards are issued on a quarterly basis.

Educational Trips

Students may be excused to participate in educational trips except the last week of each semester. The procedures and conditions are as follows:

1.  A Family Educational Trip Request form is completed and returned to the main office for approval by the Principal. The request must made three days before the requested trip and be approved prior to the trip for the absences to be considered lawful (excused).

2.  Days absent due to an educational trip count toward the cumulative maximum of 10 days of lawful absences.

3.  No more than 10 days in any school year may be approved for these purposes.

4.  A student is required to make-up any assigned work during the absence.

**See section within attendance policy

Health Room

The health care team members are Mrs. Golomb, certified school nurse, and a certified nursing assistant. Their goal is to promote the health and safety of each student in an effort to maximize the student’s learning potential, decrease absenteeism, and foster health promoting behaviors.

Components of the comprehensive school health program include health instruction at all grade levels, health screenings (vision, hearing, dental), referrals to community agencies as needed, health counseling, and individual health care planning. Parents are strongly encouraged to keep the health care team informed of any changes in their child’s health status, or any treatments or medications that are to be administered.

Please call 570-387-4335 or visit the health office if you have any questions or concerns. The health care team looks forward to working with you


Whenever possible, medications should be administered at home. If it is necessary for a student to receive medication during school hours, it may be administered under the following conditions (Board Policy #210):

1.  The following principles will apply with regard to prescription medications:

a.  All prescription medications must be brought to school in the container from the pharmacy with a current prescription label.

b.  A written request from the physician to administer the medication should accompany prescription medication.

c.  All medications should be administered through the nurse’s office. In situations where it is necessary for medications to be carried by a student (ex. Inhalers for asthma), clearance must be obtained through the nurse’s office and the proper medication permission forms must be on file in the office.

d.  Medication will not be dispensed without written permission from a parent.

2.  Non-prescription medications may be administered under the following conditions:

a.  Permission indicated by parent on the emergency transportation form or note from parent requesting administration of specific non-prescription medication

b.  Medication must be in the original container.

c.  Elementary students will be allowed to keep throat lozenges and cough drops in their homerooms. These must be accompanied by a signed permission from a parent.

3.  In all cases, confidentiality will be respected in regard to student medication. Relevant information will be shared only with appropriate personnel.

4.  The school district retains the discretion to reject requests for administration of medication.

Head Lice

It is not uncommon for children to bring head lice to school, especially in the fall. Parents are urged to maintain sanitary conditions at home and to carefully inspect the heads of their children occasionally. Students will be inspected at school any time school personnel know or suspect that children have been exposed to head lice. BASD has a no nit policy. Students that have known head lice or nits will be sent to the nurse’s office and will remain there until a parent/guardian arrives. If head lice are found, the class may be checked at the teacher’s or administrator’s request. Students may return to school when they are nit free, have proper documentation of treatment, and pass a clear inspection by the school nurse.