
Student______ID #______Grade Level______

DEBATE I Teacher______

Communication Applications Teacher______

To enable students to fulfill the 26-credit Recommended graduation plan in the most efficient manner and to encourage students to pursue as many courses of interest as possible, the District will allow students enrolled in DEBATE I to apply for Embedded Credit for their Communication Applications (1170) course credit.

Upon completion of the DEBATE I elective course, students who have completed the appropriate TEKS will earn in addition to 1.0 credit for DEBATE I, 0.5 credit for Communication Applications (1170). At the end of second semester, the certified Communication Applications teacher of record will report the grades to the campus registrar to record on the student’s transcript. The grade for DEBATE I B and Communication Applications will be the same.

Students who elect this option:

·  must conference with his/her counselor and DEBATE I elective teacher to obtain


·  must submit the application with all appropriate signatures no later than ten days

after the beginning of second semester.

·  must complete all TEKS for the Communication Applications course per the

Communication Applications teacher of record.

·  will receive numerical grades on progress reports and report cards for

eligibility purposes based on the DEBATE I embedded course.

Teachers will promote academic success by:

·  monitoring student progress by timely grading student work.

·  communicating with parents regarding concerns about quality of academic work.

·  adhering to district policies regarding grading and reporting of student progress at 3 week

and 6 week intervals.

I understand how this Communications Applications Embedded Credit Course will affect my eligibility for UIL, school-approved activities, grade point average, and class rank.

Student Signature______Date______

Parent Signature______Date______

DEBATE Teacher’s Signature______Date______

Comm. Application Teacher______Date______

Counselor’s Signature______Date______

Comm App. Teacher______Grade Earned______Date ______

Date Received by Registrar ______Grade Recorded______

White – Counselor Yellow – Registrar Pink – Comm Apps Teacher Gold – Parent/Student