30% Public Comment Responses to MBTA Salem Intermodal Parking Garage

R1. Pedestrian access and safety are a high priority for the MBTA and the design team and are being address in the design of the new facility. The proposed bridge that extends Washington Street to connect Bridge Street to the second level of the new facility will include a separate path and accessible ramp for pedestrians. The path gives pedestrians direct access to the elevator, stairs, and waiting area. The waterfront elevation will have a pedestrian path along the building facade leading to the buses, kiss and ride, and train platform.

R2. Future Salem development may include city path improvements and footbridge that ascends to North Street overpass on the courthouse side.

R3. The design team will review and consider lighting fixtures used for the Mass Highway bypass project in the design of the lighting system at the new facility to ensure design continuity.

R4. Vehicles will have two points of access and egress from the parking facility. At ground level, the access and egress will be located on the waterfront facade. At Bridge Street level, the access and egress will be via a new bridge that connects the second level of the garage to Bridge Street and Washington Street intersection.

R5. The image of the new facility is very important to the design team. We will be incorporating canopy roof elements, stair towers, and arches into the design of the new facility. The materiality of the building will include elements of brick with masonry lintels to express Salem's architectural character, glass for visibility and safety, and precast concrete for portions of the garage structure.

R6. The design team considered a scheme in 2004 in which the existing train tracks along the river's edge were moved to the railroad spur between the City lot and the MBTA lot. This scheme has not been pursued at this time for several reasons. The structure and cost for re-establishing the railroad spur and extending a tunnel for the railroad was too high compared to the net benefit that would result. Coordination with the Guilford Corporation for public access to the waterfront is continuing but no conclusions have been made. The availability of funds to complete the new parking facility and station upgrades expires in December of 2011 and limits coordination efforts to gain waterfront access to the public. Currently, relocating railway spur along the waterfront is not part of the scope of this project. The design of the new facility does not preclude future public access to the waterfront.

R7. The design team did not combine the City lot with the MBTA lot in the present scheme because the market research for residential, commercial, and mixed-use development completed in 2008 indicated that the market did not support the cost of development at this time. The City is reserving the right to develop its lot in the future when the market environment will support healthy development for city residents.

R8. The estimated construction budget is between $40-45 million. This number includes station improvements such as full high platform and a new bridge connecting Bridge Street and Washington Street intersection with the second level of the proposed parking facility.

R9. Extending Washington Street to the waterfront is beyond the scope of this project. The design of the project will not preclude access to the waterfront in the future.

R10. Restoring the existing signal tower is not part of the scope of this project. Our design allows for the future reuse of the signal tower in a later phase of Salem's master plan for the City. The tower was moved 90 ft to its present location in order to construct the Bridge Street viaduct in the 50’s. The interlocking equipment was removed in the 40’s.

R11. The new bridge connecting Bridge Street and Washington Street intersection with the second level of the parking facility will include both pedestrian and vehicular access and egress with an improved signaled crossing and crosswalk to help pedestrians safely cross Bridge Street. Vehicular access and egress from parking facility on the new bridge is critical to the function and level of service of the new parking facility. Pedestrians will have a separate, well lit and safe path and accessible ramp on the new bridge.

R12. The new facility will incorporate a heated and air conditioned enclosed waiting area with direct access to bus berths and train platform to protect mass transit patrons from the elements and help orient visitors unfamiliar to the City of Salem.

The waiting area will provide for amenities such as information kiosk, coffee and newspaper vendors.

R13. Through increased parking capacity and station improvements, Salem's new intermodal station is expected to encourage higher use of Salem's mass transit system.

R 14.The complexities of the site coupled with state and federal regulations for access to commuter rail and MBTA buses do not translate well for using the ground floor of the Commissioner's Court House as an entrance to Salem MBTA Station, or placing one level of the parking facility underground.

R15. The character of the new facility and entry to MBTA Salem Station is intended to respect the history and urban fabric of the City of Salem.

R16. The design team concurs with Salem residents who have voiced that the market does not currently support mixed use air rights development in lieu of a parking facility. The City of Salem is prudently reserving the City lot for future development when the market will support a mixed use development.

R17. The design team concurs with Salem residents who have voiced that it is in the City's interest to use SIP funding and comply with the December 2011 deadline for the completion of Salem MBTA Intermodal Center. The completion of this project along with the parking facility in design at Beverly Depot would fulfill the mandate to provide a net additional 1 000 spaces.

R18. Accessibility is a crucial need for parents with young children and baby carriages, the elderly, and the temporarily or permanently disabled. The design team recognizes the importance of accessibility especially at Salem Station, one of the busiest stations in the system, and is proceeding with the design of a full high platform that will reduce overall walking distance for all patrons as part of the new facility construction and station improvements. In addition to the full high platform, we are also providing a ramp from Bridge Street level to platform level for ease of use for the disabled and cyclists, and elevator access within the parking structure.

R19. The design of proposed facility does not include public restrooms.

R20. The design team has angled the waterfront fagade of the facility by stepping each bay of the facility to comply with the Water Dependent Use Zone set backs required by state and federal regulations. The triangular shape of the MBT A lot also limits the configuration of the parking structure.

R21.The direct route from the platform to Bridge Street and Washington Street will be well lit and clearly delineated with signage.

R22. Future conversion to a double track or allowing a future conversion to electricity is not in the scope of this project. The design of this project will not inhibit these future decisions.

R23. The given station site is located near the downtown at the end of Washington Street, north of Bridge Street. The grade elevation of the existing MBT A parcel is approximately eighteen feet below the elevation of Bridge Street. Additionally the triangular site is bounded on two sides by tracks and rights-of-way controlled by the Guilford Corporation. To the North, the Guilford tracks are active and mostly used as layover space. The geometry of the site has determined the functional layout of the proposed parking facility.

R24. The design team has kept the massing as low as possible while still fulfilling the required parking space count on site. We continue to study the plans and construction details in an attempt reduce the height and mass of the building further.

R25. The design team is currently studying the possibility of making all levels similar in height to allow on-ramp parking on all levels.

R26. The design team has located the elevator within the waiting area that has a direct connection with the platform for the convenience of all mass transit patrons.

R27. The design team is considering both precast and hybrid systems for the structure of the parking facility. Preference for the precast system voiced by some Salem residents will be taken into consideration.

R28. The kis- and-ride area in the proposed design resides just north of the parking facility conveniently adjacent to the mid-section of the full high platform.

R29. Design team members have been on site and have experienced the high volume periods and realize how busy those hours are.

R30. The design team will look to existing Salem civil buildings such as the court houses and the old depot for design influence so that the proposed structure complements Salem's existing urban fabric.

R31. The design team is studying the plans in an attempt to reduce the height and mass of the building further. The site, however, is situated on fill land and is not compatible for below grade structured parking.

R32. Per Massachusetts Building Code, the garage will be classified as an open structure, and at least 40% of the facade must remain open. This requirement, however, does not preclude aesthetic design that will complement Salem's strong civil buildings.

R33. The design of future development on the City lot is not part of the scope of this project. Nevertheless, the design team is working closely with Mayor Driscoll and her team and the City of Salem to provide proper coordination for the future development of the City lot.

R34. MBTA Salem Intermodal Center project and Bridge Street redevelopment project are on two separate schedules. The Bridge Street redevelopment will take place after the completion of Salem Intermodal Center. The design team is coordinating with Mass Highway so that the structure for the two projects will be compatible.

R35. Landscape design will be further developed in the next phase of design.

R36. Security cameras are part of the project to enhance site safety, but the number and locations for cameras are to be determined in future design phases.

R37. The bus berths are located on the north side of the parking facility so that passengers will not have to traverse the bus lane in order to safely exit the site or board commuter rail trains.

R38. The design team and the MBT A will include advance communications systems wherever possible in the project.

R39. The design team will take into consideration the request for painted crosswalk in this location.

R40. The creation of formal walkways, such as the path from north Salem, outside the boundaries of the MBT A site is not currently part of the scope. The site design does not preclude the integration of future formal paths. We are further developing the landscape design to include crosswalks and vegetation within the MBTA site and at new bridge connecting the station to Bridge Street and Washington Street intersection.

R41. Build out of the Guilford easement is beyond the scope of this project, however, the current design allows for future build out of the Guilford easement.

R42. Current safety regulations prohibit the use of pedestrian track crossings. The locations where pedestrian track crossings are in use have been grandfathered.

R43. The design team will be providing bike racks and accessible ramps for pedestrians and cyclists.

R44. Extending Washington Street to the waterfront is not within the scope of this project.

R45. The design team will be conducting a formal traffic study within site and surrounding vicinity in the next phase of design to assist the preparation of phasing plans for parking and MBTA operations during construction.

R46. The number of parking spaces that will be provided in the new parking facility will range from 842-900 spaces. The number of spaces that will be designate to DCAM is to be determined.

R47. The Bridge Street project is not within the scope of the Salem Intermodal Center project.

R48. The design of the proposed parking facility will accommodate a future connection to structures on the City lot when it is developed.

R49. The design team plans to incorporate LEED principles and green building practices into the project.

R50. The design of the canopy for the train platform is in development.