Photographs of site locations in the Cloon catchment, 2009.

Site CN1

CloonRiver–75m US Ford below New Bridge (R 16377 56216)

Bouldery riffle with a significant coverage of FGA[1]. Heavy siltation.

Site CN2

CloonRiver Tributary – DS New Bridge (R 16555 56452)

Access across farmland DS of bridge. Small cobbly stream, drained through farmland in the past. Short section of riffle sampled below ford and cattle access. Not ideal sampling location –however the tributary has been drained upstream..

Site CN3

CloonRiverDS Bridge at R 16820 57626 (R 16820 57626)

Bouldery/cobbly riffle. Considerable coverage of rooted macrophyte. Significant deposition of silt ,visible, even in riffle.

Site CN4

CloonRiver Tributarynear Lisseyvurriheen (R 17460 57600)

Immediately US and DS from the bridge sampled. Very small stream, completely overgrown with bramble and scrub. Inaccessible, apart from this short section near the bridge. Not ideal habitat for Q sampling, as there is a cattle access point DS from the bridge where substrates are quite disturbed. Very little instream vegetation, heavy siltation.

Site CN5

CloonRiver Tributary – near Cloondrinagh(R 17109 59022)

Approx. 50m US from the bridge. Small cobbly stream, drained in the past. Construction works and drainage around the bridge DS from this sampling point. Very uniform habitat with little instream vegetation. Moderate siltation.

Site CN6

CloonRiver Tributary – DS CroanyBridge (R 16860 60190)

Just US of bridge. Very small cobbly stream. Highly shaded. Combination of short riffles and glides with soft substrates. Evidence of being drained in the past - the hydromorphology altered due to past deepening and widening.

Site CN7

CloonRiver – CroanyBridge (R 16801 06002)

Bouldery riffle 15m US from road bridge. Some FGA and quite a significant silt plume, with siltation visible in pools/glides upstream.

Site CN8

CloonRiver – Bridge US Cranny (R 17314 62003)

Samples collected approx. 20m DS from road bridge. Cobbly riffle with some FGA. And a significant silt plume visible. Probably drained in the past.

Site CN9

CloonRiver – Upper (R19815 62971)

Bouldery/cobbly riffle sampled approx 30m US from road bridge. Very little instream vegetation. Significant silt plume. Very uniform habitat, probably drained in past. New field drainage and eroded cattle access points observed downstream.

Site CN10

CloonRiver,upper tributary –BreaghvaBridge (R 21718 63930)

Steep sided gully stream. Sample collectedapprox. 75m DS from the bridge. Bouldery/cobbly riffle/cascade type habitat. A lot of disturbance upstream– where the gully has been in-filled with large boulders and new gravel has been placed in relation to an adjacent construction site.

[1]FGA = Filamentous Green Alga.