United Methodist Volunteers in Mission
June 27-29, 2007
ALL EXPENSES WILL BE PAID for one clergy person from each Memphis Conference District to attend Connect 2007 – the SEJ United Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM) yearly conference to be held at beautiful Lake Junaluska, NCJune 27-29, 2007. Event registration, accommodations, meals and travel expenses will be covered. This opportunity is designed for clergy in the Memphis Conference who have not had the opportunity to attend CONNECT in the past.
CONNECT’s theme for 2007 is “learn.go.serve”. Connect features key note speakers and offers workshops on a variety of mission topics including mission experiences for the novice, team leadership and international and domestic opportunities. Participants will have the opportunity to network with regional, national and international missionaries and leaders of short term missions and disaster related projects as well as to worship together during inspiring sessions.
If you’ve never been on any kind of mission trip, CONNECT is a great place to meet experienced leaders, learn skills, gain knowledge, find projects, or just ask questions. Teams, individuals, medical, disaster — whatever your interest — CONNECT is the place to begin or enhance your mission experience!
For more information about the event, click on the Connect link at
If interested, fill out the application on the back of this form and mail it to:
Rev. Daphne Moses, Memphis Conference UMVIM Coordinator
2571 North Highland Ave, Jackson, TN38305
Deadline to apply: April 15, 2007
Application for CONNECT, June 27-29, 2007
Memphis Conference - one clergy per district, all expenses paid
City ______State___ Zip______
Email address______
Write a paragraph below explaining why you would like to attend this event:
2007 Connect Schedule
Mail completed application by APRIL 15 DEADLINE to:
Rev. Daphne Moses, Memphis Conference UMVIM Coordinator
2571 North Highland Ave, Jackson, TN38305