TUESDAY, APRIL 1ST, 2008 @ 7:30 P.M.
(Minutes are being taped for transcribing purposes only)
Present: Rose Ann Ames Joe Glaze Matt Peterson
Sandi Yeado Bill Schulz
Absent: Chris Randall
Others Present: Lawren Ingalls Becky Bloksberg, Secretary
· Approve/amend the meeting agenda – Yeado made a motion to approve the meeting agenda; Peterson seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
· Approve/amend the 03/04/08 Park and Recreation Meeting Minutes – Clarification needed to be made about the chairman status. Schulz the motion to approve the March 4, 2008 Park and Rec meeting minutes, Peterson seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
1). Floor Items –
a). Appoint Vice Chair person”- Ames made the motion to reelect Schulz as the Vice Chair of the Park and Recreation Committee, Peterson seconded, all in favor; motion carried.
b). Cleaning Trails- Peterson's neighbors wanted to question the committee on whether or not, when walking along the paths, if they could clean up brush as sort of “volunteers” when they have time. They would have to use a lawnmower with a trailer to get back there. Schulz worries that would be hard to regulate and people could just claim they were trying to clean up the area, but just do it for the purpose of firewood. If a tree falls down, they can pick it up and carry it out, but no cutting of any wood or cutting any trees down.
2). Request for consideration to purchase land for a future park – Because of the trail easement, and wetlands on Lot 2, Block 2 of Langmade Estates, an 8-12% price reduction would take effect on the value of the five acre lot. Ingalls figured, since it was available, he could at least propose the township purchasing it because it seems like a good location for a park. Glaze questions if Ingalls still plans to put the trail there, because when the property was separated, it was initially done for the purpose of splitting it for his family (nine lots for his family and two to sell). Ingalls suggests that very little would need to be done to insert a trail.
Burns Township
Park and Recreation Meeting April 1, 2008 Page 2
Yeado questions if more park land is needed, and Schulz suggests we have enough parkland for the population, but not for location. Glaze thinks that having a park at the corner of an intersection would not necessarily be desirable. Schulz suggests the committee members go out and actually view the land. It seems unanimous that the committee would like to see the meeting minutes from the previous year of when Ingalls first came to the board with the request of his development. Schulz makes the motion to table the issue until at least next meeting when more research has been done; Ames seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
3). Volunteers for Park Clean up – Yeado makes the motion to elect Earth Day (April 22nd) as the clean up date, with the alternate date being two weeks later (May 6th) if the ice is not melted, Peterson seconded. All in favor; motion carried.
4). Fishing Pier Update – DNR status – They wanted to view it after the ice has melted to see if the pier should be extended or if they should dredge it.
Glaze stated that the gates for the trail are finished. Schulz stated that Randall had done some research for the two flags and flagpoles, however he has not looked up prices as of yet.
Yeado showed the committee her sketches for a city sign again and she is going to look into it the appearance of it. Prices should be researched. A celebration for when Nowthen becomes an official city was also partially mentioned.
Schulz made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 PM, Peterson seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Respectively submitted by:
Becky Bloksberg
Corrie LaDoucer
Township Clerk