Swallowfield Parish Council

meeting 11 June 2013/cont.






Mr. P. Sampson (Chairman)

Mrs. C. Clark Mr. G. Collender

Mr. E. Handley Mrs. A. King

Mrs. H. Lewis Mrs. M. McDonald

Members of the Public: 0

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Mr. J. Anderson and Mrs. B. Stanley


There were no Declarations of Interest declared.


On behalf of all members the Chairman thanked the Clerk for her donation to the Council of a hand-made gavel and block which would be used at all future meetings.

Wokingham Job Support Centre – the AGM in July was noted.


a) the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th May 2013 were agreed a correct record.

b) matters arising and outstanding actions from last meeting

Ø  MDD DPD – noted that the Lambs Lane had been included in site inspections, but not the Trowes Lane site. Mr. Ian Hammond had represented the Parish Council at the examination and had circulated a note on the matter.[1]

Ø  Online banking – still no legislation to allow the PC to operate this way. It was agreed that the Finance Working Group would continue to monitor the situation and refer the matter back to the Parish Council when the legislation changed.



Planning Committee meeting – notes of the meeting held on 28th May had been circulated, summarised as below -

11/O/2013/0600 – Outline Planning consent for the demolition of MOD buildings and redevelopment of Arborfield Garrison and adjoining land; and full permission for other connected matters including the SANG; reuse of existing MOD gymnasium to community use; and various highway alterations Comments required by 21 June

It had been agreed that the PC would comment on issues relevant to this parish, including –

Flooding, Highways, Impact on Farley Hill, Environment and Education and that final comments would be agreed at the PC meeting on 11th June, but in the meantime a paper showing the PC’s main concerns in bullet point form would be circulated to Farley Hill residents.

12/F/2013/0818 – Proposed erection of a single storey rear extension, Boanti House, Swallowfield Street, Swallowfield

Agreed that the PC had no objection to this application.

Results as follows had been noted

7/F/2013/0550 – proposed erection of a detached 3 bay garage/car port, Chusan, Church Road, Farley Hill (PC objected to the building in its present form but a building of the type described in the application would be acceptable in principle subject to some issues of concern being resolved)

PP granted May 2013 with conditions

8/F/2013/0637 - proposed erection of a single storey side extension to dwelling, following demolition and removal of existing conservatory, Pollards, Jouldings Lane, Farley Hill (PC questioned volume and scale and noted that there was no supporting design and access statement, but there will be very little visual impact from a distance compares with the existing)

PP granted May 2013

9/F/2013/0713 - proposed erection of two storey side extension plus single storey front porch extension. Erection of double detached garage and carport. (Demolition of single storey side extension and double garage). Raising of roof of annexe to allow for loft conversion. Farley Hill Cottage, Church Lane, Farley Hill (PC noted previous reasons for refusal and also that the design and access statement lacked detail; also that there were no details of the proposed garage – so objected to the application as it stood)

PP granted May 2013

Appeals - Fairlands Appeal

77/F/2011/2602 – Proposed change of use of land for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes for 4 no Gypsy pitches together with the formation of additional hard standing and utility/dayrooms ancillary to that use, and removal of two disused stable blocks, Fairlands, Church Road, Farley Hill (PC strongly objected) Permission refused November 2012 - Reasons: site not close to facilities or public transport; detrimental to visual amenities due to its elevated location; failure to make provision for adequate services and infrastructure; and no TBH SPA mitigation

Appeal reference APP/X0360/A/13/2195054. Comments required by 13/06/2013

Grounds of appeal – the site is located in a sustainable location for a gypsy site; gypsy sites are allowed outside settlement limits; a unilateral agreement will be signed in relation to infrastructure contributions and in relation to the TBH SPA; other grounds include that the application is in line with policy and material considerations include need and the lack of alternative sites.

It was agreed that the Council would focus on the issues listed in the Grounds of Appeal. It was also agreed that people would be encouraged to write in to the Inspector and a leaflet would be prepared giving guidance on this.

It was noted that a leaflet had been prepared and circulated.

6.1 Current applications

11/O/2013/0600 – Outline Planning consent for the demolition of MOD buildings and redevelopment of Arborfield Garrison and adjoining land; and full permission for other connected matters including the SANG; reuse of existing MOD gymnasium to community use; and various highway alterations

Draft comments had been circulated to all members and were agreed subject to further input from Mr. Handley regarding transport and highway matters.[2]

It was noted that the leaflet had been circulated to Farley Hill residents at the same time as the leaflet regarding the Fairlands appeal. There was discussion on whether the flyer should also be circulated to Swallowfield and Riseley residents and it was agreed that copies would be made available at the pubs, shop and Tea Room and members would also leaflet their local areas.[3]

[Mr. Handley joined the meeting]

Adjoining parish consultation

13/F/2013/0852 – Proposed change of use from lorry repair and haulage yard to residential use for the erection of two new dwellings with new access, Meakins Transport, The Garage, Back Lane, Spencers Wood

It was PROPOSED and seconded that the PC had no objection to this application. All in favour.

Adjoining parish consultation

14/F/2013/0884 – Proposed construction of a new park and ride facility providing approx. 600 bays: terminal building together with blue badge holder, cycle and motorcycle parking, Mereoak Lane, Grazeley

It was PROPOSED and seconded that the PC had no objection to this application subject to WBC ensuring that flooding in the area would not be made worse and that attention should be given to trees and ditches in the vicinity and flood alleviation measures be put in place and a programme for future maintenance be firmly in place. Tarmac covering the whole area will increase water run off and this also needs to be taken into account. Apart from this the PC would like to see sensitive landscaping and the prevention of stray light pollution.

All in favour.

15/F/2013/0912 – Proposed erection of a single storey ancillary building with pitched roof, comprising a gym, games room and home office with additional guest accommodation in roof space, Watmore, Part Lane, Riseley

It was PROPOSED and seconded that the PC had no objection to this application subject to the conditions that (a) it shall only be used for residential purposes in conjunction with the main dwelling house and for no other purpose; and (b) the materials and construction shall be as described in the plans and associated design statement.

All in favour.

16/O/2013/0905 – Outline application for the erection of one detached dwelling (means of access, layout and scale to be considered), West Grey Lake, Part Lane, Riseley

It was PROPOSED and seconded that the PC strongly object to this application for the same reasons as for previous applications – mainly that it does not comply with policy.

All in favour.

Agreed that the previous Planning Committee Chairman, Mr. Bowker, would be thanked for his input on this application.[4]

17/F/2013/0988 – Application for the erection of 2 cattle sheds (retrospective), Cow City, Church Lane, Farley Hill

It was PROPOSED and seconded that the PC had no objection to this application subject to the conditions that (a) they only be used as cattle shelters and not for any other use, such as storage etc; and (b) that they are permitted only so long as they remain in regular use as cattle shelters and shall be taken down and the land restored in the event such use ceases.

All in favour.

6.2 Enforcements – information on current enforcement issues was noted.

6.3 SDLs –

Ø  Arborfield Relief Road - Mr. Handley reported on the meeting held on 10th June with WBC to which Mr. Gough Jacobs, a Farley Hill resident, had also been invited given his expertise in this area. It was noted that the preferred route for the road had still not been chosen, but that when it was eventually made public it was important that the PC make its comments. In the meantime, Mr. Handley would pass the planning application CDs to Mr. Jacobs.[5] There was further discussion regarding the concern over the analysis of accidents, where only those that had taken place at a road junction had been included, and it was agreed a comment on this would be made at the appropriate time.[6]

Ø  Meeting called by Finchampstead – it was noted that neither Mr. Handley nor Mrs. Lewis could attend the meeting on 17th June but Mr. Anderson had indicated that he would be available.[7]

Ø  The communication from Beech Hill PC with concerns over the implications of the new developments on villages nearby was noted.

6.4 SDLs Town Parish and Community Partnership Forum – it was noted that the next forum was on 20th June in Arborfield (7-9pm) and that Mr. Handley and Mrs. Lewis would be attending.[8]

6.5 GVO OH1120664R – the application for a new licence for 2 vehicles at Cow City, Church Lane, Farley Hill (Marc Tracy T/A MT Scaffolding) was noted and it was agreed that comments would be sent to WBC regarding timings, access, weekend working and no maintenance work to be undertaken on site. There was also concern that the application had been submitted by a scaffolding company.[9]

6.6 Planning training – the course on 17th July was noted and it was agreed that Mr. Sampson would attend as well as Mrs. Lewis and, hopefully, Mr. Anderson if he was available.[10]


(Budgets/investments/sinking fund/grants/properties/risk assessments/insurance)

Mr. Collender/Mr. Anderson/Mrs. Clark/Mrs. King/Mr. Sampson

7.1 Finance – Mrs. Clark reported on the new Income/Expenditure spread sheet that she had worked on with the Finance Officer and it was agreed that this new format was helpful in reviewing the budget situation and comparing the figures with those of the previous year.

ThThere was still work to be done and it was noted that some valuations remained outstanding.[11]

7.2 Annual Audit

i)  Review of Effectiveness of Internal Audit – a report on the meeting held on 30th May had been circulated and was noted

ii)  Internal Audit 2nd June – the Internal Auditor’s report was noted

iii)  Annual Return – the Annual Return was approved for signing, including the Annual Governance Statement, a copy of which had been attached to the agenda, where members acknowledged their responsibility for ensuring there was a sound system of internal control and that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, confirmed all the statements in the affirmative. All in favour. It was also noted that the Notice of Appointment and Summary of Electors’ Rights had both been posted on the public noticeboards.

7.32 Fieldfayre – it was noted that a strategy meeting would be held on 19th June to look at the issue of the rear offices. It was also noted that a statement recording the history of the shop business had been prepared as well as a second version containing more detailed information which was commercially confidential. It was agreed the detailed report would be included in the notes of the finance group’s next meeting.[12]

Rates appeal – it was noted that a meeting had been arranged with the Valuation Office on 20th June.[13]

7.34 Tennis court resurfacing – it was noted that, sadly the grant application had not been successful and therefore the lowest of the three quotes which had been obtained would be accepted (Quotes: Doe Sports - £16,270; Trevor May £15,790; Chiltern £14,625) on the basis that this would be for the two courts most in need of resurfacing (1 and 4) and that the RSF Tennis Club would contribute £2,500 towards the cost. It was noted that the decision to proceed if the grant failed had already been made at the February Council meeting (item 7.3), with subsequent discussions also at the March meeting. Chiltern Sports had therefore been engaged at a cost of £12,125 to the Council and £2,500 to the Club (total - £14,625).

The following information was also noted -

Ø  The Tennis Club pays to the Council an annual rent of £3,080 with a review every three years – next due in 2014

Ø  The Council has no other expenses on the sports building other than for the fabric of the building; all utilities, cleaning and internal decoration are managed and paid for by the club

Ø  The Council has been allocating £2,000 annually into the sinking fund in anticipation of the need for maintenance to the courts as one of its major assets