Happy November everyone! We would like to announce that the Book It reading incentive program has started at Halethorpe. Students should be reading 300 minutes each month in order to win a pizza certificate. Students who read 300 minutes for three months may win a pass to Sky Zone and will also be invited to participate in the reading celebration later this year so please encourage your children to read, read, read. As former President Harry S. Truman once said “not all readers are leaders but all leaders are readers.”
In Pre K for the monthNovember Pre K will be learning about their communities and the important components of a community. They will focus on neighborhoods, community helpers, cities, and towns.
In phonics students will learn the letters Tt, Ee, Gg, and Rr and the sounds associated with them. They will also be learning the sight words “a” and “in.”
Happy November!
This month in phonics kindergarten students will be identifying the lowercase and uppercase lettersIi, Nn, and Cc and the sounds that go with them. They will also be examining the high frequency words “to”and “go”.
In reading students will work on learning to visualize while reading or listening to stories and will be identifying key details in the stories. They will also learn to ask themselves questions about a story while reading and search for the answers to help build comprehension.
In math this month Kindergarteners will examine what a pattern is and work on duplicating and extending identified patterns using things such as shapes, colors, and other items.
In social studies Kindergarten will study Thanksgiving and why we celebrate Thanksgiving. Look for your child to bring home fun Thanksgiving activities that they completed in school.
Happy November first graders and parents!
In reading for November first graders will be learning about non-fiction texts and will be focusing on identifying the main topic and key details. They are also continuing to practice reading fluently and are continuing to learn new sight words.
In phonics they are learning the short vowel sounds for e and u and ending blends this month.
In math this month students are learning about geometry. They will be identifying shapes, their attributes, and how shapes fit together. In science students will learn about different habitats and the animals that might live in them.
Happy November! In reading for the month of November 2nd graders will be reading non-fiction texts and examining text features and the author’s purpose for writing the text. They will also be comparing and contrasting while reading non-fiction texts.
In math 2nd graders will learn about 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes and their attributes. They will also learn doubles combinations and work on solving story problems by identifying important information, the correct operations, and set the problem up.
In science students rotate through different units based on their class. The units that students are learning are Space Odyssey, Bee an Engineer (pollination), and If…Then (cause and effect).
Happy November!
In reading for the month of November students will be reading fables and determining the moral of the fable using text details. At the end of the unit every student will be writing their own fable using what they have learned. They will also create a persuasive writing in an attempt to persuade classmates that a moral that they have chosen is important to follow.
In math this month 3rd graders will be adding and subtracting two and three digit numbers by breaking them apart and regrouping. Students will also be learning about story problems and identify important vocabulary that is used to help them solve them. While adding and subtracting students will round and estimate to check to see if their sums and differences make sense.
In science 3rd graders will be studying the Chesapeake Bay and describe why it is important, what is harming it, and what we can do to help protect it from things such as erosion, runoff, overharvesting, and chemicals. At the end of the unit each student will create a poster portraying information about what is harming the bay in order to persuade the rest of the school to help save the bay.
Happy November, 4th Grade Parents!
In reading for the month of November 4th graders will continue to read Wonder and examine the different points of view from the characters telling the story. Students are also working on a Living History Museum project in which students are researching a famous person, creating a timeline of the person’s life, and writing a speech in first person, pretending to be the person they researched. The Living Museum plans to be open on November 18th from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM so please stop in to see your child portray their famous person.
In math 4th graders will learn factors and multiples and will learn about multiplication as repeated addition, groups, and arrays. They will be learning to multiply two and three digit numbers by one digit numbers. They will also use estimation to determine whether or not their products are reasonable.
In Science students are continuing to learn about space before moving on to social studies where they will study our nation’s origins, Native Americans, and the different customs and traditions associated with Native Americans and how they lived.
Happy November, 5th Grade Parents and Students!
In reading, students will be starting a new reading unit. They will be reading a variety of informational texts which will help them explore and answer the question “how does passion and persistence help you achieve your goals?”, “how can you transform your ideas into actions?’ and “how can people transform their world?” Students will also begin to practice integrating information across multiple texts in order to gain a greater understanding of complex, real world problems, such as alternative forms of energy and Earth’s dwindling water supply.
In math 5th graders will be learning how to multiply decimals with whole numbers as well as how to multiply decimals by decimals. They will also be learning to divide whole numbers and decimals. While students are multiplying and dividing they will estimate the product of quotient in order to determine whether their answers are reasonable or not.
In social studies students are be learning about the colonial times and how geography had an effect on the economy and the daily lives of colonists. They will examine the natural resources present in each area and how they led to specialized work in each area and interdependence among the colonies as well as between the colonies and England.