


TheUniversityofMassachusettsPresident’sOfficeispleasedtoannouncethe2016Creative EconomyInitiativesFund. Establishedin 2007, andintended to complement thePresident’sScienceandTechnologyInitiativesFund,theCreativeEconomyFunddemonstratesacontinuedcommitmenttomaintainingtheUniversity’scentralroleinthesocial,culturalandeconomicdevelopmentoftheCommonwealthanddirectlysupportsthestrategicgoalsofstrengtheningandexpandingtheUniversity’sresearchandservicecontributions.

Purpose oftheFund

The Creative Economy Fund recognizes the contributionsofthearts,humanitiesandsocialsciencestothelifeoftheCommonwealth.Through its support, the Fundseeks to addtotheculturalandcreativeresources of the Commonwealth, improve the State’s overallqualityoflife(therebymakingMassachusettsamoreattractiveplacetoliveandinvest),andraisetheUniversity’slevel of communityengagement. Funding may also support projects aimed at improving local, state, national or international policy-making, be combined in a larger existing or planned effort, or be used in the search for additional support and broader partnerships.

In a recent editorial highlighting the significant social and economic impact of the Commonwealth’s arts and cultural enterprises, (“Making Arts Policy a Priority,” 14 November 2014), THE BOSTON GLOBE emphatically stated that:

“The arts are not merely an add-on — a luxury — but an essential component of the state’s quality of life. The Massachusetts arts community encompasses roughly 6,000 arts and cultural organizations that support more than 45,000 jobs. A report last summer by ArtsBostonshowed that nonprofit arts and cultural organizations boost the Boston economy alone by $1 billion every year. Arts education has been shown to improve student performance across the disciplines and to transform troubled schools like Roxbury’s Orchard Gardens. … Likewise, an array of arts programs — from the Actors’ Shakespeare Project’s Incarcerated Youth at Play to the Boston Children’s Chorus, Shakespeare and Company’s Shakespeare in the Courts, RAW (Raw Art Works) in Lynn, and Zumix in East Boston — have been instrumental in curbing youth violence across the state and changing young lives. And it is impossible to imagine the turnarounds in economically distressed cities like Pittsfield, North Adams, and Lowell without investment in the arts.”

Creative Economy Fund awardswill normallybemadeinthe$10,000-$30,000range.TotalfundingavailableiscontingentontheUniversity’sbudgetsituation, has not been determined at this time, and may be somewhat smaller than in recent years.ThePresident’sOfficespecificallyreservestherighttorecommendchangesorreductionsinbudgetrequests.Theprojectperiodistypicallytwelvemonths,startingatthebeginningoftheUniversity’sfiscalyear(July1).Aninterimprojectreportisdueinmid-December and a final report in mid-June.

Criteria for Awards(a successful Proposal neednot satisfyallcriteria)

  • High qualityresearch, scholarlyor professionalactivity;
  • Communityorother externalbuy-inand participation;
  • Potentialfor additionalexternalfunding or follow-on activities;
  • Likely positive contribution to economic or social development, cultural orcreativerichness, orqualityof life oflocal community,region, or state;
  • Presence ofstrongproject leadership;
  • Multi-discipline or multi-campusengagementwhere appropriate;


Our intent is to keep the Creative Economy Fund application process simple anduser-friendly. Initially, very short (2 page) Concept Papers are solicited. Those Concepts are reviewed at both the Campus and President’s Office levels; after which promising Concepts are invited to proceed to the Full Proposal stage. The timeline for theapplication process is asfollows:

  • Fri..,Feb. 12: ConceptPapers duetocampusresearchoffices. (Concept Papers are due from the CROs to the UMass President’s Office one week later.)*
  • Fri., March 18:President’sOfficefeedback provided to campusresearch offices.
  • Fri.,April 15: Full Proposals dueto campusresearchoffices. (Full Proposals are due from the CROs to the President’s Office one week later.)*
  • Fri., May 20: Announcement of awards.
  • Weds.,July1:Project start date

Guidance for Concept Papers

ConceptPapers should:

  • Be no more thantwo(2)pages in length;
  • Outline the approach ofthe projectand howit willreflectthegoals oftheFund;
  • Identifyproject leadership andprovide a brief estimatedbudget;
  • Describe the external fundingopportunities to bepursued, if any,and theexpectednature of collaborations on or offcampus (on apreliminarybasis ifnecessary);and
  • Demonstrate endorsement ofthe Chancellor.Allproposals must be submitted viaCampusResearchOffices.Forwardingof conceptpapersandfinal proposals fromCampusResearchOfficesto the President’sOfficewillindicate approval ofChancellor.

*CampusresearchofficesareexpectedtocompleteinternalprocessingandforwardmaterialstothePresident’sOfficewithinoneweek—Fri.,Feb. 19forConceptPapersandFri.,April 22forFullProposals.Electronicsubmissions(inWORD,notpdf,please)arepreferred.

Creative EconomyFundConceptPaperswill be reviewedbytheOffice ofthe SeniorVice President forAcademic Affairs,StudentAffairsandInternational Relations, inconsultationwithcampusresearchoffices. Applicantswho submit the strongest ConceptPaperswill be asked to submit FullProposals. Insome cases,where opportunities forsynergyexist, separate applicants maybe encouraged tocombine their concepts into asingle proposal.

Guidance for FullProposals

FullProposals should:

  • Be no more thanfive(5)pages in length;
  • Elaborate on theideas presented in the Concept Paper and provideamorethoroughprojectdescription,includinganticipatedperformance milestonesandsuccessmeasures;
  • Specificallyaddress howthe projectwillmeet thegoals ofthe Fund;
  • Identifyandaddresskeyadministrative andmanagerialchallenges to the project;
  • Provide a budgetfor theproposed useoffunds which identifies major spending categories; and
  • Demonstrate thecontinuedendorsement oftheChancellor(or Chancellors in thecase of multi-campusinitiatives).Allproposals must be submitted via campusResearchOffices. Forwardingofconceptpapersand finalproposalsfrom campusResearchOffices to the President’sOffice will indicate approval ofChancellor.

ProposalswillagainbereviewedbytheOfficeoftheSeniorVicePresident,whichmayincludeconsultationwithmembersofproposalteamsorotherrelevantparties.TheSeniorVicePresidentwillmakefundingrecommendationstothePresident,whowillhave final decision-makingauthority.

ProposalSubmission and ForFurther Information

AllCreative EconomyInitiativesFundConcept Papers and Full Proposals should be sent via CampusResearchOffices to Professor Edmund Beard,Senior Advisorto the Senior Vice PresidentforAcademicAffairs,StudentAffairsandInternationalRelations,UMassPresident’sOffice,One Beacon Street, Floor 31, Boston,Ma. 02108. Electronic submissions (inWORD,not pdf,please)are preferred. For additionalinformation,Edcan becontacted at(781)848-7681 or . Suchcontact is welcomed.