
See Profile Section Examples for powerful ways you can brand yourself here! This is the most important part of your resume and will get the most attention. If this section grabs the employer they will keep on reading. The last sentence will end with either a general objective stating what you are seeking, or one that is targeted to an actual job opening. General is for your default resume in GTS. A targeted resume is necessary when you apply to jobs.

The buzz words below should always match the job description and be truthful to your experience. These will also help your resume get through computerized resume screening devises.

Specialties: Strategy, Budgeting, Forecasting, Finance, Asset Allocation, Accounting, Data Analysis, Research, Project Management, Process Improvement, Product Development, Marketing, Business Development

Leadership: TeamBuilding, Cross-Functional Collaboration, Organizational Communications, Presentations

if you only have 1 line of specialties, then use these Leadership ones within Specialties instead of separately

Technologies: Microsoft Office Suite, SAP, Bloomberg,Adobe Products, SAAP, whatever is applicable to you

Bilingual: English & Spanish Or Tri-Lingual... whatever is applicable to you, leave off if not applicable

Publications: If you have publications or any other impactful/relevant items to target a job, feel free to include.


If you have more or less education, add or eliminate as needed. If you have licenses or certifications, you can list them here under your degrees, & rename the section accordingly: Education & Licensure (whatever is applicable)

Master of Business Administration, Emphases: One & Two, Date

University of CaliforniaDavis, GraduateSchool of Management

ABC Project: details ...... actions and results see attached list for many ideas

XYZ Project: details ...... actions and results

If you don’t have projects see MBA Project Examples for more ideas including:

Club Memberships

Relevant Coursework

Bachelor of Science, Business, Date

University of California, Los Angeles

ABC & XYZ ExperienceUse 1 or 2 Functional Headings from your Profile Section

Job Title, ABC Company, City, State, dates Choose which you want to list first - title or company based on what is most applicable to what you are applying to – then keep consistent throughout resume. If you have held multiple positions at the same company you can stack them here with dates. Use most impactful bullets from each to consolidate – no more than 10-12 bullets

You can add a 1 or 2 line italicized blurb about your company (from their About Us Page) edited to sound most impressive with market share, years in business, revenue, Fortune 100, whatever is applicable.

Begin with present tense action verbs unless project was in the past. It’s OK to mix these for current jobs.

Detail AccomplishmentsResults: Quantify(#$%) Qualify (descriptors, programs used, tasks involved, businesses or high profile clients’ names with whom you worked, product lines, propriety software).

Use actual numbers as opposed to spelling numbers out so that the quantified details stand out as much as possible



Job Title, ABC Company, City, State, dates Make sure this is consistent with the format on job above

Begin with past tense action verbs for all past jobs.




Additional QualificationsRename this to be consistent with what you use below in this section.

Community Service? Awards? Affiliations? Memberships? Publications?

Use 2 pages if you can fill both completely & add a footer in smaller font: John Doe Resume Page 1 of 2 ...

Formatting Tip: to nudge the lines under the headers use control & keyboard arrows to slightly nudge into place