Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
August 12, 2015
7:00p.m. County Courthouse, Castle Dale
Present: Mack Huntington, Judy Ann Scott, Mary Kava, Julie Johansen, Bart Cox, Marie Anderson, Gary Arrington, Bill Dellos
Staff: Jeff Guymon, Tammy Tucker
Public: Commissioner Migliori
1. Welcome: Mack opened the meeting at 7:00p.m. He welcomed and thanked the Board for their service to Emery County. Mack introduced Jeff Guymon, Emery County IT Director, who has assumed the duties of the Planning & Zoning Administrator and feels that Jeff will do a good job as he knows where everything is in the County.
2. Approval of Minutes: Judy Ann Scott made motion to accept the May 15, 2015 Minutes as recorded; seconded by Julie Johansen; Marie Anderson abstained; Motion carried.
3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Conditional Use Permits for Nielson Construction - Green River Gravel Pit and Elements Wilderness Program Premise Occupation: Nielson Construction permit is for a gravel pit south of Green River. This is a Level 1 permit but will be approved by the Planning Commission as a Level 2 as the Zoning Administrator was not in place at the time of application. A staff meeting was held yesterday to review the permit. Ryan Johansen is the Project Manager. They have an $85,000 bond with the BLM and were required to get a letter of approval from Green River City as they will be accessing a couple city roads. They will be crushing gravel to take out to the construction site for the refinery. Gary Arrington made motion to approve the permit; seconded by Mary Kava; motion carried.
Elements Wilderness Program permit is for a premise occupation which is a Level 2. They are currently in Huntington City, have acquired some real estate by Huntington North Reservoir, and would like to move their business out there. It is not going to be immediate as they have to build the home to have the premise occupation. They have been in the community for 8 years operating in Huntington City and this building represents their commitment to staying in Emery County. They do not keep the kids onsite or overnight. They are only there for about an hour upon intake and discharge. The program is for troubled boys. The company takes them out in the San Rafael Desert and Manti-LaSal Forest and try to reconstruct lives of these teenagers and young people who have got into addiction and all kinds of other behavioral problems. Bart Cox made motion to approve the permit; seconded by Julie Johansen. Motion carried.
4. Other Business: Mack stated that in the September Meeting there are some things that the Planning Commission needs to hear and discuss. He has invited the new Zoning Administrator, Jeff Guymon and the new Economic Development Director, Jordan Leonard, to introduce themselves and what they have going on, as well as Ray Petersen, Public Lands Director to talk about the PLI. Along with the Planning Commission, these Departments have more to do with land use in Emery County in one or another than anyone else. What the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan take care of is the land use in Emery County whether it is on Federal, State, or private land with land use issues usually going to one of these bodies. Mack stated that he visited with Mike Olsen, County Attorney, in regards to the needed review and update of the Zoning Ordinance. There have been
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
August 12, 2015
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about 40 plus changes to the statute since we last looked at and updated the Zoning Ordinance in 2012. Attorney Olsen has agreed to do this and it is proper for him to budget money through the Legal Department to pay outside counsel to review the Zoning Ordinance and to find those things that need changing by the definition of the statutes that have passed since then. Attorney Olsen recommended the firm that has recently done the County's Personnel Policy, and has set a meeting on September 1st with Attorney Crook, and members of the Planning Commission if available and anyone else who has an interest to discuss what needs to be done.
5. Adjourn: Bart Cox made motion to adjourn; seconded by Marie Anderson. Meeting adjourned.
9-9-15 Meeting: 8/12/15 Minutes approved as written