In This Months Issue
March 2014
Life is at an odd place.
As Brenda and walked out the parsonage back door on Valentine’s Day for our last time, I reflected back on our arrival back in September of 2005. Back then, the parsonage was being cleaned and prepared for our arrival by several church members who desperately wanted to make our new home welcoming. Other than the kitchen, the house was in tip top shape when we arrived. As you may all remember, Don Dupes was demo’ing the kitchen so that when we arrived I could remodel the kitchen and create the kitchen we now have enjoyed over eight years. I worked at the kitchen design plans with a small committee, assisted by Don at times, several subcontractors, and my brother who came from Maine to help install the new cabinets. Because, I had my pastoral duties to attend to, this project took a while and was only completed one day before our first annual Christmas Open House in December of 2005.
Our stay at the Pine Street parsonage has been most delightful and yet at times, a little challenging. Three years after completing the kitchen we discovered the dining room ceiling was collapsing. There were signs well in advance of the ceiling tiles that began to loosen dropping debris onto our table. Again, calling upon my brother in Maine, he and I repaired and reinforced the sagging/broken beam in the ceiling. Brenda and I spent the next several months resurfacing, priming and painting the dining room walls and floor.
The last couple of years we have worked at other more generalized projects of dealing with the basement, yard work, some exterior painting and other issues that have arose. Most recently, we had to repair/reinforce roof rafters that were cracked and split (These were discovered by the buyer’s building inspector.).
Backing up to the listing of the parsonage in September of 2013 - it is bitter sweet that eight years from the time of our arrival our home would go up for sale. I think we somehow became quite attached to the parsonage, especially the delightful large rooms, renovated spaces and the fun times on the front porch with friends, family and neighbors. We have enjoyed annual Open Houses with all of you sharing delicious treats, your time, stories and laughter. And, we have been privileged to walk to work for over eight years.
So….. Thank you all for making this happen. We have amazing memories of our time at 122 Pine Street. We leave with many emotions stirring in our heart…. Many good feelings, warmth, joy, happiness and delight…. While at the same time, a sadness in leaving its beauty and blessing of comfort and safety. We shall always remain appreciative of this time at the parsonage.
And now our journey takes a new path to 298 Ryan Road. We moved to Ryan Road amid hundreds of boxes. Very much like our move into the parsonage, our home on Ryan Road was without a kitchen. It too needed upgrading and renovation. So, as I write Brenda and I continue to settle in to our home amid the boxes - slowly unpacking, sorting and organizing. It feels good to be there. We feel blessed to have found a place less than a mile from church and look forward to serving you and Christ together as we begin another chapter.
Lastly, I sense that there are mixed emotions regarding the sale of the parsonage… some feeling great relief from the constant financial strain of owning the parsonage while others saddened to lose the property. This is natural. As we turn the page and as a church begin to write the next chapter we need to focus on how our energy will best serve God. Without the worry and constant maintenance of the parsonage to attend to, can we redirect our attention to envisioning who God calls us to be? Can, will we direct our attention to God’s call of the Florence Congregational Church to engage in ministering to the Florence community and beyond?
Where do you fit in? What is God calling you to do? In the upcoming months, beginning with Lenten worship, we will focus on God’s intention… or maybe better said, how we are interpreting God’s call upon us to be church… to be the people of God… to be Christ’ witness in this ever-changing 21st century world. I invite you to consider participating in our Lenten journey of discernment… consider engaging in the conversation of the church’s future… listen to God… search your heart… pray, reflect, and consider what God is doing and what God is calling you (us) to do.
Lent is the time to examine… to evaluate… to discern God’s purpose for your life. As we all intentionally look deep inside, may we respond boldly to God’s intent…. May God give us a clear vision of our future together, and may we respond with commitment, determination, zeal and courage.
In Christ, Pastor Irv
From the
A friend sent this to me, since I found it inspiring; I hope it will inspire you too.
Today is a gift – Embrace it with joy and anticipation. Realize the possibilities. It beacons you toward your destination in life.
Be at peace –you are exactly where you are meant to be at this moment. God has carefully chosen the people, events, joys and challenges on your path today. The things you encounter are stepping stones of what is to come. Make the most of today.
Focus on the “present” – You will see and appreciate things you might otherwise miss.
Follow your heart – search to find your purpose in life and you will find meaning and happiness. Use your talents, do your best, contribute make a difference. Because you can!
Be passionate about your journey – Sing, dance, laugh and love as you go. Give praise and allow time for prayer. The promise of tomorrow begins with the endeavors of today. Do not let the “fast-forward” pace of the world deprive you from savoring “the now”.
Seek things that fill you with love and bring you joy – Have faith, it fosters hope; it makes a difference. Believe; with god all things are possible. Live well, live today because it is a gift.
Bonnie Mohr
In Christ,
Stop, look and listen
Lent, the season of the church year that’s associated with repentance, begins on Ash Wednesday (March 5 this year). While some people deny themselves by giving up something for Lent, others prepare for Easter through special Bible studies or devotions. Christians observe Lent for these reasons: • It causes us to STOP. Lent says, “Stop and rest awhile,” as well as “Stop doing wrong.” • It tells us to LOOK. Look inward for an honest self-examination. Look upward to see the cross of Christ offering healing and love. Look forward to the hope of the Resurrection. • It tells us to LISTEN. Listen to the words of Christ. Listen to the voice of God. Listen to the winds of the Spirit of God. Stop, look and listen. These three words aren’t only important for our safety in travel; they’re also helpful for our journey through the 40 days of Lent.
Lenten Worship Services and Holy Week Schedule
Ash Wednesday Service March 5 7:00 pm Evening Service
1st Sunday in Lent March 9
2nd Sunday in Lent March 16 Traditional Worship Service
3rd Sunday in Lent March 23 10:00 am
4th Sunday in Lent March 30
5th Sunday in Lent April 6
Palm Sunday April 13 Worship w/Palm Processional
Maundy Thursday April 17 6:30 pm Light meal & Tenebrae Worship Service
Easter Sunday April 20 Sunrise Service – Time still to be determined
Easthampton Cong’l Church will again have an Easter Sunrise Service at the Molitoris Apple Orchard. More info to come in the April Newsletter.
10:00 am Traditional Easter Worship Service at FCC
Lectionary Readings for March 2014
March 2, 2014
1st Reading – Exodus 24:12-18
Psalter – Psalm 99
2nd Reading – 2 Peter 1:16-21
Sermon Lesson – Isaiah 48:8-16
March 5, 2014
Ash Wednesday
1st Reading – Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
Psalter – Psalm 51:1-17
2nd Reading – 2 Corinthians 5:20b - 6:10
Gospel Lesson – Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
March 9, 2014
1st Sunday in Lent
1st Reading – Genesis 2:15-3:21
Psalter –Psalm 32
2nd Reading – Romans 5:12-19
Gospel Lesson – Matthew 4:1-11
March 16, 2014
2nd Sunday in Lent
1st Reading – Genesis 12:1-4a
Psalter –Psalm 121
2nd Reading – Romans 4:1-5, 13-17
Gospel Lesson – John 3:1-17
March 23, 2014
3rd Sunday in Lent
1st Reading – Exodus 17:1-7
Psalter –Psalm 95
2nd Reading – Romans 5:1-11
Gospel Lesson – John 4:5-42
March 30, 2014
4th Sunday in Lent
1st Reading – 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Psalter – Psalm 23
2nd Reading – Ephesians 5:8-14
Gospel Lesson – John 9:1-41
The Parish Visitor is a publication of the Florence Congregational Church, issued monthly.
To submit articles for future issues, please contact the church office at 584-1325,
Tues - Thurs 9am-1pm or email the church at
Church Record
Evelyn Cooper Member February 1, 2014
Iris Sawin Member February 25, 2014
Prayer Group
We always welcome a follow up for concerns expressed in worship service. Please let Pastor Irv
know if the situation has changed. We meet weekly on Thursdays at 1:00 pm.
Please remember these people in your
Prayers and consider visiting or
sending a card this month.
Marion Foster, 29 Rust Ave.
Northampton, MA 01060
Millie Hendricks c/o Robbie Douyard
49 Egypt Road South Deerfield MA 10370
Helen Huntington c/o Linda Manor Rm 100
349 Haydenville Rd, Leeds MA 01053
Sharon Kellstrom (Marion Foster’s daughter)
9794 Westchester Dr., Omaha NE 68114-3875
Edna Murphy - Rm 214 - Hadley at Elaine,
20 N. Maple St., Hadley MA 01035
Rev. Dr. Arvel M. Steece
49 Dragon Hill Rd, Shelburne MA 01370
Lucille Temple
27 Grandview St., Florence MA 01062
Reminder: Please notify the church office if you have a friend or family member who would like a visit from an FCC representative (Pastor Irv, Diane, etc.). Thank you
Spring renewal
By reading the Scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet. —Thomas Merton
Kids Page
March Birthdays
03/01 Janet Selavka
03/03 David McGrath (Michelle’s)
03/06 Sarah Sadowski
03/09 Bruce Cowan
03/09 Jeanne Popiolek
03/12 Elyse Chastain
03/12 Abbigail Jarvis
03/13 Rebecca Lang
03/13 Saleen Moors
03/15 Mildred Hendricks
03/16 Marie Durant
03/16 Michael DeBenedetto-Plummer
03/17 David Nanartonis
03/19 Mary Ann Loux
03/20 Alice Hawley
03/21 Rosel Lapalme
03/21 Joanne Moynihan
03/21 Art Wright
03/21 Nicholas Stodulski
03/22 Fred Uhlig
03/24 Michelle Perez
03/24 Evelene Hawley
03/24 Joanne Taylor
03/25 Sean Paper
03/29 Jonathan Harvey
03/30 John Ward
03/30 Kiley Bissell
March Anniversaries
03/09 Alwyn & Angela Fitzgerald
Spring Craft Fair - Fundraiser update
It is hard to believe it is time to start thinking about our spring event. Especially as I shovel snow. But spring will come! I need some input for this event. In the past we have facilitated a bake sale, Raffle, selling church made pies and a light lunch along with renting table to crafters. I would like feed back on which add-ons to keep and which to drop, who would be willing to coordinate which area. Please see me at church or call me at home 527- 6728.
I will need to have this information soon so I can start sending out applications and advertising.
The spring craft fair is scheduled for May 17, 2014 from 9am – 2pm. I look forward to hearing from you and getting your ideas to make this a successful fundraiser for the Church.
Diane Barrett, Coordinator