1. EconomyandFinance

1.1 Total Flow of Cultural Goods and Services

Based on the product sample suggested by the System of Cultural Information of Mercosul – SICSUR, based on the MERCOSUL Common Nomenclature, it is possible to consider that, in 2014, the total amount of imports and exports of cultural goods and services in Brazil is as follows:

1.1.a. Cultural Goods

USD $ / Year / Source
(a) Total exports in cultural
goods / 1,798.733.241.00 / 2014 / System of Cultural Information of Mercosul – SICSUR *
(b) Total imports in cultural
goods / 227,322.199.00 / 2014 / System of Cultural Information of Mercosul – SICSUR


1.1.b. Cultural Services

USD $ / Year / Source
(a) Total exports in cultural
services / 13,084.349.27 / 2014 / System of Cultural Information of Mercosul – SICSUR
(b) Total imports in cultural
services / 18,474.420.59 / 2014 / System of Cultural Information of Mercosul – SICSUR

1.2. Contribution of cultural activities Gross Domestic Product

USD $[1] / Year / Source
(a) Total GPD / 9.952.613.470,88 / 2013 / Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE
(b) Share of cultural
activities / - / 2013 / Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE

Which methodology was used to calculate the share of culture in total GPD?

For the purposes of the use of data from the Annual Services Survey of IBGE and information of added value data referred to above, the sum was based on the budget lines relative to recreational and cultural activities, audiovisual services, news agencies, journalism services as well as edition and publishing integrated with printing.

1.3 Government expenditure on culture (if not available, please use government expenditure on recreation and culture)

USD $ / Year / Source
(a) Total government
expenditure / 2.515.569.090,23 / 2014 / National public sector balance sheet
(b) Share of cultural in
government expenditure / 2014 / National public sector balance sheet
  1. Books


Numberofpublishedtitles / Numberof copies sold / Year / Source
Titles / 60.829 / 435.690.157 / 2014 / Survey by the Foundation Institute of Economic Research, with the Brazilian Book Chamber and the National Union of Book Publishers.


Number / Year / Source
Total / 750 / 2013 / Brazilian Book Chamber
LargeSize / 58 / 2013 / Brazilian Book Chamber

(c)Bookshopsand Sales

Numberof copies sold / Market share
% / USD $ / Year / Source
Bookstore chains and Independent bookstores / 138.281.607 / 49,85 / 739.742.652,08 / 2014 / Survey by the Foundation Institute of Economic Research, with the Brazilian Book Chamber and the National Union of Book Publishers.
Bookstores in otherretail / 59.450.979 / 21,43 / 138.939.263,06 / 2014 / Idem
Online Retailers / 1.960.817 / 0,71% / 7.638.964,60 / 2014 / Idem


Number / Year / Source
Translationflows: / 5.918 / 2014 / Survey by the Foundation Institute of Economic Research, with the Brazilian Book Chamber and the National Union of Book Publishers.
  1. Music

According to a report by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – IFPI, issued in April 2016, the revenue of the Brazilian market of recorded music in 2015 saw a growth of 10,6%, characterized by the continuing decrease inphysical sales (-19,3%) and, as a counterpart, the significant performance of the digital music segment (+ 45,1%), especially due to the expansion of streaming services (+ 192,4%). Latin America, for the fifth consecutive year, was the region that showed the greatest expansion in the phonographic market (+11.8%).

(a) Production/Number of albums produced:

Number / Year / Source
Physicalformat / 11.457 / 2012 / Brazilian Association of Independent Music
Digital format / 599 / 2012 / Brazilian Association of Independent Music
Independent / 1.447 / 2012 / Brazilian Association of Independent Music
Majors / 10.609 / 2012 / Brazilian Association of Independent Music

(b) Sales/Total number of recorded music sales:

USD $ / Year / Source
Physicalformat / 78.323.216,85 / 2015 / Brazilian Association of Record Producers
Digital format / 64.328.288,76 / 2015 / Brazilian Association of Record Producers
  1. Media

(a) Broadcasting audienceandshare

Year / Source
2013 / IBOPE Media Workstation
ProgrammeType / Audienceshare% / Typeofownership / Typeofaccess
Globo / 39.16% / Private / Free
SBT / 14.50% / Private / Free
Record / 15.06% / Private / Free
Band / 5.76% / Private / Free

(b) Numberofnewspapers

Year / Source
2015 / NationalAssociationofNewspapers
Both FreeandPaid / 535 / 2.563 / 3.098

*Excluding online newspapersonly

  1. Connectivity, infrastructure, access

Number / Year / Source
Number of mobile phone subscribers per 1000 inhabitants / 130.2 million / 2013 / Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE
Number of households with Internet access at home / 31.2 million / 2013 / Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE
Number of individuals using the Internet / 78.3 million / 2013 / Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE
  1. Cultural participation

Percentage of people participating in cultural activities at least one time during the last 12 months.

Cultural Participation (in %)
Activity / Male / Female / TOTAL
Cinema / 15 / 22 / 37
Theatre / 6 / 11 / 17
Dance (including ballet) / 6 / 11 / 17
Live concert (musical performance) / 11 / 16 / 27
Exhibition / - / - / -
TOTAL / 38 / 60 / 98

Source: SIPS – Institute of Applied Research, Culture 2013.

Is there any available data on the reasons for the non-participation in cultural events?Yes

Main reasons for non-participation (in %)
Reason / Male / Female / TOTAL
Too Expensive / 1 / 2 / 3
LackofInterest / 6 / 11 / 17
Lackof time / 15 / 22 / 37
Lackofinformation / - / - / -
Too faraway / 6 / 5 / 11
Other / 14 / 18 / 32
TOTAL / 40 / 60 / 100

Source: SIPS-IPEA - Cultura 2013

Note.: For the items above, the survey gives the following options: I do not like what is showing, I have no time, the venue is too far away, the price is too high, among others.


[1]Currency conversions based on the United States dollar quotes (US$ 3,38) on 8 June 2016. Source: Central Bank ofBrazil.