Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering / LP: EC6703Rev. No: 00
B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech : B.E Regulation: 2013
PG Specialisation : -
Sub. Code / Sub. Name : EC6703 / Embedded and Real Time Systems
Unit : I
Unit Syllabus: Introduction to Embedded computing and ARM Processor
Objective:To make the students to learn the architecture and programming of ARM Processor
SessionNo * / Topics to be covered / Ref / Teaching Aids
1 / Introduction to Embedded systems - Characteristics, Challenges, Layers / 1 / PPT
2 / Embedded system design process - Requirements, Specifications, Architecture design, Hardware/Software Components / 1 / PPT
3 / Embedded system design process - System Integration, Modeling language, Structural / Behavioral descriptions / 1 / PPT
4 / Model Train Controller - Requirements, Specifications and DCC / 1 / BB,PPT
5 / Instuction Set Preliminaries, ARM Processor - Processor and Memory Organization, Data operations / 1 / PPT
6 / ARM Processor - Flow of control, Advanced ARM features / 1 / PPT
7 / CPU - Programming Input/Output, Supervisor mode, Exception and traps / 1 / PPT
8 /
CPU - Co-processors, Memory system mechanism
/ 1 / PPT9 / CPU - Performance, Power consumption / 1 / PPT
Content beyond syllabus covered (if any): Architecture of ARM 7 Processor
* Session duration: 50 minutes
Sub. Code / Sub. Name: EC6703 / Embedded and Real time systemsUnit : II
Unit Syllabus : Embedded Computing Platform Design
Objective: To make the students to be familiar with embedded computing platform design and analysis
SessionNo * / Topics to be covered / Ref / Teaching Aids
1 / CPU Bus - Bus organization and protocol, DMA, Configurations / 1 / PPT
2 / Designing with computing platforms / 1 / BB
3 / Consumer Electronics architecture / 1 / PPT
4 / Platform level performance analysis / 1 / PPT
5 / Components for embedded systems - State machines, Circular buffers, Queues / 1 / BB,PPT
6 / Assembly, Linking, Loading and Compilation techniques / 1 / BB
7 /
Program level performance analysis, power and energy analysis
/ 1 / PPT8 / Software Performance analysis - Loop and Cache optimization / 1 / BB,PPT
9 /
Software performance optimization and Program Validation / testing
/ 1 / PPT,BBContent beyond syllabus covered (if any): Study about KEIL and IAR Platform
* Session duration: 50 mins
Sub. Code / Sub. Name: EC6703 / Embedded and Real time systemsUnit : III
Unit Syllabus : Processes and Operating systems
Objective: To make the students to be exposed to real time operating systems
SessionNo * / Topics to be covered / Ref / Teaching Aids
1 / Introduction - Multiple tasks and multiple processes / 1 / BB
2 / Multirate systems - Requirements, Process state and scheduling / 1 / BB
3 / Preemptive real time systems / 1 / PPT
4 / Priority based scheduling - Rate Monotonic Scheduling / 1 / PPT,BB
5 / Priority based scheduling - Earliest Deadline First scheduling, RMS versus EDF / 1 / PPT,BB
6 / Interprocess communication mechanisms / 1 / PPT
7 /
Evaluating operating system performance
/ 1 / PPT8 / Power optimization strategies for processes / 1 / PPT
9 /
Example - POSIX , Windows CE
/ 1 / BBContent beyond syllabus covered (if any):
Sub. Code / Sub. Name: EC6703 / Embedded and Real time systems
Unit : IV
Unit Syllabus : System design techniques and Networks
Objective: To make the students to learn design techniques and networks for embedded systems
SessionNo * / Topics to be covered / Ref / Teaching Aids
1 / Design methodologies, Design flow / 1 / BB
2 / Requirement analysis / 1 / PPT
3 / Specifications - Control oriented and advanced specifications / 1 / PPT
4 / System analysis and architecture design - CRC Cards / 1 / PPT
5 / Quality Assurance / 1 / PPT
6 / Distributed embedded systems - OSI model layer, CAN Bus / 1 / BB,PPT
7 /
Distributed embedded systems - I2C Bus, Ethernet and Internet
/ 1 / BB,PPT8 / MPSoC / 1 / PPT
9 /
Shared Memory multiprocessors
/ 1 / PPTContent beyond syllabus covered (if any):
Sub. Code / Sub. Name: EC6703 / Embedded and Real time systems
Unit : V
Unit Syllabus : Case Study
Objective: To make the students to design some real time applications using embedded systems concept
SessionNo * / Topics to be covered / Ref / Teaching Aids
1 / Date compressor / 1 / BB
2 / Alarm clock / 1 / PPT
3 / Audio player / 1 / AV
4 / Software modem / 1 / PPT
5 / Digital still camera / 1 / PPT
6 / Telephone answering machine / 1 / AV
7 /
Engine control unit
/ 1 / AV8 / Video accelerator / 1 / PPT
9 /
/ 1 / PPTContent beyond syllabus covered (if any):
Sub Code / Sub Name: EC6703 / Embedded and Real time systems
1. Marilyn Wolf, “Computers as Components – Principles of Embedded Computing System Design”, Third Edition “Morgan Kaufmann Publisher (An imprint from Elsevier), 2012.
2. Jonathan W.Valvano, “Embedded Microcomputer Systems Real Time Interfacing”, Third Edition Cengage Learning, 2012.
3. David. E. Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer”, 1st Edition, Fifth Impression, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2007.
4. Raymond J.A. Buhr, Donald L.Bailey, “An Introduction to Real-Time Systems- From Design to Networking with C/C++”, Prentice Hall, 1999.
5. C.M. Krishna, Kang G. Shin, “Real-Time Systems”, International Editions, Mc Graw Hill 1997
6. K.V.K.K.Prasad, “Embedded Real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Programming”, Dream Tech Press, 2005.
7. Sriram V Iyer, Pankaj Gupta, “Embedded Real Time Systems Programming”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2004.
Name /
N.Kumaran, P.Arul, Reethi Srinivasan
/ Dr. S. Muthukumar/ HoD-ECDesignation /
Assistant Processors
/ ProfessorDate / 04.07.2016
Remarks *:
Remarks *:
* If the same lesson plan is followed in the subsequent semester/year it should be mentioned and signed by the Faculty and the HOD