JS 1. The frontal lobe of the brain is often implicated in motor which of the following functions?

a. Sensation, Spatial Cognition, Attention

b. Audition, Memory, High-Level Vision

c. Motor Control, Language Production, Emotion

d. Language Comprehension, Object Recognition

e. Vision

JS 2. Which of the following statements correctly represents the difference between sexes in incidence of aphasia following traumatic brain injury?

a. Women are more likely to suffer from aphasia after parietal and temporal lobe damage, while men are more likely to suffer from aphasia after frontal lobe damage.

b. Women are more likely to suffer from aphasia after occipital lobe damage, while men are more likely to suffer from aphasia after temporal and parietal lobe damage.

c. Women are more likely to suffer from aphasia after frontal lobe damage, while men are more likely to suffer from aphasia after occipital lobe damage.

d. Women are more likely to suffer from aphasia after frontal lobe damage, while men are more likely to suffer from aphasia after parietal and temporal lobe damage.

e. Men and women are equally likely to suffer from aphasia after any brain damage.

JS 3. Brodmann’s areas are:

a. Brain regions that have different functions in men and women.
b. The two areas responsible for language comprehension and production in the brain.
c. Regions of the brain that, if damaged, often lead to conduction aphasia.
d. Specific portions of the frontal lobe primarily involved in language processing.

e. Many different brain areas defined by cytoarchitectonic characteristics.

JS 4. Paul Broca’s most well-known patient was characterized by an inability to:

a. Produce any speech sounds.
b. Comprehend instructions or speech.
c. Produce any noises other than the sound “tan”.

d. Count aloud and move his hands at the same time.
e. Remember any new names or faces.

JS 5. Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasics often indicate certain mental awareness of their condition and its effect on their language abilities through their interactions with others. Which of the following statements correctly represents the general trend of their conditions?

a. Broca’s aphasics are aware of their deficits, while Wernicke’s aphasics are unaware of their deficits.

b. Broca’s aphasics are unaware of their deficits, while Wernicke’s aphasics are aware of their deficits.

c. Both Broca’s aphasics and Wernicke’s aphasics are unaware of their deficits.

d. Both Broca’s aphasics and Wernicke’s aphasics are aware of their deficits.

e. Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasics will frequently indicate different levels of awareness of their deficits.

If you’d like me to make any of these into True/False Questions, I can no problem. I figured I’d keep them this way for now since I had written them all before I remembered to make some True/False. Have a good one!