Terrance Reaves

Assessment Project

  1. Problem

The purpose of my assessment is to evaluate the skills of high school football players to gauge their readiness for the collegiate level.

  1. Refining the Problem

The clients’ age will range from 14-18 years old. The ability levels of the athletes will vary from those at a basic skill level necessary for high school to one ready for college competition.

  1. I would use this scale as a way to evaluate a large amount of potential recruits for college football. This scale will allow me to truly evaluate a recruit by seeing if they pass the “eyeball” test. Game film and measurables are good, but only complementary.
  1. The components I will be evaluating are speed, agility, functional strength, intelligence, and position-specific skill. Speed and agility are crucial at every position in football and college coaches are looking for the fastest players available. Strength is also very important especially when it comes to the interior players on the team (lineman, linebackers, running backs) they need to be able to play physical and avoid getting injured. Intelligence will also be a crucial skill to have in order to play collegiate football the smarter the player, the easier they are to coach. Finally, I will evaluate the player’s position specific skill, for example if the player is a quarterback I will evaluate their throw power and accuracy.
  1. For my scale, I will use a 1-5 measurement rating in ascending order. 1 is Unwillingness to be Coached, 2 is Not Comprehending the Drill or Performing Poorly, 3 is Sufficient with Lack of Effort, 4 is Good with Room for Improvement, and 5 is Excellent.
  1. The administrator would need experience and familiarity in evaluating prospects, so most likely a coach or an ex-player. The administrator would then have to lead the players through a proper warmup to get their bodies ready. The testing location and facility will be on a football field. To track performance, the administrator would need a clipboard and a stopwatch.
  1. The results will be used to rank the players in order accordingly. There will be different requirements for different positions (i.e lineman; strength, wide receivers; quickness).


Score / Speed / Agility / Strength / Intelligence / Position Skill
1 / Poor speed/Poor form / No quickness shown with no potential for improvement / Lack of strength/Poor form / Doesn’t understand/ Doesn’t want to learn / No natural ability doesn’t want to be coached
2 / Poor speed with decent form / Little quickness shown/ No balance / Little strength shown/Improper form / Doesn’t understand but is coachable / Little natural ability/ Willing to be coached
3 / Decent speed with form that could use work / Somewhat quick not smooth in their breaks/Unbalanced / Some strength shown while using improper form(potential shown) / Somewhat confused by instruction, but has general idea / Has somewhat potential at position/ Coachable
4 / Significant speed with form that could use work / Good quickness with somewhat lack of balance / Good strength with mostly correct technique / Gets the information/not second nature / Shows natural ability/ Can be coached better at position
5 / Has significant speed/Correct running form / Light on their feet/ Great balance, smooth out of breaks / Significant strength shown with proper technique / Gets the information/Clearly a high “Football IQ” / Shows natural ability at position understands nuances

Works Cited

Cone, S. (2016, March). How to Make a Table.Technology and Assessment. Lecture conductedat Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ.



Class Year: Fr. Soph. Jr. Sr.


  1. How many times a week do you stretch?

1 2-3 4-5 5-6 7

  1. If you would have to rate yourself, how flexible do you think you are? Scale 1-10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  1. Do you think you could stretch more?

Yes No

  1. (If answered Yes to above question) What restricts you from stretching more?
  1. Do you have any injuries to your legs?

Yes No

  1. Do you and injuries to your upper body?

Yes No

  1. Sit and Reach test results: ______cm

Grade: ____

  1. Shoulder/Pectoral: _____degrees

Grade: ____

Armiger, Phil, and Michael A. Martyn. Stretching for Functional Flexibility.

Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, 2010. Print.