Table of Contents- Government / 1 / 10-6 / 10
Concept of power-government / 2 / 10-6 / 10
Popular sovereignty / 3 / 10-6 / 10 / Examples
Republicanism / 4 / 10-13 / 10 / Article summary\MLA
Federalism / 5 / 10-13 / 10 / Article summary\MLA
Separation of Powers / 6 / 10-17 / 10
Checks and Balances / 7 / 10-18 / 10
Limited Government / 8 / 10-20 / 10
Individual Rights / 9 / 10-27 / 10 / Examples of rights
Total points
Classwork//Homework Assignments / Date Assigned / Due Date / Grade / Other
Newspaper article example of a principle analysis / 10-10 / 11-2 / \50 / Homework-in spiral
7 Principle of Government essay / 10-10 / 11-11 / \100 / Test
Drawing of 7 principle / 10-31 / 11-9 / \50 / Homework
Quiz-Principle of Government / 10-24 / 10-24 / \50 / Quiz
GR 28-1-28-2 / 10-31 / 11-4 / \50 / Class work
Texas Constitution / \50 / Homework
Texas Government spiral notebook / 10-6 / 11-1 / \())( / Classwork\homework
Texas Government test / 10-6 / 11-1 / A lot / Test grade
Left side: Objectives:
¨ Define and give examples of the seven principles of government
¨ Analyze political cartoons for symbolism and meanings
¨ Practice active note taking with main ideas and summary skills
¨ determine the level of application for the principles in today’s government
¨ decide which principle is vital today
¨ define the principles in the U.S. Constitution and Texas
Oct. 31
· Research, research, research
for election project: see links on my website for sources: bring materials to class this week-
· Test grade: Expository Essay Turnitin: Due-Nov. 11-12 Prompt: Which of the 7 principles is the most important in a democracy and why?
· George Ranch Field Trip assignment: Project grade: Due: Oct. 31st see on school website and google classroom
· Test and Spiral Due: Next Tuesday\Wednesday: Nov. 3-4
· Test Review and update spiral: notes need to change
· Organized project binders for project grade: due next week
· Homework: 7 principle drawings: Due: Nov. 10-11
Oct. 25-26
· return grades: put learning objective essay in learning tab
· essay test review:
· debate: and work on project: need a plan
• That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.
Thomas Jefferson
An economics professor at a localcollege made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.
The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class plan". All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A.... (substituting grades for dollars - something closer to home an d more readily understood by all).
After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.
The second test average was a D! No one was happy.
When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.
As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.
To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail becausewhen the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.
It could not be any simpler than that.
Expository Essay History
Excellent / Above Average / Average / Poor / UnacceptableAnswer
Answer the prompt with key points in 1st paragraph / Direct answer to the prompt with 3-4 strong key points:
Best possible answer with clarity / Direct answer to prompt with 2-3 key points: good answer to prompt and topic / Answer the prompt with 2-3 points: Lacks clarity in answer and connections to prompt / Answer the prompt with 1-2 points only and lacks clarity and connection / Did not answer the prompt, no key points and or connection to topic
Evidence, explanation, elaboration and connection to topic\ answer / Strong presence best answer with evidence, explanation and elaboration with connection to prompt answer: depth and development in essay
Strong analysis of content / Evidence and development present needs stronger connection to prompt\ topic and more depth of analysis / Some evidence is lacking accuracy or relevance but good overall development of essay / Lack of evidence and or inaccuracies of facts, lacks relevancy to topic or prompt: needs more depth and development in essay / Incomplete paragraphs incomplete essay lacks depth and development of the topic and answer
Abstract connection to topic\ answer
Original thinking
“so what” concept / Strong conclusion to original thinking, concepts, topics, and so what factor: abstract thinking / Connection to “so what” conclusion and original thinking evident in paragraph : abstract thinking and connection to topic / Restated answer and main points only: lacks significance of topic and connection to abstract thinking / Evident paragraph, does not emphasizes or connect to topic or answer with connection to abstract thinking / Conclusion paragraph missing
Did not include a conclusion to the essay
Writing Mechanics
Structure, spelling, syntax, semantics, and usages, clarity, concision in writing / No errors in writing mechanics: Usage and structure highly sophisticated –strong clarity in writing / Good sound writing mechanics, minimal errors –above grade level / Some writing mechanics errors, some lack of clarity in writing due to errors / Writing mechanics errors distracted from content and understanding / Major writing mechanics errors
Major distraction to writing and topic
Key: expository writing
1E Evidence- evidence missing, wrong or poor choice 2E explanation-did not explain evidence: lacking or missing
3E elaboration-write more to broaden understanding of point-extend explanation with details
1C clarity-confusing part of writing-lack focus 2C concision-lengthy writing adds to confusion, not necessary parts, poor tone
3C connection-need to connect to topic\point for emphasis:
Political Party Committee: Assignment form
Consisting of different political parties, student will form and develop political campaigns for their candidates from the upcoming elections. Each party will select 1-2 leaders to represent them in the class ruling committee for guidelines, communications and teacher inputs. Each party member will be assign objectives for the party by the party leader. (See below) Each committee will maintain a folder for a notebook grade.
Performance grade base on ruling committee and teacher evaluation process, see evaluation rubric-Daily grade.
Notes and research are hand-written-All finish products must be typed. (12 font, double-spaced with heading)
Objectives / Duties and responsibilities-Party leader delegate-details-Due Dates / Assigned toResearch and write a political platform-written and speech format / Everyday
Research and discuss election issues in preparation for a candidate political debate / Oct. 25-26
Research, develop and write editorials on the elections process and candidates / Oct. 27-28
Create and draw political cartoons for the elections and the candidates / Nov. 8-9
Create political ads and posters for the elections / Every day: Prior to election
Create, write, and produce a campaign commercial for your candidate / Nov. 7
Research and write cabinet positions’ plans / ??????????????????
Participate in online discussion blog-all / Everyday
Develop a strong research team for accuracy of facts, stats, statements, and depth in campaign / Everyday
Reflection paper on election project-1 page handwritten / Nov. 8-9
All other duties as prescribe by Mr. Takaoka / All the time-Unit spiral and unit assignments
Daily Logs –give precise details!!!!!! / Once a day
Election Campaigning to all Rogers’ students / Everyday
• Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.
• Harry S Truman (1884 - 1972),
• Week of / Monday / Tuesday-Wednesday / Thursday-FridayOct. 10 / Concept of Goverment Popular Sovereignty / continue / -Republicanism
Homework: Article about Texas Government: current with summary-Due: Oct. 18-19
Oct. 17 / Federalism / Separation of Powers / -Checks and balances
Homework: Texas Constitution: Locate a principle Due: Oct.25-26
Oct. 24 / Quiz / -Limited Government
Test: 7 Principle Essay on Turnitin: Due: Nov. 11th / -Individual Rights-Test Review
Oct. 31 / Project updates
Homework: Drawing of 7 principles-Due: Nov. 10-11 / Test and spiral Due: / Project time
Guided Reading: 28-1\28-2 in class
Nov.. 7 / Voting-Election / Debriefing: Learning objective essay: Project binder due: / New Unit??
Texas government Quiz: 50 points: 10 point each
Directions: Answer what principle is applicable to each scenario. Best answer
1. South Carolina nullified a federal tariff in 1832 because it believed that it was a state right to do so. Federalism
2. Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 enacted a law in these states which allowed the citizens of each state to vote whether to become a free or slave state. Popular sovereignty
3. The Supreme Court in 1857 decided that Dred Scott cannot sue in court because he was not considered a United State citizen and therefore has no rights. Separation of Powers
4. President Lincoln was elected President in 1860 even though he was not on the ballots in many Southern states. Republicanism
5. Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act 1850 but the Federal government refused to enforce this law without state approval. Checks and balances
Oct. 13-14
· Research, research, research
for election project: see links on my website for sources: bring materials to class next week-
look at class website by ruling committee
· Test grade: Expository Essay: Due-Nov. 11-12 Prompt: Which of the 7 principles is the most important in a democracy and why?
· George Ranch Field Trip assignment: Project grade: Due: Oct. 31st see on school website and google classroom
· Homework: Find current event article example for these two principle: in spiral for each principle: page 4-5
· Put expository rubric in format tab with today’s notes on back of rubric: Now.
· Sign up for google classroom today: slackers
· Today: Page 4-5 Republicanism, Federalism:
Donut’s Holes with Mr. T
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Donut’s Holes with Mr. T
Coming Soon: Sign up with my secretariat: Application Forms to be found online somewhere
Must be legal age and mentally stable
Please read and agree to the agreement below to qualify.
Donut’s Holes with Mr. T
Coming Soon: Sign up with my secretariat: Application Forms to be found online somewhere
Must be legal age and mentally stable
Please read and agree to the agreement below to qualify.
Donut’s Holes with Mr. T
Coming Soon: Sign up with my secretariat: Application Forms to be found online somewhere
Must be legal age and mentally stable
Please read and agree to the agreement below to qualify.