Curriculum Vitae

Name:Ka Li FrankieLEUNG, MBBS (HK), FRCS (Edinburgh)

Academic & professionalqualification:

MBBS (Hong Kong) 1989

FRCS (Edinburgh) 1993


FHKAM (Orthopaedics) 1996

Present academic position:

Mar. 2009- Present

Clinical Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant, Dept. of OT, HKU

Professional Organisation and Council Membership

  1. Chairperson, AO Trauma Global Research Commission (from 1 Aug 2011 to 31 July 2014)
  2. National Delegate, SICOT (2011 – present)
  3. Chief National Delegate, Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (2010- present)
  4. AO Foundation, Board of Trustee (2004 – present)
  5. SICOT, Trauma Committee membership (2008- present)
  6. AOTrauma Research Commission, (2009- present)
  7. AOTrauma Asia Pacific, Executive Board member & Chairman of Clinical Research committee (2007- present)
  8. AO Technical Commission, Pelvic Expert Group (2005 – 2008)
  9. AO Technical Commission, Lower Extremity Expert Group (2009-2010)
  10. AO Foundation, Specialty Academic Council (2007- 2009)
  11. National Delegate, Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (2007- 2010)
  12. Vice President, Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong, 2008- 2010
  13. Council Member, Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong, Dec 2004 – till present
  14. AO East Asia, member of Steering Committee 2003-2004
  15. Chairman, AOAA Hong Kong Chapter, 2002- 2004, 2006-2008
  16. Honorary Treasurer, The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Jan 2011 - present
  17. Council Member, The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, 2006- 2010

Previous relevant research work:

  1. AO Research Commission - A multi-centred randomised prospective trial comparing plate fixation and external fixation in intra-articular distal radius fractures (2002-2004) - Swiss Franc 180,000
  1. AO Clinical Priority Program – Preoperative guidelines for elderly patients with Osteoporotic fractures (2009-2010)– Swiss Franc 60,000
  1. Osteoporosis liason service - Roche Hong Kong Limited – HK $138,000
  1. A Proof of concept of a new osteoporosis drug in fracture healing (Drug trial through CTC) – GSK Hong Kong (2007-2008) – HK $120,000
  1. A cadaveric morphological study of distal radius with computer tomography (2008-2009)– Synthes Inc – HK$235,000
  1. Clinical documentation of non-operative treatment of distal radius fractures- AO Clinical Investigation and Documentation (2003) – HK $20,000
  1. The influence of local bone status on complications after surgical treatment of proximal humerus fractures- AO Clinical Investigation and Documentation (2007-2008) – HK$ 25,000
  1. Post Fracture Osteoporosis Care in Asia Survey (2007-09) - MSD Ltd – HK$12,000

Publication records:

  1. Leung F, Lau TW, To M, Luk K, Kung A. Atypical femoral diaphyseal and subtrochanteric fractures and their association with bisphosphonates. BMJ Case Reports 2009 (doi:10.1136/bcr.10.2008.1073)
  1. Leung F, TuYK, Chew W, Chow SP. Comparison of external and percutaneous pin fixation with plate fixation of intra-articular distal radius fractures: A randomized study. JBoneJoint Surg, 2008; 90:16-22
  1. Lau TW, Leung F, Management of Osteoporotic pelvic fractures. Journal of Ortho Surg. 2010; 18(2): 153-7
  1. Lau TW, Leung F, Chan CF, Chow SP. Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis in the treatment of proximal humeral fracture. Int Orthop, 2007; 31: 657-66
  1. Leung F. Editorial – Surgery for elderly wrist fractures: For better form or better function?JOrthopSurg, 2005; 13(3):221-222
  1. LeungF, ZhuL, HoH, LuW, Chow SP.Palmar plate fixation of AO type C2 fracture of distal radius using a locking compression plate – a biomechanical study in a cadaveric model. J Hand Surg(British), 2003; 28B(3): 3263-3266.
  1. Leung F, Chow SP. A randomised prospective trial comparing Low Contact Dynamic Compression Plate and Point Contact Fixator in forearm fractures. JBone Joint Surg, 2003; 85: 2343-2348
  1. LeungF, Kwok HY, Pun TS, Chow SP. The use of Ilizarov external fixation in distal tibia fractures. Injury 2004; 35(3): 278-283
  1. LeungF, ChowSP. Locking compression plate in the treatment of forearm fractures: a prospective study. JOrthopSurg, 2006:14(3):291-294
  1. LeungF, OzkanM, ChowSP. Conservative treatment of intra-articular fractures of the distal radius – factors affecting functional outcome. Hand Surg, 2000; 5(2)145-153

Fellowship and awards:

  1. Best Paper Session - PC-Fix vs LCDCP in the treatment of forearm fractures- a prospective randomised trial The HK Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress 1997
  1. Best Poster Award –The use of Ilizarov external fixation in distal tibia fractures Research Day, The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The University of Hong Kong, 1999
  1. Best Scientific Paper (Associate Member) - Cadaveric Study of anatomical landmarks and guidelines for volar locking plate in distal radius fractures (G. Yuan, F Leung),The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress 2009

Invited Speaker:

1.38th Japanese Society of Fracture Repair, Chiba, Japan, 2010

Other experience and professional membership:

2004 onwards: Member of Board of Trustees, AO Foundation

2007 onwards: Member of AOTrauma Research Commission

2008 onwards: Vice-President, Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong