Coursework Course and Unit Transfer Application Form

This form enables you to do one of two things:

a)  Course transfer: change from one course to another, usually involving the transfer of all units from the current course to the new course

b)  Unit transfer: for students concurrently enrolled in two courses, transfer units from one course to another.

Please consult your Coursework Coordinator to register your interest in a course or unit transfer before making changes to your enrolment. Course and unit transfers may only be requested prior to census dates or after units are complete with results.

Please refer to the Coursework enrolment variation form for unit withdrawals and additions.

Where relevant, attach documentary evidence to support your request.

This form MUST be signed by the Coursework Coordinator of your home College.

Students are not to send this form directly to the University of Divinity. Incomplete forms will not be processed.

Student details

Name / Student ID
College / College ID (if applicable)
Current Course / New Course
Current course fee payment method / Upfront / FEE-HELP
New course fee payment method / Upfront / FEE-HELP
(new Fee-Help form required)
Visa details (All students to complete)
Are you a student studying at the University of Divinity on a visa? / Yes / No
If YES, please identify the type of visa / Overseas student on a student visa / Holder of a temporary visa other than a student visa
Permanent humanitarian visa holder / Australian Permanent Visa holder
NZ citizen / Australian citizen
Other—please specify (to be completed if you are living overseas, studying online and none of the listed categories are applicable)

Complete the following sections in collaboration with your Coursework Coordinator.

A.  Course transfer

Applicants must meet the course prerequisite requirements.

If new units are to be added to the new course as a result of this course transfer, either a new application for admission or a new reenrolment form must accompany this form. Please consult with your Coursework Coordinator to establish which accompanying form is applicable.


Eligible applicants must submit a new Request for FEE-HELP Assistance when changing from one course of study to another.

Current course
Name of current course / Specialisation (if applicable)
Proposed new course
Name of course / Specialisation (if applicable)
New course commencement date / Expected end date
Study load / Full-time / Part-time
Attendance mode / Classroom-based (not online) / Online / Mixed
Personal statement
Reason for course transfer request (optional)
Coursework Coordinator to complete
Units completed in the current course
Are all units and credits from the current course to be transferred? / Yes / No
If No, please indicate which units/credits are to be transferred
You may attach a course record marked up with units to be transferred

B.  Unit transfer

From course / To course

This section is for transferring units amongst University of Divinity courses in which you are concurrently enrolled.

If units are requested to be transferred to more than one course, please complete an additional transfer form.

Complete the details below, or attach details for Unit Transfers. For instance, print Academic Transcript from TAMS, highlight the relevant units and indicate the course to which these units are to be transferred.

Course unit transfer details
Unit code / Unit name
Personal statement
Reason for unit transfer request

C.  Student declaration

I declare that the information supplied in this application and any documentation supporting it is correct and complete.

I accept responsibility for ensuring that the tuition fees for all the University of Divinity units and courses in which I enrol are paid on time, or met through FEE-HELP, in which case I agree to receive my Commonwealth Assistance Notice of my FEE-HELP debt for each semester.

I agree to abide by the Statement of Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct of Members of the University published on the University of Divinity website at

I agree to abide by the Regulation and Determinations for the course for which I am applying (if applicable), as regulated by the University of Divinity.

Student’s signature / Date / // (dd/mm/yyyy)
Coursework Coordinator Approval
RE: Course Transfers
Is the new course an exit award? That is, is the student eligible to graduate with the new award? Yes: No:
RE: Unit Transfers
Does the ‘from’ course have a new expected end date? Yes: or No: If yes: // (dd/mm/yyyy)
Does the ‘to’ course have a new expected end date? Yes: or No: If yes: // (dd/mm/yyyy)
Coursework Coordinator or Academic Dean: / Date: / //

College Admin / Registrar to complete prior sending to OVC for processing

Unit codes and unit names listed on the form are correct.
New Course for a course transfer has been entered into TAMS.
For a course transfer, new units have been entered into the new course, if applicable.
For a course transfer, an Application for Admission accompanies this form, unless exiting.
For a course transfer, if FEE HELP is the payment method for the new course, a new FH form is enclosed, unless exiting.
Course or unit transfer requests are prior census date, or units are complete with results.
[If not, this form will be held over until end of semester after results release.]
Checklist and completeness in each section checked by: / Date: / //

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The University of Divinity is a registered provider under the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students | CRICOS no: 01037A