MSU President’s Office

FY 2014 Budget Presentation

March 21, 2013


  1. Jesse Rogers, President
  2. Cindy Ashlock, Executive Assistant to the President
  3. Ruth Ann Ray, Assistant to the President – also provides clerical support for the General Counsel
  4. Debbie Barrow, Director of Board and Government Relations
  5. Barry Macha, General Counsel
  6. David Spencer, Internal Auditor

2)Budgeted Accounts – not including salaries

  1. President’s Office – 21000 1000 22 - $27,496 - M&O and travel account for the general operation of the President’s Office, to include copy machine and computer expense, postage, printing, office supplies, and travel .
  1. Board of Regents – 21003 1000 22 - $25,021 - M&O and travel account for the Board of Regents to include hotel and mileage costs for some of our regents, $10,000 for risk management insurance, $4,500 for Association of Governing Board membership, computer and telephone expenses for Board Room, printing, and mailing costs, and all meeting expenses. FY 13 costs also include payment for Regent robe for Commencement.
  1. University Support – 21007 1000 22 - $38,000 –provides funding for various university expenses. In FY 12 the funds were used for lunches and dinners with university donors, supporters, or special guests; the pinning, SECC, and retiree luncheons; various university receptions, theNCAA banquet, and the Hardin holiday party. Funds were also transferred from this account to pay for pep band travel to the LSC basketball tournament, unanticipated travel expenses for the Museum, and additional operating expenses for Sikes House.
  1. Sikes House – 21004 1000 22 - $5,499 - operational account for the president’s residence, not including capital improvements. Funds are primarily utilized to pay for telephone costs and household supplies and expenses.
  1. Degree Completion Scholarships – $40,000 - board-approved scholarship to assist studentsin completing their degree after their previous scholarship commitment has ended.
  1. Institutional Memberships – 21006 1000 22 - $50,350 –account pays for university membership fees for those organizations that affect the entire university and not a specific department or area.
  1. Government Relations – 21017 1000 22 - $21,376 - M&O and travel for government relations related activities. Primary costs relate to travel expenses during the year. Costs also cover computer equipment, office supplies, gifts for legislative offices and staff members, and travel expenses for legislators and staff members to visit the MSU campus.
  1. General Counsel –21002 1000 22 -$3,838 - M&O and travel for general counsel related activities. In FY 13, Dr. Rogers approved the hiring of a part-time intern to assist in this office. Funds totaling $8,000 were allocated for this purpose.
  1. Internal Audit – 21200 1200 22 - $6710 - M&O and travel for internal audit related activities.

3)Cost Saving efforts

  1. The Office of the President has worked to save costs in the operation of the office to include utilizing scanned documents when possible to reduce the use of paper; reducing travel when possible; eliminatingthe printing and mailing of holiday cards; reducing refreshments served to President’s Office meeting guests; and reducing entertainment expenses.
  1. Communications to the Board of Regents are generally sent via e-mail in an attempt to reduce printing and mailing costs.
  1. Institutional Memberships – this is an account where the university has no control of the dues or fees charged by the various entities. In an effort to control costs, the president has continually reviewed memberships to ensure the benefit of membership outweighs the cost. Some of the decisions made in the past include elimination of the university’s membership in the American Council on Education, the North Texas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Ft. Worth Chamber of Commerce, and the Association of Higher Education.

4)Budget Needs/Comments

  1. Board of Regents – 21003 1000 22 - $25,021 –when funds are available, I would recommend the addition of $5,000 this account. Travel costs continue to increase, particularly with five out of town regents. We would prefer that all regent expenses come from this account so that a more accurate accounting of these expenses is available.
  1. Degree Completion Scholarships – $40,000 – these total funds were expended during the fall semester in FY 13. We request additional funding for this purpose, up to an additional $40,000.
  1. Institutional Memberships – 21006 1000 22 - $50,350 –costs needed for these expenses will increase each year. We request a two one-half percent increase, or an additional $1,250 in FY 14.
  1. Government Relations – 21017 1000 22 - $21,376 –we have had more than adequate funding during the last two years in this account and I believe that the allocation for FY 14 M&O and travel can be reduced by $1,500.
  1. General Counsel – 21002 1000 22 - $3,838 –additional funding in the amount of $8,000 is requested to continue the hiring of an intern to assist the general counsel in FY 14. Additionally, in an effort to begin to level the M&O and travel budget of the general counsel and internal audit operations, an additional $1,500 is requested for general counsel travel.
  1. Internal Audit – 21200 1200 22 - $6,710 –with the hiring of a new Internal Auditor the funding needs are uncertain. However, if we are to level out the account with that of the general counsel, we would need to reduce this account by $1,372. As a point of information, Mr. Spencer has reported that the current audit library includes his personal reference materials and outdated university-owned materials. The new auditor may desire the purchase of additional library materials. Additionally, Mr. Spencer has indicated that he has not attended national meetings in the past and attendance of such would require a substantial increase in travel funds available. The issue of how to handle funding for a new Auditor will need to be determined by the administration and the Board of Regents.