Chapter 7 States of Consciousness Pages 250-290

“To be conscious is to be aware.”

“The cerebral Cortex is the seat of human consciousness”

Reading Notes focus on the following:

Part 1

1.  What is Consciousness?

  1. (Know a strong definition)
  2. Waking Consciousness
  3. Describe altered states of Consciousness (ASC)
  4. How does culture impact the interpretation of consciousness?
  5. Sleep- is an innate biological rhythm
  6. What should you do if you micro-sleep while driving?

8.  Sleep Deprivation and Sleep deprivation psychosis

  1. What is the basic sleep pattern and what are the factors associated

with it?

  1. How many hours do most people sleep?
  2. EEG and sleep
  3. Brain waves in sleep, Alpha, Beta, Sleep spindles, Hypnic Jerk,

Delta Waves, Theta Waves

  1. Outline the Stages of sleep: 1,2,3,4,
  2. REM and NREM Sleep

15.  Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia, Sleepwalking, Nightmares,

Night Terrors

  1. Chronic insomnia
  2. Stimulus control
  3. How might someone end a recurring nightmare?
  4. Narcolepsy, Sleep Apnea
  5. Calvin Hall and Dreams
  6. Freud’s Psychodynamic Dream Theory and wish fulfillment
  7. Hobson and McCarley-The Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis

Part 2

23.  Mesmer

  1. What are the essential elements of hypnotism process?
  2. How can hypnotism by useful?
  3. Sensory deprivation how is it achieved and what are its purposes?
  4. Hypnagogic Waves

Drug Altered Consciousness – Psychoactive Drugs

  1. How do drugs affect the Brain?

29.  Two types of dependence

  1. Drug Tolerance
  2. List the pattern of abuse= drug taking behavior
  3. List stimulants and depressants-

choose 2 of your favorites in each category

and note things you learn

  1. Barbiturates do what?
  2. Read about alcohol- are you on path to a drinking problem?

(see page 278)

  1. Review Hallucinogens, how do they work on the brain and which are most widely used?
  2. Read Psychology in Action

A Step Beyond: page 286

Drug Abuse:

Why do people use drugs?

·  Curiosity,

·  Peer pressure to belong

·  Escape

·  Feelings of inadequacy…

Best predictor of adolescent drug use and abuse:

·  Having friends who use drugs

·  Parental drug use

·  Delinquency

·  Troubled family life

·  Poor self esteem

·  Social nonconformity

·  Stressful life changes

Taking drugs is a symptom of maladjustment- not necessarily a cause.

Description of adolescents who use drugs:




Emotionally distressed

Anti-social behavior

School failure

Risky sexual behavior

People use drugs to cope with life

Drugs produce immediate feelings of pleasure “Feel good on demand”

Consequences are delayed

This dynamic creates a compulsion to take drugs

Lifestyle problems result from the habit and effects of the drug use