Welcome to Women’s Golf Central North Coast’s Second Newsletter for 2017
The Pennant final was played on Monday the 26th June at Kempsey Golf Club. It was a tough battle between Port Macquarie Pearls and South West Rocks with Port Macquarie Pearls taking out the honours! Well done to all the players. We were lucky enough to have a beautiful sunny winter’s day and the Kempsey ladies provided a ‘celebration cake’ as a treat, thank you! Photos can be found on our website ( WGCNC would like to thank all the participating clubs and players and we look forward to seeing you in 2018 for some more hard fought matches!
Junior Golf
A huge field of more than 260 players converged for the 2017 NSW Junior Championships at Toukley and Shelly Beach Golf clubs. Two of our local girls, Pyper Hollis (Kew)and Madeleine Laws-Farrell (Port Macquarie)participated in the event and it was a terrific experience for them. Well done girls, their results were:
Pyper Hollis / NSW Junior Champs 44th; NSW Girls’ Country Junior Champs 14th;Girls’ 15 Years’ Cup Scratch 8th; Nett 7th
Madeleine Laws-Farrell / NSW Junior Champs 46th; NSW Girls’ Country Junior Champs 17th;
Girls’ 14 Years’ Cup Scratch 5th; Nett Tied 5th
WGCNC District Medal Final Results held at
Coffs Harbour Golf Club:
A good representation from Clubs with 41 players
Div 1: Wendy Johnstone (Coffs Harbour)
Div 2: Betty Ezzy (Wauchope)
Div 3: Phyllis Barnaby (Wauchope)
What’s Coming Up?
15th September, KENOFourBall Championship District Final at Sawtell
9th October, GNSW District Medal playoff at Port Macquarie
District open days – see local notice boards for details
- Harrington Waters; Nambucca Heads; Bowraville; Kempsey; Wingham; Wauchope; Bulahdelah & Woolgoolga.
What’s New? Changes to the Rules of Golf
Earlier this year the R&A and USGA announced that following an extensive review process, significant changes to the Rules of Golf had been proposed for implementation from 1st January 2019. Golfers worldwide are encouragedto review the proposed changes and submit feedback online via a worldwide survey. That survey can be accessed via the URL until the 31st August. This is an opportunity for you to give some feedback!