Unit 2 Review: SSWH1, SSWH2, SSWH8

SSWH1 (Notes & Chapter 1 of Textbook): Intro to Civilizations; Early River-Valley Civilizations: Nile River Valley (Egypt), Tigris-Euphrates River Valley (Mesopotamia), & Babylon (Code of Hammurabi)

SSWH1 The student will analyze the origins, structures, and interactions of complex societies in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean from 3500 BCE to 500 BCE.

  1. Describe the development of Mesopotamian societies, include the religious, cultural, economic, and political facets of society, with attention to Hammurabi’s law code
  2. Describe the relationship of religion and political authority in Ancient Egypt
  3. Explain the development of monotheism; include the concepts developed by the ancient Hebrews, and Zoroastrianism.
  4. Identify early trading networks and writing systems existent in the Eastern Mediterranean, including those of the Phoenicians.
  5. Explain the development and importance of writing; include cuneiform, hieroglyphics, and the Phoenician alphabet

Give the 3 basic characteristics of a civilization

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

The Hebrews (Jews) were the first to believe in only one god. Believe in one god is called: ______

Explain why the development of record-keeping/writing is critical to a civilization



What is the MAJOR difference between Hinduism and Buddhism?



______True or False. According to the religion of Hinduism, all people are able to achieve moksha (reincarnation).

On what continent is the Nile River Valley located? ______

Which of the following people were NOT polytheistic?

  1. HebrewsC. Mesopotamia
  2. EgyptiansD. Indo-Aryans

______True or False. Monotheism is the belief in many gods.

The Nile river was important to the development of which civilization? ______

The first written set of laws that explained consequences and punishments was called: ______

The Nile River impacted the creation of Egypt’s

  1. hieroglyphic languageC. cities
  2. pyramidsD. calendar

What type of economic activity can take place in an ANCIENT town or city?


Which of the following is NOT an example of a building in a town or city?

  1. SchoolC. Temple
  2. Government buildingD. Hospital

Which came first: Civilizations, the Neolithic Revolution, or Permanent Villages?

Egyptian writing was called this ______

Which of the following was a characteristic of the Neolithic Revolution?

  1. Hunting and Gathering?C. Development of permanent villages
  2. Use of stone toolsD. Development of nomadic life-style

Why were the pharaohs so important to the Egyptians? ______



SSWH2 (Notes & Chapter 3 of Textbook): Indus River Valley: Exploring Ancient India/Hinduism & Buddhism

SSWH2 The student will identify the major achievements of Chinese and Indian societies from 1100 BCE to 500 CE.

  1. Describe the development of Indian civilization; include the rise and fall of the Mauryan Empire, the “Golden Age” under Gupta, and the emperor Ashoka.
  2. Explain the development and impact of Hinduism and Buddhism on India and subsequent diffusion of Buddhism.

Ancient India is located in which river valley?

  1. Nile River Valleyc. Indus River Valley
  2. Tigris & Euphrates River Valleyd. Huang River Valley

According to Hinduism one can move up in the caste system by fulfilling ______and gaining good karma.

India’s planting and harvesting is strongly dictated by the climate and ______.

  1. direction of river flowc. development of seedlings
  2. irrigation systemd. monsoon season

Which of the following best describes the cities of the Indus River Valley?

  1. Cities were designed with irrigation ditches, high walls, and ziggurats in the center
  2. Cities were made exclusively of wood
  3. Cities were well-planned with brick homes, streets, walls, sewers, and markets
  4. Cities were organized according to their name

In Hinduism enlightenment is called moksha and in Buddhism enlightenment is called ______.

This religion has thousands of gods, but their 3 supreme gods are Brahman, Shiva, and Vishnu.

A complex set of divisions within Indian society that separated those who were more pure from those who were less pure is called ______.

Give at least one advanced contribution/achievement of Ancient India.

Who founded the Buddhist faith?

How many Varnas (levels) were there in the caste system?

Why was Buddhism appealing to individuals in Ancient India?

  1. Allowed the top two levels of the caste system to achieve nirvana
  2. Rejected gods who were considered immoral
  3. Allowed everyone to reach nirvana
  4. Allowed women to gain political power

Which of the following is true regarding Buddhism?

  1. Anyone can achieve nirvana (enlightenment) in their lifetime
  2. Nirvana is achieved by “wanting” more things
  3. Nirvana is achieved after becoming pure through the cast system
  4. Buddhism is more complex than Hinduism because of all the rituals

This term describes the belief in Hinduism that God and creation are the same: ______

Which answer choice describes the level of the caste system that can achieve moksha

  1. Brahminsc. Vishnus
  2. Dalitd. Shitryas

In Hinduism, each person accumulates these good or bad deeds.

Asoka used his influence to spread ______throughout India and all of Asia.

Indian name for social classes: ______

SSWH8 (Notes-fill-in-blank, Assignments & Chapter 9/Section 3 of Textbook): The rise and fall of the Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, & Olmecs

SSWH8 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the development of societies in Central and South America.

  1. Explain the rise and fall of the Olmec, Mayan, Aztec, and Inca empires.
  2. Compare the culture of the Americas; include government, economy, religion, and the arts of the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas.

______are often referred to as the “mother culture” because they influenced other Mesoamerican societies


  • The Maya lived in present-day southern ______, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, & ______.
  • Mayans were polytheistic and built large ______to honor gods
  • What was the earliest known culture in Mexico? ______
  • Who was Quetzalcoatl? ______



  • List the present-day countries of the Aztecs: ______


  • What group dominated Aztec society? ______
  • How did the Aztec worship their sun god? ______
  • What happened to the Aztec empire? ______


  • Advances in Astronomy: ______
  • Writing System: ______



  • List the present-day countries of the Inca empire: ______


  • What does the name Inca mean? ______


  • How did the Inca emperors try to unite the empire? ______
  • The Inca’s most famous city; ______
  • Incas’s Record System: ______
