Wed 29/10 / 10.30 am / Praise and Fellowship Service. Contact Alison Craige
Thurs 30/10 / 7.45 pm / Ecumenical Choir practice. Contact Charlotte Hearder
Fri 31/10 / 9.30 am / Blue Wrens Play Group. Contact Linda Simmons
Sun 2/11 / 9.00 am / COMBINED Communion Service Worship Centre
What’s on this week?
Thank you to everyone who makes a contribution to our church.
8.00 am Service / 9.00 am ServicePreacher / Rev Dr Ross Kingham
Leader / Margaret Johnston
Pianist / Jason Francis
Stewards / Trevor Bail (W) & Winston Newman
Bible Readers / Gwen Svoboda & Rae Newman
Morning Tea / Nerys Knoke, Barbara Jackson, Rae Newman & Joyce Meagher
PowerPoint Producer / Margaret Johnston
Power Point Operator / Louise Dutton
Sound / Charlotte Hearder
Communion Preparer / Alison Garnsey
Communion Servers / Louise Dutton, Margaret Johnston, Terri Jones, Winston Newman
Kids Church Teacher / Linda Simmons
Kids Church Helper / Lois Noack
Flowers / Jason Franciw
Grounds / Mailler, Muller, Taylor
8.00 am – Preacher – Rev Dr Ross Kingham
9.30am Leader Winston Newman
Preacher Rev Dr Ross Kingham
Bible Readings : .Psalm 103 : 1-5 and Acts 17 : 22-31
Ross Kingham has commenced a period of Supply Ministry with us, on a part time basis. Normally, he will be at the Church office on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Ph. 0418 481 562.
Dear Visitors
- Welcome to our Church family today. We are so glad that you could join us! We would be grateful if you would please sign the visitor’s book in the foyer If you would like to be contacted during the week, please let us know.
Please join us for Morning tea in the Concourse.
MISSION NEWSMichelle Kallmier leaves Cambodia at the end of November. Pray that she will finish well. (Newsletter on Missions board.)
Paul and Chaa Flack (Thailand) Urgent prayer request: They may have to move house and this will affect Paul’s visa to work. See details on Missions notice board.
Treasurer’s Corner :
Our Freewill Offerings for October is $1406.00 per week so far, with another week to go. Good news.
The Treasurer. .
Rehearsals on 30 Oct will be at WCUC from 7.45p.m. to 9.30p.m. All who would like to share the joy of Christmas in song are welcome - Contact ; Charlotte Hearder.
Thank you to all those people serving the Church through their participation in the many tasks which help keep the Church operating efficiently.
New rosters for 2015 will soon be prepared and we need to know who will be available to assist next year.
Could you take the time to email your availability including the areas in which you could help to:-
Andrew Lund: for 8 AM service
Charles Mailler: for 9:30 AM
For those not on email a sheet will be placed at the back of the Church for you to record the areas in which you can assist.
Please take the time to respond so the rosters correctly reflect your wishes.
On Wednesday 29 October will be entertained by Carlene Hancock and Dancers. All very welcome to come along.
Many thanks to the men who made an extra effort to make the surrounds of our church look so great for the Craft show. Well done.
Congregational Meeting
Minutes of the meeting on 12 October have been distributed and a further meeting to discuss John Braakman’s report will be held on 2 November, following the combined 9am Communion service.
Those unable to attend on 2 November who wish to comment on the paper, should forward those comments to Gwen Svoboda directly, or email them to the church office for onforwarding to Gwen.
This Bible Study “Advent and Christmas” 10 Nov-8 Feb 2015 is now available for collection from the Office. Cost $4.50.
Presbytery in Prayer
Mt Dromedary Parish (Bermagui, Bodalla, Cobargo, Narooma)
Give thanks for this group of congregationson the far south coastand please pray for their team leaders (Tom Gradwell, Bermagui congregation; Pam Crispin, Bodalla; Colin Boreham, Cobargo; Barry Flanagan: Narooma) and all who lead worship.
Please pray for those involved inMt Dromedary's outreach through Monty's Place and the Drop-in Centre.
Please pray for Minister, David Oliphant, as he resources and supports them
Please pray for:
1. A meeting with the Education Directorate this Friday for Peter James and myself.
2. Wisdom as to how we can respectfully convey our request for the ACT Government to re-think their current position to remove chaplains from government schools over time.
3. A formation and strengthening of School Chaplaincy Support Teams in each school where churches send representatives to provide support and prayer.
4. A host of God's people to stand with us in prayer and partner with us financially so our dependence on the federal funding lessens and schools see God's community bringing blessing through chaplaincy.
“Save our Children’s World”
Sunday October 26 is Children’s Week and the theme is “Let the children have a voice and be heard.” Some activities to encourage children to be involved are outlined on a poster in the concourse.
Kaleidoscope Productions presents “Job Pilgrim” – an original dramatised Oratorio based on the book of Job. Featuring Neil Roach and Louise Page at the Q Theatre in Queanbeyan Thursday 20 Nov and Friday 21 November. Tickets at the Q $35 adults; $25 concession.