Annex C to HSSC8-05.7A
3. HSWG WORK PLAN 2017-2019
A / To review the text of the S-44 5th Edition and identify where improvements can be made.B / The applicability of the S-44 standard to all existing, emergent and future technologies, verifying the possibility to include for instance: Interferometric SSS, Hygh frequencies MB, LIDAR, Crowd Sourcing bathimetry, Satelite bathimetry, Wather Column /Multidetect, and Seafloor Backscatter as appropriate.
C / To bring up the needs of the users of the data, this may require the WG to look beyond bathymetry towards other navigational requirements such as seafloor characterization and the possible use of statistically generated surfaces as an output of hydrographic surveys, AIMING RESTRICTYLLY SAFETY OF NAVIGATION.
D / DEFINE, if and as appropriate, a relationship between survey orders in the IHO S-44 Publication and CAT ZOC used in S-57 ENC.
E / Especify the way forward of the HSWG defining further actions working with other themes like Dredging, Offshore Construction, and others beyond Safety of Navigation.
Work Items
Work item / Title / PriorityH-high
L-low / Next milestone / Start
Date / End
Date / Status
S-Superseded / Contact Person(s) / Related Pubs / Standard / Remarks
A.1 / Maintain and Extend S-100 / H / Draft 6thEdition ofS-44 / 2017-2020 / Permanent / P / CHAIR
B! / Development of the revision work and definition of the sub task to have the work distributed. / H / HSSC 9 / 2017 / 2017 / P / Chair / MS
B.2 / Call for experts in each area bringing up the discussion. / M / HSSC 9 & 10 / 2017 2018 / 2017
2018 / P / MS / Experts
C.1 / Call for Theme experts and other IHO Bodies for new approaches on requirements to be included on the Draft / H / HSSC 10 / 2019 / 2019 / P / MS / Experts / IHO Bodies
C.2 / Development of the requirements and definition of the sub task to be Included in the WP. / H / HSSC 10 / 2019 / 2020 / P / Yong Baek (KHOA)
C.3 / Include requirements on the Standard as part of the existing Chapters or including Chapters/Annexes / H / HSSC 11 / 2020 / 2019
2010 / P / Chair / MS
D-1 / Liaise with other HSSC Bodies to verify the possibility to execute. / H / HSSC 9 / 2017 / 2017 / P / MS/HSSC Bodies
E-1 / Star the discussion on the way forward. / H / HSSC-11 / 2020 / 2020 / P / MS/HSSC