Teen Driving Announcements – Winter Edition

The Driver’s Seat is a statewide campaign from the Colorado Department of Transportation to help Colorado teens know the law and become safer drivers.

Following are suggested announcements that could be used during daily public address announcements, included in daily bulletins or included on the school Web site:

1.  Here’s a reminder for all new drivers.

Rain, fog, sleet, snow and ice are a part of every Colorado winter, but this is your first time to face them behind the wheel. Keep your speed down. Most crashes are caused by driving too fast for road conditions. You’re in the Driver’s Seat.

Be cautious. Get there safely.

Go to coteendriver.com for more information.

2.  Here’s something for all you new drivers to consider.

Your life is in your hands so think about road conditions. When your tires skid on the ice, take your foot off the accelerator, steer toward the direction you’re sliding and brake gently. You’re in the Driver’s Seat.

You’re in control. Don’t lose it.

Go to coteendriver.com for more information.

3.  Here’s a statistic for all you new drivers.

A sixteen-year-old driver is 3 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than the average of all other drivers. Don’t become a statistic. Avoid distractions such as texting, passengers and loud music. You’re in the Driver’s Seat.

Make smart choices. Drive sensibly.

Go to coteendriver.com for more information.

4.  Here’s a thought for all you new drivers.

Would you listen to your iPod without headphones? Go skateboarding without wheels? Wear only one UGG boot? No? Then don’t ride in a car without a seat belt. It’s the one thing that could save your life in a crash. You’re in the Driver’s Seat.

Take responsibility. Buckle up.

Visit coteendriver.com for more information.

5.  Here’s some advice for all you new drivers.

Save some money for your next night out with your friends. Buckle up. Fines for not wearing a seat belt start at $65 for each unbuckled person in your car. You’re in the Driver’s Seat.

It’s a privilege that can cost you. Click It or Ticket.

Learn more at coteendriver.com.

6.  Are you ready to get your driver’s license?

There’s a lot you need to know before you get in the Driver’s Seat.

Colorado’s teen driving laws help you gradually build your skills and experience behind the wheel. There are rules on the number of passengers… and restrictions on driving after midnight. Get all the facts at coteendriver.com.