Dr. Suleiman Al Khattab Page 1 of 10
Dr. Suleiman Ahmad Al Khattab
/ Department of Business AdministrationCollege of Business Administration and Economics,
Maan- Jordan
P.O. Box 020
Tel: +962 778 631 204 (mobile)
Suleiman Al Khattab is a career academic, Business Administration specialising in marketing. He is now an Associate Professor in the College of Business Administration and Economices. His Master’s degree was obtained from University of Mousel, Mousel, Iraq, and his doctorate from the University of Salford, Salford, UK. His PhD was concerned with customer service and e-marketing in banking industry and has resulted in a number of refereed articles in internationally ranked journals. Furthermore, he has presented papers at international conferences in the UK, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia , Italy and India.
Academic Qualifications
¨ Doctor of Philosophy
PhD, in Business Administration / Marketing (2005); School of Management, University of Salford, Manchester-United Kingdom
Thesis title: “The impact of information technology on customer service in the Jordanian banking sector”
¨ Master of Science
MSc, in Business Administration / Marketing (1996); College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, Mosul- Iraq.
Thesis title: “The possible forms of marketing the Jordanian consumer goods internationally: a study of the Jordanian's companies exporters association”
¨ Bachelor of Science
BSc in b Business Administrative (1994), College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, Mosul- Iraq.
¨ General Secondary Certificate Examination (GSCE):
General Secondary Certificate Examination (1990), Literary Stream, Aqaba Secondary School, Aqaba, Jordan.
Professional Experience
¨ Full Time Lecturer: Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, (1998–2001).
¨ Assistant Professor: Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, (15/10/2005 – 9/2011).
¨ Associate Professor: Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, ( 9/2011- present).
¨ Marketing Management Leader: Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, (2005 – Present).
¨ Part-Time Lecturer for Master programme in Management Information System: Al-Balqa Applied University- Maan Branch (2011–2012).
¨ Assistant Dean of Business Administration and Economics College, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, (2006 –2007).
¨ Dean, Deanship of Student Affairs, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, (1/09/2007– 1/09/2009).
¨ Director, Faculty Staff Development Centre, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, (1/09/2011– 1/9/2012).
¨ Invited Lecturer, Department of Business Administration College of Business Administration and Finance, Taif university, Taif, kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1/9/2012-1/9/2013)
¨ Part-Time Lecturer for Master programme in Business Administration: Saudi Electronic Univeristy ( SEU)- Jeddah Branch (2013).
Research Interests
¨ Consumer Behaviour.
¨ Customer Service and Quality Service
¨ Customer Satisfaction
¨ International Marketing.
¨ International Businesses
¨ Competitive priorities and competitive advantage
Memberships of University Committees
¨ Member of the council of the Department of Businesses Administration, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (2005 - present).
¨ Member of the council of the College of Business Administration and Economics, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (2006-2007).
¨ Member of the Dean's Council, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (2007-2009)
¨ Member of University Council, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (2007-2009).
¨ Advisor of Business Administration Club, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, 2006 - 2007.
¨ Academic advisor, marketing management students (2006-present).
¨ Secretary of the Sports Federation of Jordanian Universities (2007-2009)
¨ Member and participant in the activities of the scientific day, the College of Business Administration and Economics scientific day, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (2007).
¨ Member of the committee aims to reconsidering the academic plans, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, 2006.
¨ Member of the committee of student's guiding at the Business Administration department at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, 2006.
¨ Member of the organizing committee of 7th students' conference held at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, The Arab Council for Training Students of Arab Universities (1/9/2007- 5/9/2007)
¨ Member of the preparing committee for the academic symposium held by Naïf Arab University for Security Sciences, at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (12-14/5/2009).
¨ Member of the Cultural and Artistic League of the Universities of Jordan (2007-2009).
¨ Chairman of the committee of students' loan, at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (2007-2009).
¨ Chairman of Procurement Committee for the University’s Books, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (2006)
¨ Chairman of the Council of Students Disciplinary, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (2007-2009)
¨ Chairman of supreme committee of students’ election at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (2007,2008, 2009)
¨ Chairman of supreme committee of Graduation, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (2007-2009)
¨ Editor-in-chief of University’s Newsletter (Al- Haq Yalou), Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (2007-2009)
¨ Member of Scientific Research Council, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (9/2011-9/2012).
¨ Member of Faculty Staff Development Council, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (9/2011- 9/2012).
¨ Member of Editorial Board Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Journal Reserch (2013, 2015),
Awards, Honors and Distinctions
¨ The Award of the Arab Council for Training Students of Arab Universities (ACTSAU), Al-Hussein Bin Talal University- Jordan (2008).
¨ The Award of Sports Federation of Jordanian University, Jordan (2008).
¨ The Award of Cultural and Arts Federation of Jordanian University, Jordan (2009).
¨ The Award of Greater Municipality of Maan, Jordan (2010).
¨ The Award of the Arab Council for Training Students of Arab Universities, Alexandria University - Egypt (2011).
¨ The Award of Maan Chamber of Commerce, Jordan (2011).
¨ The Award of Taif University, Sudia Arabia (2013)
Articles in Refereed Journals
¨ Al Khattab, S. and Fraij, F. (2011), Assessing Students' Satisfaction with Quality of Service of Students Information System, Management and Marketing Journal, Vol. IX, Issue 1, PP. 11-225.
¨ Al Khattab, S. and Aldehayyat, J. (2011), Perceptions of Service Quality in Jordanian Hotels, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.6 No. 7, pp.226-233.
¨ Badayneh, D; Al- Darawsheh,.A; Al-Oran, H; Al Khattab, S. and Al-Tawayha, A.(2011) Social Stigma and Attitudes of University Students towards HIV-Positive Persons, Jordan Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.4 No 1, PP.48-70
¨ Al Khattab, S. and Aborumman, A. (2011) Healthcare service quality: comparing public and private hospitals in Jordan, International Business Management, 5 (5), PP.247-254.
¨ Al Khattab, A.; Dehayyat. J; Al Khattab, S. and Dhmour, F. (2008) The Assessment of Political Risk in International Business, CHME 17th Annual Research Conference 2008 (14-16/05/2008), Glasgow: United Kingdom. ISBN 0-9548039-1-4.
¨ Al-Yatama, S; Al Khattab, S.; Al Khattab, A. and Dehayyat. J (2011) Empirical Evidence of Kuwaiti Executives’ Perception of International Business Environment, Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference 2011 in Venice (ABSRC), (1-3/06/2011), Venice: Italy. ISBN 978-961-92917-1-9
¨ Aborumman, A; Ahmad, A. And Al Khattab, S. (2011) The relationship between INTSERVQUAL and EXTSERVQUAL in full-service restaurants: a comparative study between domestic and foreign restaurants, Journal of Association of Arab Univeristies for Tourism and Hospitality, Suez Canal University/EGYPT.
¨ Al Khattab, S. (2012)Marketing Strategic Alliances: The Hotel Sector in Jordan; International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.7 No. 9; May, PP.222- 232.
¨ Al-Badayeneh, D; Badahdah, A;.....; and Al Khattab, S. (2012), " Development of an Arabian AIDS stigma scale, University of Sharjah Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences",Vol. 9, No. 2, PP.34-71
¨ Al Khattab, A; Alyatama, S; Al Khattab, S. and Aldehayyat. J (2012) " Executives’ Perception of political – legal Business Environment", International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol.22 Iss. 3, PP.168-181.
¨ Al Khattab, S. ; Al Showabkha, A. (2013)" The impact of information technology on the productivity and services quality: case study Taif Municipality", Journal of Commercial Research, Vol. 27, No. 2, PP.2-23.
¨ Al Showabkha, A; Al Khattab, S. (2013) "The Reality of Management Support Systems and Support Their Role in Achieving Organizational Creativity of Organizations Case Study: The Public Sector Organizations in the Province of Taif", Egyptian Journal of Mass Education Communication Research and Human Sciences, Vol.8 NO.2, pp.33-77.
¨ Al Khattab, S. and Aborumman, A. And Massad,M.(2015)," The Impact of the Green Supply Chain Management on Environmental – Based Marketing Performance: Case study Nuqul Group Compaies in Jordan", Industrial Engineering Letters, Vol. 5 No.8 PP.80-88.
¨ Al-Badayeneh, D; Al Khattab, S. And alshomary, k. (2014) "The corruption perceptions of the employees in the public and private sector in KSA", Studies and Research, Vol. 5, No.15 PP.63-96.
¨ Al Khattab, S. and Aborumman, A. And Zaidan, G.(2015)," E-Integrated Marketing Communication and its impact on Customers' Attitudes", Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research, Vol.14 PP.157-165.
¨ Alsoboa, S; Nawaiseh, M.; Abu Karaki,B. and Al Khattab, S. (2015), The Impact of Usage of Strategic Decision Making Techniques on Jordanian Hotels' Performance', International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol.5, No.1, PP.154-163.
¨ Alaya, M. And Al Khattab, S. (2015), "A Case Study in Business Market : Banks’ Profitability: Evidence from Jordanian Commercial Banks (2002-2015 )", International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, Vol.6(4), PP.204-213.
¨ Al Khattab, S.; Al Hadid, A. And Alnwaigah, A. (2015)"The Technology Acceptance Model Banking Services and Students' Satisfaction: Case of Taif University", American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal,Vol.7, no.4, pp.227236.
¨ Al Khattab, S. and Aborumman, A. And Massad,M.(2015)," The Impact of the Green Supply Chain Management on Environmental – Based Marketing Performance ", Journal of Service Science and Management, Vol.8, PP. 588-597
¨ Al Khattab, S. and Aborumman, A. And Zaidan, G.(2015)," E-Integrated Marketing Communication and its impact on Customers' Attitudes", American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, Vol.5, PP. 538-547.
¨ Al Khattab, S. and Aborumman, A.; Abed , R. and Alsoboa A. (2015)," The Impact of Indirect Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising on the Physician-Patient Relationship", European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.7 No 22 ,PP.43-50.
¨ Alaya, M.; Alsoboa A. and Al Khattab, S. (2015)," Poverty Effects of House Holds in the Southern Region of Jordan", European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.7 No 22, PP.193-205.
¨ Al Khattab, S. ; Alhaj, M.; Al Darawsheh, A. and Abu Shareah, I.(2015), " The Impact of Social Marketing and Application of Social Responsibility in Enhancing the Quality of Educational Services: A Field Study on the Private Schools and Cultural Centers in Maan City", DIRASAT: Adminstrative Sciences- Jordan University, Vol.42, No. 2, PP.443-460.
¨ Al Khattab, S. and Aborumman, A.; and Al Rawabdeh N. (2015)," The effect of the Relationship Between INTSERVQUAL and EXTSERVQUAL on the Internal Customer's Satsfaction as Variable Rate: Case Study on the Full-Service Restaurants in Amman. DIRASAT: Adminstrative Sciences- Jordan University, ACCPTED
Working Papers
¨ Al Khattab, S. (2007), Industrial Investment in Ma'an Governorate: The Obstacles and Opportunities, Working paper, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Unpublished)
¨ Al Khattab, S. (2006) Marketing Opportunities for Jordanian Goods, Working paper, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Unpublished)
¨ Al Khattab, S. (2005) Customer satisfaction towards Islamic banking services. Working paper, University of Salford. UK. (Unpublished)
¨ Al-Badayeneh, D; Al Khattab, S. And Almahasna, M.(2012), "Riders satsfaction with Jordan Public Transportation", funded by Land Transportaion Recuulatory Commission, Amman – Jordan (Unpublished)
Current job duties
¨ Teaching and Instruction.
¨ Guiding and Follow-Up with Students.
¨ Selection of the Textbooks and References Needed for courses
¨ Member of the Department Council
¨ Bachelor Degree Curriculums Preparation.
¨ Graduation Projects Supervision
¨ Examiner for thesis of MSc and PhD Students.
Seminars and Conference
¨ Al Khattab, A.; Dehayyat. J; Al Khattab, S. and Dhmour, F. (2008) The Assessment of Political Risk in International Business, CHME 17th Annual Research Conference 2008 (14-16/05/2008), Glasgow: United Kingdom. ISBN 0-9548039-1-4.
¨ Al-Yatama, S; Al Khattab, S.; Al Khattab, A. and Dehayyat. J (2011) Empirical Evidence of Kuwaiti Executives’ Perception of International Business Environment, Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference 2011 in Venice (ABSRC), (1-3/06/2011), Venice: Italy. ISBN 978-961-92917-1-9
¨ Al Khattab, S. (2008) the impact if information on customer service, The 6th International Conference on Marketing, (7-10/07/2008), Athens: Greece.
¨ Al Khattab, S. (2009) Information Technology in the Jordanian Banking Sector, 9th International Entrepreneurship Forum (9th IEF) Conference, (16-18/9/2009), Istanbul- Turkey.
¨ Al Khattab, S. (2010): Scientific Research Strategy in Arab World Conference. May 18-19, Irbid University, Irbid, Jordan.
¨ Al Khattab, A. Dhemor, F.; Al Khattab, S.; Dehayyat. J. (2008) The assessment of political risk in international business, CHME Research Conference 2008 (14-16/05/2008), Glasgow: United Kingdom. ISBN 0-94548039-1-4.
¨ Al Khattab, S. (2009) the role of students' clubs in increasing the security knowledge, Academic Symposium, held by Naif Arab University for Security Sciences, at Al Hussein Bin Talal University (12-14/5/2009).
¨ Al Khattab, S. (2012) Technology Acceptance Model: Case of Jordanian Banks,4th International Congress of Environmental Research Surat-India (15-17/12/2011).
¨ Conduct a Seminar entitled “Ethics in Job”, Taif University, March, 2013 for BBA students.
¨ Conduct a Seminar entitled “Career Planning and Development”, Taif University, May , 2013 for BBA students.
¨ Statistical Package (SPPS) Workshops at Taif Univresity for BBA and MBA students, November, 2013
Work in Progress
¨ Developing a Model for Job satisfaction and its Relationship with Organizational Loyalty and A academic Staff Intention to Leave the Work at Jordanian Universities
¨ Citizens' satisfaction on the level of services provided by Greater Municipality of Maan.
¨ Al Khattab, S.; AL Muhtaseeb, A. And Alawadi, A. "accepted and funded by the MOHE, Titled: The impact of information technology on the productivity and levels of services: applied study on the municipalities of Maan, Tafila and Karak (Jordan). www.srf.gov.jo.
¨ The value of direct marketing to an organisationand Use of operations management tools and techniques in a business function.
¨ The Impact of Transformational Leadership on the Academic Service Quality – Jop Satsfaction as a Moderate Variavle : Case Study Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Training Courses and Lectures
¨ Work procedures, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (3/2006)
¨ Strategic Planning, Petra (18/9/2006)
¨ The investment in Jordan, Tafila Technical University,( 17/4/2006)
¨ University Learning and the Labour Market, Shoubak, (14/7/2007).
¨ Empowerment of women, Jordan’s Higher Council for Youth, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (8/2007).