Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. What important characteristic did "Lucy," the earliest hominid yet found, have?

Opposable thumbs

2. Historical narratives and epic poetry were a further development of what major

characteristic of civilization?

Record keeping

Select the letter of the term, name, or phrase that best matches each description.

A. / Neolithic Revolution / D. / Culture
B. / Civilization / E. / Cuneiform
C. / Trade

3. What is the term for the unique way of life of a group of people?


4. What was the dramatic and far-reaching change in human life caused by the discovery of


Neolithic Revolution

5. What economic activity characterized the advanced cities in Sumer?


6. What was the system of writing that the Sumerian scribes created?


7. What are trade, specialized work, government, record keeping, and advanced technology

characteristics of?


Choose the letter of the best answer.

8. All of the following were activities for Paleolithic nomads EXCEPT

Protecting flocks and herds

9. The hunter-gatherer way of life made it impossible for people to live

In permanent dwellings

10. The development of agriculture improved living conditions and led to the growth of towns and specialization of labor because -

Allowed people to produce a surplus of food

11. The main result of the domestication of animals was that humans

Had a ready supply of meat and animal products

12. What was a major advantage of the Chinese system of writing?

People all over China could read it, even if they spoke other languages.

13. How did the Mandate of Heaven affect government in China?

It allowed new rulers to justify the overthrow of a declining dynasty.

14. What did the pyramids show about the Old Kingdom dynasties of Egypt?

Three Answers

The leadership, economy, and government were strong.

They had access to a good supply of stone, both limestone and granite.

They had well-developed mathematical and engineering skills.

15. Why were Egyptian farmers more fortunate than the farmers of Mesopotamia?

The Nile flooded at regular intervals; the Tigris and Euphrates flooded irregularly.

16. The process of mummification was connected to the Egyptian belief in

An afterlife

17. Which of the following distinguished the cities of the Indus Valley?

Cities were planned and had their own plumbing and sewage systems.

18. The theocracy of ancient Egypt was a belief in the divinity of

The pharaoh

Use the timeline below to answer the three questions that follow.

19. According to the timeline, what was happening in the Indus Valley about the time Hammurabi's reign ended?

The Indus Valley cities were beginning to fail.

20. According to the timeline, how many years did the Old Kingdom last?


21. According to the timeline, which civilization lasted the shortest period of time?

Indus Valley

22. Monotheism describes the Hebrews' belief-unusual for the time-that their God was

The one and only God

23. Hinduism and Buddhism differ significantly in their beliefs about

The caste system

24. Hinduism and Buddhism have a common belief in


25. The Ten Commandments became the basis for

The civil and religious laws of Judaism

26. According to the Torah, Moses did all of the following EXCEPT

Unify the people of Canaan into one kingdom, Israel

Use the Map to choose the letter of the best possible answer on the next 4 questions.

27. According to the map, which groups lived beside the Caspian Sea?

Indo-Aryans and Early Indo-Europeans

28. According to the map, which groups migrated the closest to the Atlantic Ocean?

Germans and Celts

29. According to the map, what might the geographic separation of Indo-European groups have caused?

Individual languages and customs

30. From the map, what can be concluded about the effect of the Mediterranean Sea on

Greek migration?

The Greeks traveled the sea to expand eastward

31. A long-term effect of the caste system in India was that

The Aryans remained dominant

32. What is the name for the kind of government that Shi Huangdi formed, in which the ruler

had unlimited power and used it in an arbitrary manner?


33. To restore social order, harmony, and good government, Confucius believed it was

necessary for society to be organized around what general category?


34. How did Shi Huangdi unify China?

By defeating invaders and crushing internal opposition

35. What do Daoism and the concept of yin and yang focus on?

Natural order

36. What was the underlying objective that gave rise to the Chinese philosophies of

Confucius, Laozi, and the Legalists?

How to restore social order, harmony, and respect for authority

37. Given the meaning of polis, and considering the definition of acropolis, you can tell that

the Greek combining form acro- means


38. Confucianists believe that

Social order, harmony, and food government should be based on filial piety and respect for family and elders.

Base your answer to the next question on the diagram below and on your knowledge of social studies.

The Eightfold Path

Source: The Human Experience, Glencoe

39. The diagram illustrates the key concepts of which religion?


Use the chart below to answer the next 6 questions.

*State ruled by a king.
*Rule is hereditary.
*Some rulers claim divine right.
*Form practiced in Mycenae (1450 B.C.). / *State ruled by nobility.
*Rule is hereditary and based on land ownership.
*Social status and wealth support rulers’ authority.
*Form practiced in Athens (594 B.C.).
*State ruled by a small group of citizens.
*Rule is based on wealth.
*Ruling group controls the Military.
*Form practiced in Sparta (800-600 B.C.) / *State ruled by its citizens.
*Rule is based on citizenship.
*Majority vote decides rule.
*form practiced in Athens (461 B.C.).

40. In which form of government did social status play a role?


41. Which form of government sometimes had a ruler who claimed divine right?


42. Which form of government was ruled by all citizens?

Direct democracy

43. In which forms of government was rule based at least partially on wealth?

Aristocracy and oligarchy

44. How do you know that Sparta's rulers would be hard to overthrow?

They had control of the military

45. Which of the following did Athenians do in order to transform an aristocracy into a direct


Break up the power of the rich nobility

46. What caused the major difficulties in uniting ancient Greeks under a single government?

The geography of the region

47. Which of the following fought the Peloponnesian War?

Athens and Sparta

48. Which of the following cultures was not represented in the cultural blend of Hellenistic



49. Alexander the Great's first victories against the Persians gave him control of which



50. After conquering Greece, Alexander the Great conquered which regions?

Persian Empire, Egypt, and the Indus Valley

Answer Sheet

1. C. opposable thumbs

2. A. record keeping

3. D. culture

4. A. Neolithic Revolution

5. C. trade

6. E. cuneiform

7. B. civilization

8. C. protecting flocks and herds.

9. C. in permanent dwellings.

10. C. allowed people to produce a surplus of food.

11. D. had a ready supply of meat and animal products.

12. B. People all over China could read it, even if they spoke other languages.

13. C. It allowed new rulers to justify the overthrow of a declining dynasty.

14. D. All of the above are true.

15. B. The Nile flooded at regular intervals; the Tigris and Euphrates flooded irregularly.

16. C. an afterlife.

17. C. Cities were planned and had their own plumbing and sewage systems.

18. D. the pharaoh.

19. B. The Indus Valley cities were beginning to fail.

20. C. 420

20. A. Indus Valley

22. A. the one and only God.

23. B. the caste system.

24. B. reincarnation.

25. A. the civil and religious laws of Judaism.

26. C. unify the people of Canaan into one kingdom, Israel.

27. B. Indo-Aryans and Early Indo-Europeans

28. A. Germans and Celts

29. B. individual languages and customs

30. C. The Greeks traveled the sea to expand eastward.

31. B. the Aryans remained dominant.

32. B. autocracy

33. C. relationships

34. A. by defeating invaders and crushing internal opposition

35. A. natural order

36. B. how to restore social order, harmony, and respect for authority

37. C. "highest."

38. D. social order, harmony, and food government should be based on filial piety and respect for family and elders.

39. D. Buddhism

40. B. aristocracy

41. A. monarchy

42. D. direct democracy

43. C. aristocracy and oligarchy

44. C. They had control of the military.

45. C. break up the power of the rich nobility

46. B. the geography of the region

47. A. Athens and Sparta

48. C. Chinese

49. D. Anatolia

50. C. Persian Empire, Egypt, and the Indus Valley