Information guide for new students
Tool / What Topic? / Where?/ Detailed information for all students of the Hanzehogeschool Groningen about rights, responsibilities, student charter, participation, library, deanery, study abroad and much more! / Login at the top right. You can then navigate through menus or search for topics.
News for all students of the Hanzehogeschool, but also general, relevant announcements for Sport Studies, schedule/location changes, sickreports of teachers etc. / When you’re logged in, you can see all the relevant news of the Hanzehogeschool and your own programme on your home page.
Blackboard / Course content like:
- Planning;
- Documents;
- Examinations.
Osiris /
- Grades;
- Progress.
E-mail / Personal information and (urgent) calls. /
Check your email on a daily basis!
Display in the main hall /
- General communication;
- Sick reports teachers;
- Announcements.
Bulletin boards /
- Announcements, requests, activities, etc.
Letter /
- Personal and/or confidential information on study progress or (binding) study advice;
- Invitations and bills for electives or camps.
Social Media
Twitter /
- News
- Events
- Calls
- Sick reports
Social Media
Facebook /
- Reports
- Photos
- Calls
- News
- Events
At… / you can… / Where?
The student administration desk /
- Communicate changes in your address and other registration information;
- Get information on your tuition payments and your student card;
- Ask questions aboutStudielink.
room A 0.39
Opening hours:
Mondays tillThursdays from
9.00-12.00 and from 13.00-15.00, Fridays from 9.00-12.00
The Front Office /
- Ask general questions;
- Be redirected to the right person within the School;
- Get information on internships;
- Get information on electives and courses.
Opening hours:
Mondays till Thursdays from
9.00-12.30 and from 13.30-15.00
The teacher / Can ask about issues concerning your courses, like:
- Content;
- Classes;
- Examinations, projects etc.
The student career adviser /
- Personal issues influencing study performance;
- Professional development
- Problems among students;
The examination board /
- Set appeal regarding exams and BSA;
- Requesting extra opportunities because of personal circumstances (illness or injuries);
- Requesting exemption.
Requests by email:
The deanery / Ask questions about:
- you study;
- Study delay;
- Finance;
- Conflict advice;
- Study choice;
- requesting special arrangements (dyslexia, disability, etc).
secr. (050) 595 4028
or go toMijn Hanze
(tab ‘services)
BUT:First contact your student adviser / Personal Development Planning tutor!
The student adviser /
- Advice regarding study progress, delay, special circumstances and illness;
- Study contracts,students from other faculties and
The Top sport-coordinator /
- Requesting Top sport arrangement;
- Requesting Top sport scholarship
The service desk /
- Information on facilities;
- Error announcementsand complaints about facilities;
- Reserving (work) areas/rooms;
- First aid.
The Institute shop /
- Syllabi, readers, manuals;
- Office supplies
Central repro /
- Repro-assignments.
The AV/ICT-helpdesk /
- Lending of AV-materials;
- ICT-support.