Floors, Makerstoun, Nenthorn and Smailholm Community Council

Meeting held at Floors Garden Centre Terrace Restaurant

Tuesday 18th April at 7 pm

Draft Minutes

The Convenor opened the meeting, welcoming 4 new members to the council, adding that it was good to see Smailholm being represented once more.

1. Present: Mr D Stark(Convenor), Mr A Carter(Vice Convenor), Mr K Bone(Treasurer), Lady Biddulph, Lord Biddulph, Mrs H Kerr, Mr T Kime, Mr I Malcolm, Mrs J Roberts, Mrs V Ross, Mrs L Stark, Mr I Topping, Mrs K Baird(Secretary), Mrs J Duncan(Minutes Secretary), SBC Mr T Weatherston.

Apologies: None

2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 17th January 2017: With no ammendments required these were proposed by I Topping and seconded by Lord Biddulph.

3. Matters Arising: i) Broadband – Good progress was being made to get High Speed Broadband to

Nenthorn residents. All local politicians had been involved and an alternative

solution would be found through BT to connect fibre optics to the houses.

ii) Smailholm Dog Poo - There had not been enough volunteers to empty the

proposed new bins, so this idea had been abandoned. However, the situation had

improved by new notices to raise awareness of the problem.

iii) Access Code - This matter had been looked into and nothing found to say

that warning notices need be put on gates with cattle in the fields. Anyone

wishing to check further could contact Neil McKay at SBC.

iv) Grant for Smailholm Flower Beds: Mr Fairley had requested £130 for his

work and would be paid.

4. Finance: This report was held over to the AGM.

5. Reports: i) Police - Nothing major to report, only minor motoring offences.

ii) SBC Councillor: T Weatherston reported that Kelso was quiet at the moment and that the new school buildings were progressing well. He answered a question on what was to

happen to the old High School building, saying that the matter would go to consultation

once it had been vacated. He added that there could be a few different options to consider.

6. Correspondence: A Public consultation draft on nuclear energy and the Bridge magazines had been received and were available to read.

7. Roads: Double bends west of Smailholm – SBC had been contacted about residents concern about amount of accidents at these bends. Although these bends were high up on the list of most dangerous bends in the Border area, a review had been done and the decision made that the signposting was sufficient. It was the council’s view that if the road was straightened this would cause a worse problem of speeding through the village. Residents were asked to keep a record the number and type of accidents occurring to see if another review was needed. The view was raised that water running off the fields, which caused ice in the winter, along with this C road not being gritted early enough all added to the problem.

Potholes: Although potholes had not been too bad of late, some were appearing once more, SBC had stated these would be dealt with in spring.

8. A.O.C.B Open Session: T Kime was concerned at the number of inexperienced horse riders crossing the Nenthorn road. Permission had been sought for them to cross at the ford, but this had been refused. CC would ask if a bridle path could be created. Also if it was possible to reduce the speed limit to 40 mph because of the horses.

There was also a problem at Nenthorn of water running off fields and freezing in the wintertime with no routine maintenance from SBC. T Weatherston replied that SBC cannot touch the verge sides as these are regarded as belonging to the farmers on either side. Any problem with the road should be reported to SBC.

D Stark thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 7.30 pm

Next meeting: Monday 19th June in Makerstoun Village Hall at 7 pm