Village of Winnebago
Police Committee Meeting
September 24, 20145:30 p.m., Village Hall
Present: Kris Kieper, Don Kimes,Stan Maligranda, Chief Todd Stockburger, Sgt Jeff White
Guests: Randy Smith
- Call to Order – 5:30 p.m.
- Public Comment - None
- Disclosure of any conflict of interest - None
- Approve Minutes – Tabled
- Budget 2015 – Discussed the draft budget that will be turned into Finance Committee.
- Adoption of Rules for Public Comment – Reviewed rules for public comment. Will adopt the same rules as used by the Board of Trustees. Motion made by Trustee Maligranda to adopt the same rules as used by the VoW Board of Trustees; seconded, approved.
- Review of WPD Items and Priorities for Village Attorney –
- Lexipol – monthly commitment
- Admin Tow Ordinance – correction and adding a “fleeing to allude” section for a $750 admin fee. Needed by end of November
- Parking Ticket Ordinance – necessary so that parking citations can be issued for less than the statute of $120.00.
- NIMS Requirements for IEMA Ready to Respond Community Designation – President Eubank provided information about the designation award; recommended this committee review. Committee is interested in pursuing this designation, additional NIMS training would be required on behalf of Trustees, officers, and department heads. Will review the NIMS chart at the October Board meeting and discuss interest in this designation.
- Utility Vehicle for Prairie Path - Tabled
- Part-Time Officer Update – Reviewed three candidates who have been interviewed and put forth for approval for part-time officer hire. All three candidates are lateral hires with significant experience and certifications. Trustee Maligranda motioned to recommend the three candidates to the Board of Trustees to offer employment contingent upon successful background checks, medical and psychological exams. Beginning lateral salary of $18 per hour. Seconded; approved
- Officer Spelman’s Completed Probationary Period – Officer Spelman was hired as a full-time officer on 8/4/13; began part-time employment 6/22/02. He has maintained his paramedic certification, and will continue to do so. Trustee Kimes motioned to remove Officer Spelman from probation with a pay increase to $21.49 per hour, retroactive to 8/4/14. Seconded; approved.
- Police Fine Revenues – Spread sheet was reviewed that indicates the number of administrative tow fines and hearings to date. Trustee Kieper has had a discussion with President Eubank concerning fine revenue distribution on fines being collected by Winnebago County. President Eubank will approach surrounding municipality leaders to discuss a more equal and fair distribution of fine revenue.
- Police Garage Improvements – Chief Stockburgergained a bid from a contractor; it is unlikely that the contractor will be able to complete the work before winter. We are waiting for a second bid at this time. Trustee Kieper will discuss with President Eubank alternative methods to achieve the necessary work.
- Community Policing Update - Statistics were reviewed.
- Sergeant’s Report:
- Taser certification – Taser certification will be completed by all officers as soon as a date can be secured with a neighboring agency. Goal is to have all officers certify twice per year.
- Chief’s Report:
- Chief Stockburger will attend the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Orlando, FL in late October.
- Officer Haff is almost ready to be released from field training; still needs to test on policies, should be completed within the next week.
- Vehicle 105 has had the exhaust system and coil repaired/replaced. It has a pending ignition recall that has already had one replacement in February 2013.
- Vehicle 111 required a water pump and serpentine belt this month.
- There was one administrative tow hearing this past month; hearing was in favor of VoW.
- New Business - None
- Executive Session - None
- Adjournment–Trustee Kimes motioned for adjournment at 7:30; seconded, ADJOURNED.
Respectfully submitted:
Kris L. Kieper
Chairwoman, Police Committee