EmoryUniversityrequires the use of Emory’s Investigational Drug Service(IDS),to provide investigational drug managementservices for trials conducted byEmoryfaculty. In certain specific circumstances, itmaybenecessaryfor the preparation, dispensing and/ormanagement of the investigational drug/materialto beperformed outside of IDS; provided, however, that a request to do so must be approved in advance. To make such a request, the Emoryprincipal investigatorforthe project should completethis Exception Request Form and send it,withthe protocol and investigator brochure,to: Susan Rogers, RPh at.Exception requestswillbereviewedona case-by-case basis andshall not set precedencefor an investigator or for future trials.


1.Investigator name:

Investigatorcontactinformation (email/phone):/



Exception from use of IDS requested for the following drugsusedinthis study:




3.Studylocation(s)- (i.e. location atwhich subjectswill be seen and atwhich studydrug(s)willbestored, prepared and dispensed)





4.Reason/justificationfor exception request –

□Emergent circumstances or potential for drug degradationor instabilityifdrug preparationand administration is notimmediateor completedwithin verynarrowtimewindow


Pleaseprovidefullandcompleteexplanation ofcriteriathat support the exception request. Include studycircumstances,timing,location and description of drug storage and preparation conditions.

Exception requests, when granted, are conditional upon thefollowing:

• proper drugstorage,inventory and preparationconditions and skills are met

• agreement of investigatortoundergoauditbyEmoryIDS,withanyassociatedcoststobebornebythesite.

•implementationofcorrective action ifanydeficienciesarenoteduponaudit.

Withdrawal of the exception may occur if serious deficiencies are noted.

Please provide acopyof the studyprotocol and all investigatorbrochuresfor each ofthestudydrugswith your signedrequestform.


Principal Investigator

IDS: Internal Use Only / Request received Date:______
Request decision□ granted
□ Proper drugstorage,inventory and preparationconditions and skills are met

□not granted

